Color Codes

Star || SM Entertainment Girl Group || Story Starts

Hello girls! 

Simce I will be writing about the new series you have and WGM, you girls will have color codes. Means that if you see your color code coming out, you are actually speaking at that moment of time. Please take note as this is be used in MV revealings too.

Min: Pink 

Celeste: Red

Sky: Blue

Skye: Green

Hannah: Orange

Minji: Purple

Dia: Brown

Melody: Dark blue 

JR: Peach 

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@STAR I updated girls! Look at chapter 39!!


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Chapter 44: I changed my username too :3
I'm the one who created dia ^^
Chapter 44: biscuit is so cute!~
Chapter 44: the dog is so cute
Chapter 44: the dogs are soooo CUTE~
can't wait for your next update ^-^
Chapter 24: Not sure if you know about my change in username, was once janho_taehua now icyjoker.
The creator of JR. ^^
Chapter 44: SOOOOOOOO cute!! I love corgi!!!
Congrats :)
Chapter 4: wait. im so confused. is this real? or fake? this is a fanfic right? sm isnt really making girl group right? somenoe please claify!
congratulations [: