Episode 2 1/4

Paradise Dorm


YeonChan POV

I was watching a scary movie with Joon. I know, I know. Not a good idea with what happened to me. But the producers requested we did something that seemed somewhat comical. I have no idea when a horror movie was comical. But whatever works for the show.

The movie was about a stalker killer. Just thinking about that sent shivers down my spine. What if the stalker guy was really a killer? I gulped. Joon say my discomfort and brought me closer to him. I tried to squish between the couch and Joon but it wasn’t working. I could only shield one eye this way.

We survived most of the movie. However, we reached a part where there was dramatic music as the main character was opening a door. It was so slow and nerve-wracking… I could barely look at the screen…


I screamed my loudest. Suddenly, I could hear laughing behind the couch. I looked up and saw Mir with a paper bag. ChaeRi was giggling by our room. I couldn’t believe it! Mir popped a paper bag right behind me. Joon tried to hold me back but he was too late. I pounced on Mir.

“You immature little boy!” I yelled as I started shaking him back and forth. “Do you know how scared I was? You deserve to be punished!”

“YeonChan-ah! Come on, stop!” Joon yelled from the couch. I slowly let go of his shirt that ended up balled in my fists. However, I wasn’t necessarily going to stop.

I adjusted my position on him so I was on his legs, facing his feet.

“Y-YeonChan-sshi! You wouldn’t dare!” Mir yelled. I grinned my most evil smile. Holding on as tight as I could, I took off his shoes and started tickling him. Right then and there. He was screaming and squirming. Frankly, I didn’t care. This was punishment. He deserved every second of it.

ChaeRi’s little voice finally made me stop.

“Unni, what’s for supper?” was what she asked. I looked at her and stopped tickling Mir. He saw the opportunity and took it to push me off.

“I say we shall have American food!” I exclaimed. Mir and Joon both looked at me like I was crazy. ChaeRi smiled widely.

“Really, YeonChan-ah? Can’t we have a Korean dish?” He asked. I shook my head.

“I’m cooking so I get to say what we have for supper!” I yelled and bounded for the kitchen. I immediately started grabbing ingredients for mashed potatoes, pork chops, vegetables and stuffing. I grinned widely. ChaeRi came into the kitchen and started helping me.

Eventually, we had it done. Thought it took a while. A dinner like that takes at least an hour to make. We dished some out for everybody. We sat down and started eating. Mir and Joon looked as if the loved it but didn’t want to show it. Aish, men.

I looked at the cameramen who were watching us carefully. I grabbed my plate and sat by one of the cameras.

“Aigoo~ Viewers should eat the delicious American food too!” I said in my cutest voice. I took a forkful of mashed potatoes and pretended to feed it to the camera. “Isn’t it delicious, viewers?”

“Unni~ I want to find the audience food too!” ChaeRi exclaimed as she brought her plate to another camera. I looked at her and smiled.

“Blow the food so it won’t be hot.” I said. She did as she was told and fed the camera.

“Wah~ Such a cute audience~” We said at the same time. Joon smiled and Mir grinned.

“Why can’t I be cute like that, hyung?” He asked. Joon shook his head.

“Just because you can’t.”

Maylee POV

Wooyoung furrowed his brow once I told him what Soo-Jean told me.

“I didn’t even notice there were two couples missing.” He said thoughtfully. I sighed and nodded.

“I’m worried for them. They knew that the recording was important. Why would they miss it?” I asked. He shrugged.

“I don’t know. Maybe…” He thought aloud.

“Maybe what?” What was he thinking? I really wanted to know!

“They were supposed to be in the dorm next to us, right?” He asked. I nodded.

“Yeah… why? Oppa, what are you thinking?”

“What if we go check it out? Just to see if they’re alright. I’m worried too. It’s not professional to not moss a recording.” He said. He got up from the chair he was sitting in and headed for the door. I followed him.

I felt somewhat invasive, snooping around in their dorm. I silently prayed that they left the door locked. Sadly, they didn’t. Wooyoung opened the door without a second thought. I stayed for only a second longer outside. I noticed something he didn’t…

“Oppa, what’s this?” I asked him. Four red streaks were near the edge of the door. As if someone was being pulled in the dorm with red liquid on their hands. My fingers lightly traced the streaks. They were dry, so they must’ve been there for a while, right?

Wooyoung came back and examined the streaks. He looked closely then suddenly, he backed away with wide eyes.

“That looks like caked blood.” He said with a small hint of fear. I gulped and looked back at the streaks. Then what happened? I tried to muster my courage up and head inside. But I couldn’t. Not with Wooyoung acting the way he was.

We headed back to our dorm and tried to put on a happy face for the cameras. We escaped them for a bit to go see the empty dorm… But now, I don’t think I ever want to go back. I sighed and watched Onew do another body gag. I tried to smile but it was hard.

If it was caked blood, whose blood was it? Was the missing couples’ part of that? Was it a prank? I went with my gut feeling and decided that it was just a sick prank.

For some reason, I still felt that it was wrong. What the heck was happening? Wooyoung didn’t look so happy with it either. He always looked deep in thought, when usually he was always talking. It made me worry a lot. However, I think I was overthinking this.

It could just be a sick prank. Those couples were abusing the fact that it was on television and went too far. I nodded to myself. Of course that’s it. Anyone would do that. I would do it too if I had someone to do it with. That’s when I slowly realized something.

I would do anything if I had someone to do it with. Was I really that naïve? It never occurred to me like that. I sighed. Well I guess I can’t really help it. It’s not like I mean to anyways. It’s just who I am, right?

Daenni POV

“Hyung, why the HELL are you doing that?” I asked him right away. Junho looked at me with a guilty face. No one eats a banana like that unless they’re trying to get .

“Because I can. And it’s funny.” He said. I shook my head.

“Thunder hyung is too innocent for that!” I yelled and pointed at the girl-looking guy. He only smiled and went back to doing whatever he was doing.

“You’re too innocent for that. How old are you?” Jay asked me. I grinned.

“Old enough,” was my answer. He shook his head.

“You really need to find another hobby than to make things dirtier than they should be.” Jay said.

“I do have a hobby! I’m a freaking guitarist!” I yelled. “It’s him. He’s eating the banana like that!”

“Like what?” Jay asked. I paused for a moment. How do I say this without being too graphic? Junho grinned and finished the last of the banana. Now I have no way to describe it! No banana, no proof.

“Damn it, I can’t show it!” I exclaimed. Jay smirked. I looked at Junho. “Dude, you seriously have no shame.”

“What’s with you? Not using honorifics? I am your hyung!” Junho yelled.

“You’re the one that’s setting me up like this!”

“Maybe you shouldn’t be so dirty-minded.”

“Maybe you need to shut up.”

Jay and Thunder laughed. Hyung and I were very close together, chest to chest. To be honest, I loved it. Who wouldn’t love to this close to Junho of 2PM? Whoever they are, they are dumb s. Excuse my language.

Junho pushed me lightly so I wasn’t so close to him. I frowned a little bit. He smirked and shoved me again.

“ABUSER!” I yelled my loudest. I shoved him back. “Hyung’s abusing me.”

“You deserve it.” That was all Jay had to say about it. Well, screw him then! Which is something I don’t mind doing… but won’t. Thunder hyung would get mad at me. I focused back on Junho and shoved him some more.

“Doesn’t feel so good now, huh?” I yelled at him. He started laughing and grabbed my shoulders. I grabbed his and we tried shoving each other down. We started play wrestling. I was enjoying it. Wrestling is a sport any type of gay people would like.

I know I’m a huge ert. But who cares? Certainly not me. I finally straddled him.

“Ha ha! Who’s the dominant one now?” I exclaimed my victory. Jay’s face had nothing on it and Thunder was slightly blushing. “What’s up with you guys?”

“That position is kind of...” Thunder hyung started.

“You’re a dirty kid. Filthy.” Jay finished. I grinned.

“You guys are the ones thinking like that.” I said and shrugged. I got off Junho and straightened my shirt.

“Now who’s going to cook supper?” Junho asked.  Like hell I was going to do that! Then I thought of the most brilliant plan.

“Nose game!” I yelled and touched my nose. Thunder hyung did the same, then Junho. Eventually, Jay was left to cook. That left me with Thunder hyung and Junho…

“Now what to do with you two?” I said in my most erted voice. Thunder gulped but still smiled and Junho grinned just as erted as me.

This should be fun. 

Babiesaurus: HI GUYS! :D We are back from our hiatus. And I am so happy because now I can update whenever I want! Because KMLZee unni finally made me co-author. FINALLY! XD

So enjoy this! I was hyper off of sugar when I wrote this... I still am. :3 Rawr, rawr, rawr! Aren't I scary? 

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hielooo #1
can i apply without email? im not realy comfortable with using my email, so can i post my app as a blog and give u the link? :)
XDDDD<br />
- Chaeri and her playfulness sends her oppa and his hyung out the door. Then she comes and ruins me and Jay's moment! XDDDD Chaeri, you little menice <3 Onew and Soojin was pretty romantic as well ^_______^ Onew's English skills, Hwaiting! XD
Aw~ poor Mir, he is true just a maknae in his group. Now Joon also left the room. We better not leave ChaeRi bored :D<br />
Ooh~ look at Thunder and Jay, enjoying the sunset together huh? Kekeke. But too bad that the playful ChaeRi just ruined it ^. ^<br />
omg, I love my part! I'm reading it over and over again! It's amazing! The whole scene was really fun XD<br />
Aw~ I can't wait to read more. Update soon ^. ^
Whooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back! You're finally back! Yay!!!<br />
You guys don't know how I miss you guys and the story, it's freaking bore without a thing to read!<br />
Anyway, I love the update. Wooyoung and Maylee just found out something scary! BLOOD!?! AAHHHH!!!!<br />
... sorry for those screaming and stuff :D Update soon guys ^. ^
YAAAAY! Twinnie your back! <3 WELCOME BACK LOVE!
HIATUS!? Why~ T. T Don't leave us here T. T<br />
OMG! Really? Your school is almost ... burnt down? Omo, and the story too! T. T<br />
Audition for JPY!? I'm so jealous T. T But actually, I prefer SM more :D<br />
Anyway, good luck with both of you and come back soon okay? FIGHTING! ^. ^
Huh? We're missing two girls? I didn't even notice that O.O<br />
Aw~ Soo-Jean was so worry but she still be fine after all.<br />
YeonChan can rawr? Wow~ that's so cute XD And I couldn't believe the dirty joke, it's hella funny XD<br />
Oh~ seem like Jaehwa is tired of smiling. But the show is almost over, you can do it ^. ^<br />
Wow~ YeonChan already can earn some money? It's a cute job but I'm not good with kids T. T<br />
Aw~ she's really cute with the 'aegyo' temper tantrum, no wonder people love her.<br />
Yay! The episode 1 is over, I can't wait to see episode 2! So excited!<br />
And I can't wait for more mysterious thing to happen, muahahaha :D
Twin! You've updated! XD Hmmmn, this episode is entertaining! Especailly the dirty jokes LOL. I see two girls have commented before me. I guess I'm in the 4th episode? Idk XD
wahhh kan is so cool^^<br />
aww yeonchan and joon are cute together; hehe, i loved the 'mr. ballerina' comment