The Last of the TEASERS!

Paradise Dorm


YeonChan arrived at the dorm with her bags of groceries. ChaeRi didn’t make it home yet, she must’ve been looking for Mir or some other contestants on the show.

As she started putting away the groceries, she wondered how the cameramen must feel. To stand there and watch people do more exciting things. It must really be boring, she could barely sit down for supper, let alone whole hours. She looked at the last empty bags he held in her hand. Then at the fridge. Then back at the bag.

"Yah! I didn’t buy milk! That’s what I needed most!" YeonChan yelled. She slammed the door of the fridge and started mumbling Korean/English gibberish. She stomped around the dorm.

"And I can’t buy it now because I got orange juice instead!" She yelled. And started to fume out from her ears. The cameramen started snickering from behind the cameras. YeonChan looked straight at them.

"How would you like it if you tried to bake a cake for your wife and you forgot the milk? How would you feel?" She whined and started stamping her feet like a child.

"You have a wife, YeonChan-ah?" A man asked behind her. She jumped and turned around to scold whoever scared her. But when she saw who it was, she completely melted.

"Of course, Joon. Do you want to bake a cake for your husband?" She smiled and started walking towards the kitchen.

"I think Seungho hyung likes cake, so sure, let’s make some." Joon tried getting the ingredients ready but YeonChan had started to poke and bug him.

"Ha! You admitted it! You’re gay! Seungho oppa’s your husband! You can’t be on the show!" She yelled. During the rant, she somehow managed to piggyback the singer. Joon started to spin around, trying to make her dizzy. "You’re gay! ~ Joonie’s gay! ~"

"Baby, I only have eyes for you~ Seungho just can’t compare~" Joon tried making YeoChan become the fan girl he saw when he first met her, but she only snorted.

"Not true! Seungho oppa’s your man! In fact..." She jumped off his back and headed to the door. "… You’re cheating! Cheating on your husband. You should be ashamed! I’M TELLING!" She yanked the door open and bolted out of the dorm.

Joon laughed and started chasing her. "Wait, he doesn’t have to know!" He yelled after her. They ended up passing Seungho’s dorm but they didn’t seem to mind. They were too focused on playing chase. The two ran through the building until they both ended up outside.

"It’s such a nice night! ~" YeonChan sang and started disco dancing on the sidewalk. Everyone looked at her funny as they passed the dancing girl.

"I don’t know her! Not at all!" He told the crowd and took a few steps towards the entrance. She stopped dancing and mehronged her oppa.

"Fine then! Don’t know me! I just won’t come back to the dorm with you!"YeonChan yelled, she was always yelling, that girl. She walked up to the side of the building and peeked around the corner. It was a dark alley filled with dumpsters and cluttered garbage all over the ground.

"YeonChan-ah, come home with me." Joon said from the entrance. She only shook her head. Looking back at the alley, she grew a child-ish smile.

"Hello!" She said, cupping her ear to hear her echo better.

"Hello!" An old, gruff voice called back instead of her echo. Her smile grew bigger. She was talking to someone! She felt unusually fuzzy inside.

"How are you, sir?" She asked whoever she was talking to.

"I’m very hungry, miss!" He yelled back. Her smile turned upside down. Such a poor, homeless man, with no food or water. She wished very badly she had some food to give to the poor man.

"YeonChan-ah, please come inside!" Joon called again. She lifted her finger to show ‘just a little bit more time’.

"Can I sing for you, sir?" She asked the man in the alley.

"Yes, miss, please!" The man said. YeonChan cleared and began to sing ‘You and I’ by Park Bom. She felt amazingly light afterwards, it was if she had done a good deed.

"Very good voice, miss." A deeper voice said. It was closer, and much scarier than the homeless man’s elderly voice. She cowered around the corner of the building, but it was in vain. With a little yelp, YeonChan was taken into the alley.

"YEONCHAN-AH!" Joon yelled once he didn’t see his partner anymore. He ran to the edge of the building and peered down the alley. "YeonChan-ah!!!"

He heard some scuffling and whispered voices, then the girl yelling, "I’d rather die!" He waited for a little longer. Then he heard a noise that sounded like a punch and a yelp.

"YeonChan-ah!" Joon yelled once again before he ran into the darkness of the godforsaken alley.



"Just in a flash the whole show began crashing down in front of everyone's eyes." A man said interviewing a woman on the street.

"Did you hear that Mir oppa?" ChaeRi asked watching the T.V show.

"It's not real, ChaeRi." Mir said yawning.

"I know that!" ChaeRi whined. "Get up already! We get to meet all the other 10 people that won. It's awesome! Far as I know its YeonChan and me. Plus I'm hungry." More whining came from ChaeRi's mouth. The girl was starting to get frustrated with her oppa. ChaeRi went to Mir's bed and tried pulling his blanket away just like she would do with her little sisters.

"I said get up!" ChaeRi yanked the blanket almost falling.

"No make-up! No make-up!" Mir whined over and over again.

"You’re not a girl, oppa. C'mon let's go." ChaeRi said and couldn't wait for Mir anymore and took off running. She got to the place where everyone was waiting. There stood 10 people with their partners. There were boys who won and mostly girls. ChaeRi wanted to say hi but felt too scared to talk. The words couldn't come out. She had a lot to say and didn't say them. She just looked and walked back to the dorm.



Hello everyone! ^^ yay lol. Okay this is the last of the teasers. We are now getting to the story....soon. We are closing it tomorrow(My birthday) and picking out the lucky 10 people! That will be soon. We got a lot of interesting applications! ^^ It's really hard to pick 10. o_O I never knew our story would get this much people. We are truly shocked. (In a good way.) Good luck to the people who make it in the story ^^

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hielooo #1
can i apply without email? im not realy comfortable with using my email, so can i post my app as a blog and give u the link? :)
XDDDD<br />
- Chaeri and her playfulness sends her oppa and his hyung out the door. Then she comes and ruins me and Jay's moment! XDDDD Chaeri, you little menice <3 Onew and Soojin was pretty romantic as well ^_______^ Onew's English skills, Hwaiting! XD
Aw~ poor Mir, he is true just a maknae in his group. Now Joon also left the room. We better not leave ChaeRi bored :D<br />
Ooh~ look at Thunder and Jay, enjoying the sunset together huh? Kekeke. But too bad that the playful ChaeRi just ruined it ^. ^<br />
omg, I love my part! I'm reading it over and over again! It's amazing! The whole scene was really fun XD<br />
Aw~ I can't wait to read more. Update soon ^. ^
Whooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back! You're finally back! Yay!!!<br />
You guys don't know how I miss you guys and the story, it's freaking bore without a thing to read!<br />
Anyway, I love the update. Wooyoung and Maylee just found out something scary! BLOOD!?! AAHHHH!!!!<br />
... sorry for those screaming and stuff :D Update soon guys ^. ^
YAAAAY! Twinnie your back! <3 WELCOME BACK LOVE!
HIATUS!? Why~ T. T Don't leave us here T. T<br />
OMG! Really? Your school is almost ... burnt down? Omo, and the story too! T. T<br />
Audition for JPY!? I'm so jealous T. T But actually, I prefer SM more :D<br />
Anyway, good luck with both of you and come back soon okay? FIGHTING! ^. ^
Huh? We're missing two girls? I didn't even notice that O.O<br />
Aw~ Soo-Jean was so worry but she still be fine after all.<br />
YeonChan can rawr? Wow~ that's so cute XD And I couldn't believe the dirty joke, it's hella funny XD<br />
Oh~ seem like Jaehwa is tired of smiling. But the show is almost over, you can do it ^. ^<br />
Wow~ YeonChan already can earn some money? It's a cute job but I'm not good with kids T. T<br />
Aw~ she's really cute with the 'aegyo' temper tantrum, no wonder people love her.<br />
Yay! The episode 1 is over, I can't wait to see episode 2! So excited!<br />
And I can't wait for more mysterious thing to happen, muahahaha :D
Twin! You've updated! XD Hmmmn, this episode is entertaining! Especailly the dirty jokes LOL. I see two girls have commented before me. I guess I'm in the 4th episode? Idk XD
wahhh kan is so cool^^<br />
aww yeonchan and joon are cute together; hehe, i loved the 'mr. ballerina' comment