Day 1 of Schedule: Album Recording!

Star || SM Entertainment Girl Group || Story Starts

Min's POV

We are at the SM Entertainment's recording studio. The studio is.. so cool. This is my first time coming into a recording studio.

All the equipment there was so.. unfamiliar to me. I saw Skye wandering around, when everyone was getting ready. I was thinking if I should call her. But in the end, I did. ''Skye.. Please come here, we will be starting soon.'' I expected Skye to be mad at me for disturbing her tour around the studio, but she did not. She took my words and followed everyone into the room, where all the recording microphones, headphones and stands stood.

There were 9 of these microphones:

And.. there were 9 of these black headphones.

There's one of this thing outside:

Before our recording starts, our manager unnie, Jinyoung unnie, showed us around.

''Alright girls,thease are the headphones and mics. You are suppose to look at the lyrics on this black stand, and sing in front of this mic. Try to go as close as possible to the mic, so your voice will be clearer and louder. This is the adjusting equipment (or whatever you call that), where this ajusshi will adjust the sound effects. That's all. So, are you ready to start?'' Jinyoung unnie asked. We nodded, and proceeded back to the recording room. The man outside gave us a gesture to start us off. We began singing.

After 45 minutes or so, we finally finished our recording.


Minji's POV

''We started at 3pm and ended at 3:45pm. We're really fast!'' Jinyoung unnie praised. ''Other idols like 2NE1 and Big Bang, usually took 2 hours or so to finish. You already broke the record, that means your voices are already ready before we started to record! Good job!'' Jinyoung unnie added.

'' Alright girls, we are ready to end your schedule day! Let's go grab a bite!'' Jinyoung unnie said. ''Great! I'm starving! What do you girls wanna eat?'' Sky asked. ''I wanna eat Japanese food!'' Hannah, our cute maknae replied. ''Good idea, Hannah! I'll vote for Japanese food!'' Min unnie said. '' I know a very famous French restaurant around here.'' Skye commented. ''So, we now have Japanese and French food. Any other suggestions?'' Jinyoung unnie asked. ''How about Chinese food?'' Sky unnie said. ''Okay, so we have 3 different cuisines. Let's vote! So, I'll vote for... Japanese food!'' Jinyoung unnie voted first. After about 2 minutes, the results are out.

Min unnie, Hannah, Celeste and I voted for Japanese food.

Sky unnie and Skye voted for French food. Wow, really, they think alike!

Jinyoung unnie, JR unnie, Dia and Melody voted for Chinese food.

''So, the results are out! The winner is... Chinese food!'' Jinyoung unnie annouced. Sky unnie claped her hands. ''Let's gooo~'' Everyone said in union.


Hey everyone!

Sorry for not updating ^^

So, how's this chapter? Let's meet Chinese food in the next chapter~

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@STAR I updated girls! Look at chapter 39!!


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Chapter 44: I changed my username too :3
I'm the one who created dia ^^
Chapter 44: biscuit is so cute!~
Chapter 44: the dog is so cute
Chapter 44: the dogs are soooo CUTE~
can't wait for your next update ^-^
Chapter 24: Not sure if you know about my change in username, was once janho_taehua now icyjoker.
The creator of JR. ^^
Chapter 44: SOOOOOOOO cute!! I love corgi!!!
Congrats :)
Chapter 4: wait. im so confused. is this real? or fake? this is a fanfic right? sm isnt really making girl group right? somenoe please claify!
congratulations [: