Tutorial on HOW to open the link to view pictures

Star || SM Entertainment Girl Group || Story Starts

I did this tutorial because of ukisslover. She/He did not know how to open the link to view the pics in Chappie 10. So, Here's the tutorial.

Step 1: Go to the Google Homepage. (Google)

Step 2: Type 'asianposes' in the search bar. (Search for Asainposes)

Step 3: Click the first option you see on the page. (Asianposes)

Step 4: Click 'List of Poses' on the right hand side of the page. (List Of Poses)

Step 5: Scroll down till 'Pose #27: Horns' and you will see the third picture from Chappie 10. (Picture 3)

Step 6: For the forth picture, which is also the teaser picture for my charcter in the song 'Shining Stars', scroll down a little to 'Pose #26: Salute', and browse the pictures. You will see the third picture there. (Picture 4)

Step 7: For the last picture, scroll all the way down the page, and click 'Next page'. (Page 2)

Step 8: Scrool down and you will see 'Pose #23: Heart Shape'. Browse the pictures by scrolling down and you will see the last picture of my character. (Picture 5)

Step 9: To see the very first picture of my character, scroll down to 'Pose #21: Daydreaming', and browse the pictures. You will see my picture there. (Picture 1)

Step 10: Scroll all the way down on the page and click 'Page 4'. (Page 4)

Step 11: Look at 'Pose #13: Bang!' for the sceond one and browse the pics. My pic is the first one on top. (Picture 2)

~END~ Hope this is useful!

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@STAR I updated girls! Look at chapter 39!!


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Chapter 44: I changed my username too :3
I'm the one who created dia ^^
Chapter 44: biscuit is so cute!~
Chapter 44: the dog is so cute
Chapter 44: the dogs are soooo CUTE~
can't wait for your next update ^-^
Chapter 24: Not sure if you know about my change in username, was once janho_taehua now icyjoker.
The creator of JR. ^^
Chapter 44: SOOOOOOOO cute!! I love corgi!!!
Congrats :)
Chapter 4: wait. im so confused. is this real? or fake? this is a fanfic right? sm isnt really making girl group right? somenoe please claify!
congratulations [: