The girl whose never done aegyo!

Beautifully Dangerous

After the sleepless night. Tao had raccoon eyes the next morning. It was almost 6am and he got up early to make himself something to eat—before everyone woke up to raid the kitchen. As he made his way to the bathroom, he bumped into Kitsune. She fell back but was caught by him.

            “Oh…Tao?” She said surprised to see him up this early.

            “Are you going to use the bathroom?” He questioned.

            “Ani, I’m all done. You can go ahead.” She said and walked back to her room.

It was a daily routine that Kitsune would follow every day; getting up early, making toast for herself and then going out for a jog. She left the house with Tao not noticing.

Kitsune jogged her way up a hill and into the park, passing by the local people who rose up this morning to attend exercising too. Kitsune would often spend her mornings alone, jogging around the neighborhood. Most of the active people in the morning took notice of the everyday fox coming around the corner. She spends mostly 1-2 hours out and about and soon returning back to wash up and join her members.

            “Looks like Kitsune went out for a jog today.”  Eun-Ah stretched as she came out of the hallway and into the kitchen to join the awaken people.

Mostly everyone was attended. Yuna and Mimi made breakfast for the guys.

            “Actually…Kitsune is already back and outside practicing Tai-chi again.” Mimi pointed out at the clear screen door; showing Kitsune in a meditated state. Kitsune mastered Tai-chi at a young age, and as she practices it, it was a form of meditation and yoga. She swiftly and slowly moved her hands and arms in position like the flow of the wind. Eyes closed, she had to rely on sound and vibrations. Gentle; never to harm anything in her path, and quick; to act in attack. Breathing in the air around her, she focused steadily.

Kris and Xiu Min went over holding coffee mugs to the screen door to take a better look at her practicing. Tao came along and watched her being relaxed and focus on her arts. Beautiful…is all Tao could say in his head as his eyes couldn’t stop staring.

Once the process of Tai-chi ended. Kitsune looked to see the guys staring at her. Xiu Min waved with a happy smile at her, but her eyes were concentrated on Tao’s, whose eyes kept her in a weird trance. That stare he gave her was powerful; with his cat like eyes, it was charming and spine chilling. He blushed away, cutting off the gaze. Kitsune came inside and popped a tatter tot into and then went into the bathroom to freshen up.

            “So what’s the schedule today umma?” Miyro asked Yuna.

One of the camera men came up and handed Yuna a list.—it was a mission.

            “Mission?” Yuna opened up the folder revealing the written document that stated:

To the wonderful BD! You’re mission today is to go to the mall with Exo and draw up a crowd and tell who BD is and what you have to show! Good luck!

The mission didn’t seem too hard. But since BD didn’t make a debut yet, was it going to be hard to attract people?

            “Kaja! Let’s get ready.” Yuna said as she pumped up the gang for they are going to take a trip to a large department store.

Everyone was all set and packed for the little trip. Going into their vans, they drove safely to the mall. The camera staff brought along their camera’s to start rolling and a megaphone for them to he heard. In quick notice, people started to notice Exo, and began cheering for them.

            “Looks like your fans are calling you Tao.” Miyro nudged on his arm.

Tao looked to see many fan girls screaming out his name and holding up their phone’s that read his name in neon lights waving in the air. He blushed with excitement but stuck close to Kris. In given moment, some fan girls started to notice Kitsune and called her “kawaii fox” a nickname they gave her. She took notice at the girls and waved at them with a shy smile.

            “Kitsune is so pretty!” One girl yelled out. Every other girls were still shouting out Exo but later cheered on for BD members.

When they got inside, the mall was pack with people. The camera crew then gave another mission card to the girls:

Today, we have set up something good for you to play. We have hidden clues around this mall for you to find, so split up in groups to search for these clues and come together to put the puzzle together, first group to solve the puzzle win and gets the bonus points of today’s round.

Yuna agreed and split the groups apart into members of four. Chanyeol grabbed onto Kris and Tao, as Yuna placed them with Kitsune. Chanyeol grinned happily that they were gonna be with the cute little maknae. Beak hyun, D.O, Suho and Yuna were another group. Kai, Sehun, Luhan and Eun-Ah were the other, and lastly Lay, Chen, Xiu Min, and Miyro and Mimi were the last.

            “1...2…3 go!” the camera crew said and they all scattered in different directions.

            “Kitsune~” Chanyeol grabbed hold of her arm. “Let’s go look in the toy store first!”

Toy store? She thought, may be being in this group is going to be fun! As the four made their way up to the second level of the mall, the sub-unit group has taken attention of girls and guys throughout the mail.

            “Be careful…” Tao said catching her as she almost slipped back. She didn’t notice the wet sign placed down, and felt embarrassed for being caught. Chanyeol grinned at the two having a little moment together, but broke it apart and took her away from him.

Inside the little kiddy store, the members looked around the area, while the camera crews followed along. Kitsune roamed around alone in different aisle, as she searched hard for any clue cards. A little girl ran into her and fell down. Kitsune picked up the child and dusted her dress, with a smile she cheered up the cute little girl.—Tao took notice and smiled at her from a distance.

            “Any luck?” Kris asked calling up all of them.

            “Ani…” They answered.

            “Then let’s go to the video game store!” Chanyeol requested.

As soon as they left the toys store, all of them meet up with Eun-Ah’s group in the gaming shop.

            “Did you guys have any luck?” Eun-Ah asked as she saw them enter. Kitsune shook her head. Where could those clue cards be?

In sudden outburst, one of the employees noticed Kitsune and called out her character name from the Japanese movie see starred in. “Aiyano~” Kitsune looked back to see a group of guys and girls smiling at her. As they approached they were all confident to be meeting the actress that played in a well-known Japanese movie.

            “Your real name is…Kitsune right?” One guy bowed. “We’re big fans of the movie Aiyano! Can we have an autograph?”

            “Sure.” Kitsune gladly accepted and signed a magazine with the movie cover on it.

            “Those stunts you pulled off were great! I saw the behind the scenes and they said it was all real! That’s really cool!” another guy commented. Kitsune was feeling a little shy and overwhelmed to be hearing that. “Oh, mind if we have a group picture with you?” he held up a camera. Eun-Ah gladly took the picture of the fan group with Kitsune.

            “Sune~ is becoming well-known for her movie debut!” Eun-Ah hugged the little maknae.

            “I want to watch that movie now…” Chanyeol said grinning. “How different is Kitsune when she was acting in the movie?”

            “Very.” Eun-Ah grinned and held onto her little sister. “We have the movie back home, we can watch it tonight!”

As the time flew by, everyone recoiled. Yuna and Mimi’s group were successful in finding the clues. But didn’t figure out the answer.

“Cup, beans, sweet, maid?” Yuna repeated the words on the clue cards. “What does that mean?”

            “Just saying, you guys have an hour to figure out the answer. If you get it right, we’ll have something special waiting back at your house. If you can’t answer it, then you’ll be punished.” One of the camera crew staff employees said.

            “What’s the punishment?” Miyro asked.

            “That’s a secret.”

            “Aww, can you at least give us a hint?” Beak hyun asked.

The staff recoiled into a group and started to talk about what to do next. After the team meeting was over, they all looked at Kitsune. “Aegyo?” the lady says. Everyone sighed in relief; aegyo was the easiest thing to do.

            “Kitsune you can do it! Just try!” Miyro cheered.

Who said aegyo was the easiest thing? Kitsune has never done something cute before, she doesn’t even need to be cute when she already is…it was all nerve and no steel in her now. She couldn’t do aegyo even if she tried…

            “Kitsune does aegyo in front of a crowd of people.” The lady added with an evil smirk.

            “What?!” Miyro gasped. “That’s going over the line.”

            “If you want a hint, then the maknae has to do aegyo…”

            “But Kitsune has never done aegyo before in her whole entire life…” Mimi said trying to protect her little sister.

            “Never?!” Half of Exo gasped out together. “She’s never done aegyo?” Chanyeol asked again to make sure. BD nodded, it was true, the cute little fox never once tried to be cute.

Chanyeol pushed Kitsune next to Tao and Sehun. “Then Tao could teach you aegyo!” he said with a big grin. Tao immediately turned red. Show this girl his aegyo?—like hell that was gonna happen.

            “C’mon show her the buing buing~” Chanyeol said to Tao. He was very shy to do it in front of her and with the entire member’s looking at him—completely nervous.

            “Buing Buing~” Tao quickly did it with his hand curled up next to his cheek and a little smile. Kitsune held in her laughter, it was cute to see him being cute for a change. Tao blushed at her reaction and lowered his head.

Yuna hurried and pushed Kitsune into center stage of the mall. Getting the megaphone, Yuna and Miyro announced about who they are and what they need to do.

            “Hi everyone! I’m the leader of a new group that’s about to debut soon. Yuna-imnida! And we are BD: Beautifully Dangerous!” She said into the megaphone, rounding up a bunch of people. Soon everybody’s attention grew to the lovely BD on center stage, hearing loud cheers from fans who already know them, Yuna explained about their little maknae going to do an aegyo for them.

            “You can do it!” Miyro pulled Kitsune. Everyone’s eyes were on the little shy fox, who tried to hide behind her members. With the count of 3, Yuna removed the card from Kitsune’s face, but in that moment Kitsune flushed with nerve and embarrassment of the crowd staring at her, she crotched down and covered her face; laughing to herself, she then wanted a second chance.

Again, Yuna counted down and then removed the card. Kitsune got the confidence she needed and then placed her hand curled into a cat paw like figure against her cheek and said in one little cute dying word “Nyan~” Just like a cute little kitten she finally did aegyo. The crowd of people squealed on sight and witnessed the cute little maknae’s hidden aegyo. They all snapped pictures of the girl and her member’s. As the moment soon calmed down, Kitsune was patted on the back by her uni’s and Exo.

            “Aigoo!” Baek hyun said as he pinched Kitsune’s cheeks. “You almost killed me!”

            “Good job.” Tao softly whispered into her ear. She blushed at the sweet innocent voice she just heard.


>>>  <<<


Booo! xD I need more subscribers!!! >.<

Anyway enjoy~



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OMO Sorry people, i've gotten the comp taken away from me and now i just got it back! I will do my best to continue the story! ASAP!!!!!


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Minewo #2
Chapter 1: omg tht was so cool
KpopLover415 #3
Chapter 9: Omg author-nim, palli palli! I need to read moar awesomeness!!!!!!!!
lovehurts16743 #4
Chapter 9: Update soon!! Kung fu panda Tao~
ExoticKissMe1125 #5
Aww this is so cute! Dont worry Tao, youll get your moment to woo kitsune!!
Omo, I really hope you get new readers since this story is AWESOME!
omgikwangmin #7
Kitsune kyaaaa. 8D
I hope something can happen between her and BUING BUING
lol I want update.... ;A;
I hope this comment will feed you enough, because I love your story so!
Wahhhhhh !!! ~
a panda and a fox <3
update soon :3
Tao~ Getting interested to her? *wigglebrows*

LOL. Update Soon~ :3
preppymelissa #10
Sounds interesting. Update soon~