Episode 1 2/4

Paradise Dorm


YeonChan POV
We watched Soojin and Onew dig to find each other's stuff. They ended up with 3 points, enough to pass to the second round. I really hoped I could find Joonie's stuff... I didn't really pay attention to his stuff... just him. Me and my fangirl-ism. Aish, I should really stop that. I mentally head smacked myself. We sat by each other off to the right corner while couple by couple went up to go do the challenge. I got really nervous and started playing with my shirt's hem. Aigoo, I hope I can do this.
Joon grabbed my hand to stop me from slowly ripping my shirt. He then squeezed it and smiled at me. I tried to smile back, but darn it, it was really hard! I was so nervous, I felt like I could explode. I looked at his hand holding my hand. And saw a bruise by his wrist. It was almost hidden by his sleeve but I still noticed it. It stuck out like a sore thumb to me... mainly because I was half the cause of that and all the other bruises on him.
Last night was crazy. It started out so happy and TV drama-like, but then... that alley. And the man... that man. He was so strong and wasn't afraid to hit a girl. The hand that wasn't held by Joon's touched my right side of my stomach. I could feel the bruise slowly turning black under my shirt. I guess that's what I guess for spitting in his face...
But he had told me to call for Joon 'to save me' and I told him that I'd rather die. I wouldn't go and do what he said so he can hurt Joon too! That's what caused the punch in the stomach. By then, Joon had come into the alley yelling my name. I didn't see it, but I knew that there was a smug smile on the man's face. Joon went all Ninja Assassin (yes, I only watched it because Joon was there, but shh, please don't tell him) on the man. The man fought back and that's where the bruises came from. Eventually, the man backed off and ran farther down into the alley. I probably have never been so scared in my life. Joon helped me up from where I was laying, holding my stomach. We didn't go into our dorm right away, Mir and ChaeRi would get suspicious. So we stayed in the lobby of the huge building filled with dorms. The desk clerk gave us some ice packs to put on our injuries. We waited until we knew for sure that the younger two were sleeping until we headed back.
I guess we were being too sneaky for the two because they didn't even know we were gone until ChaeRi bumped into me while Joon and I were heading out to meet everyone. She was really worried for us, mostly me, but still. I couldn't tell her everything because she was way too fragile. It'd just make her into a paranoid wreck if she knew the stalker man actually attacked me and Joon.
A squeeze from Joon brought me back into the present. I looked up to see MC Chung Hee calling up a new pair. I decided to ignore the thoughts of last night and tried to enjoy myself for once.
Innocent Eye
"That last couple only received two points, so they're on thin ice right now. They will put up on the elimination board. They better hope it's at least a double date, because if no one else is up on the elimination board with them, they're the first ones to go home." Chung Hee said to the camera. "Let's see if the next couple, EunRi and Jo Kwon, will move on to the second round, or join the last couple on the elimination board, after the break."
The cameramen yelled 'Cut' and everyone stood up at the same time. They stretched and started socializing.
"We're back on in 5." The cameraman yelled. Everyone agreed.
"Junghwa!" YeonChan yelled suddenly. The boy looked at her questioningly.
"Did you do the challenge yet?" She asked him. He shook his head.
"No, not yet. Jiyeon unni and I are going after EunRi and Jo Kwon." He said. YeonChan nodded. She then looked at Mir, who she didn't even have to ask to get an answer.
"We're going after Junghwa and Jiyeon." Mir said as soon as she looked at him.
"...So when are we going? Joonie ~ I wasn't paying attention." YeonChan pouted and shook Joon playfully. He laughed.
"We're the last ones. We've still got awhile." He soothed her so she could stop shaking him. YeonChan sighed in relief.
"Everyone back in your positions! We're starting in 60!" A camera man said. They all took their respectful seats. EunRi and Jo Kwon went to stand on the challenge platform.
I waited for the camera to roll before I smiled. The first few days, I had to admit, were fun. I really liked Jo Kwon but sometimes, he's too much of a diva. Everyone noticed that.
"Hello everyone! We're back with Paradise Dorm! Next up for the challenge is Jang EunRi and Jo Kwon of 2AM." Chung Hee said cheerfully. "So, EunRi, how did you feel when you won a place in Paradise dorm?"
"I was really happy and excited. I usually don't win things so it was a big surprise for me." I told him and tried not to look in his eyes. It's just nerve-wracking when you look at their eyes. I'll probably end up stuttering or saying soemthing really stupid.
"Do you have any hobbies, EunRi?" He asked.
"Yes, I do. I'm into photography, I garden a lot, and I play the piano." I said. I smiled again because of camera men always looking at me. When are we going to do the challenge? and why is he asking me the questions? He should ask Jo Kwon some too.
"Oh? You play the piano, just like your partner. What a coincedence." The MC looked quite baffled. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I think the piano is an interesting intstrument." I explained. Jo Kwon smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I tried not to blush. Chung Hee grinned.
"Let the challenge begin!" He yelled. I didn't even notice that the timer was going until JoKwon started digging through his box. Aish, I'm usually more observant than this. Okay, nevermind that. Look for Jo Kwon's things... What did I see him unpack when we first moved in together?
"Oh! I found something!" I exclaimed as I held up one of Jo Kwon's shirts.
"Jo Eun has 1 point. Two more things to go for 3 points!" Chung Hee told everyone.
"I found something too!" Jo Kwon yelled. He held up one of my romance novels I had brought with me. I was surprised that he had recognized the book, it wasn't a popular title.
"That is now 2 points for the couple! Can they make 3?" The MC said.
I started searching frantically through my box. What else is Jo Kwon's in here? I was about to give up, I didn't recognize anything. That usually didn;t happen a lot.
"Hey! EunRi-ah, this is yours, right?" He asked as he held up on of my cameras. I brought one with me to the show, but I always have a back-up one at home... or in thise case, the dorm. I nodded and grabbed the camera. I looked it over. It wasn't scratched, which was good. I need to put this one back in its case when we get home.
"Jo Kwon and EunRi have 3 points! They make it to the second round!" The MC yelled. Everyone clapped and cheered. We got up and bowed before we headed back to our seats.
Junghwa POV
We were next. Frankly, I didn't really want to do the challenge. It's not like I go snooping through Jiyeon noona's stuff. How was I supposed to know which one was her's? I'm not some crazy stalker fan girl... erm, boy. Like YeonChan-ah, who's completely ga-ga for Joon. I'm not saying I don't like Jiyeon noona, I'm just not a fan boy, per se.
"Junghwa and Jiyeon, come on up. It's your time for the challenge!" Chung Hee called us up. Jiyeon noona smiled prettily and got up to stand by the MC. I sighed and stood up to stand by Jiyeon noona.
"So Junghwa, how'd you find out about Paradise Dorm?" Chung Hee asked.
"I was actually watching TV when an ad for it came up. I decided that it would be neat to see Jiyeon noona and any other stars I thought were pretty." I told him. I received a small glare from jiyeon the moment I said 'other stars'. Oops.
"So what celebrity would you have chosen if Jiyeon wouldn't have been able to participate?" The MC asked me. Oh god, just kill me now. I don't need to make it more awkward with Jiyeon noona. Think of something, Junghwa!
"...No comment." I said quickly and flashed a smile. Jiyeon noona had a small, satisfied smile. Chung Hee chuckled before setting us off into the challenge.
I ended up finding at least one thing of Jiyeon's. It was her compact mirror which I remembered her using when we first met some of the other couples. Jiyeon found a horror movie of mine. It was old... a limited edition classic. But we couldn't find another thing in time. So we were put on the elimination board. I really hoped we didn't get eliminated. I wanted to spend more time with Jiyeon unni and the others, even though soem were rather... unique. 
Babiesaurus made a mistake she put 'Unni' instead of 'noona' but its all good now. :D
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hielooo #1
can i apply without email? im not realy comfortable with using my email, so can i post my app as a blog and give u the link? :)
XDDDD<br />
- Chaeri and her playfulness sends her oppa and his hyung out the door. Then she comes and ruins me and Jay's moment! XDDDD Chaeri, you little menice <3 Onew and Soojin was pretty romantic as well ^_______^ Onew's English skills, Hwaiting! XD
Aw~ poor Mir, he is true just a maknae in his group. Now Joon also left the room. We better not leave ChaeRi bored :D<br />
Ooh~ look at Thunder and Jay, enjoying the sunset together huh? Kekeke. But too bad that the playful ChaeRi just ruined it ^. ^<br />
omg, I love my part! I'm reading it over and over again! It's amazing! The whole scene was really fun XD<br />
Aw~ I can't wait to read more. Update soon ^. ^
Whooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back! You're finally back! Yay!!!<br />
You guys don't know how I miss you guys and the story, it's freaking bore without a thing to read!<br />
Anyway, I love the update. Wooyoung and Maylee just found out something scary! BLOOD!?! AAHHHH!!!!<br />
... sorry for those screaming and stuff :D Update soon guys ^. ^
YAAAAY! Twinnie your back! <3 WELCOME BACK LOVE!
HIATUS!? Why~ T. T Don't leave us here T. T<br />
OMG! Really? Your school is almost ... burnt down? Omo, and the story too! T. T<br />
Audition for JPY!? I'm so jealous T. T But actually, I prefer SM more :D<br />
Anyway, good luck with both of you and come back soon okay? FIGHTING! ^. ^
Huh? We're missing two girls? I didn't even notice that O.O<br />
Aw~ Soo-Jean was so worry but she still be fine after all.<br />
YeonChan can rawr? Wow~ that's so cute XD And I couldn't believe the dirty joke, it's hella funny XD<br />
Oh~ seem like Jaehwa is tired of smiling. But the show is almost over, you can do it ^. ^<br />
Wow~ YeonChan already can earn some money? It's a cute job but I'm not good with kids T. T<br />
Aw~ she's really cute with the 'aegyo' temper tantrum, no wonder people love her.<br />
Yay! The episode 1 is over, I can't wait to see episode 2! So excited!<br />
And I can't wait for more mysterious thing to happen, muahahaha :D
Twin! You've updated! XD Hmmmn, this episode is entertaining! Especailly the dirty jokes LOL. I see two girls have commented before me. I guess I'm in the 4th episode? Idk XD
wahhh kan is so cool^^<br />
aww yeonchan and joon are cute together; hehe, i loved the 'mr. ballerina' comment