Episode 1 4/4

Paradise Dorm


Soo-Jean Choy
"Yah, Soo-Jean-ah, you can stop fixing me up, now." Kan oppa told me. I pouted and fixed his hair just a little bit more. It wasn't my fault that he wasn't... well, exactly perfect. It just bugged me and it didn't help that I was so nervous too. 
"I'm sorry. It's just..." 
"Not neat?" Kan oppa laughed. I sighed and nodded.
"Yeah. Not neat. Oppa, I'm so nervous too! What if we don't find each other's stuff? We'll be put up on the elimination board then, right?" I asked worriedly. Kan rolled his eyes at me. I mehronged him right then and there. Sometimes he finds my worrying so amusing or so annoying. Blah. That's all I have to say to that. 
"Soo-Jean!" Someone whispered. I looked around curiously. Who could that be? "Soo-Jean! Over here!" I looked to the right of me. There was YeonChan looking at me expectantly. I waited for her to say something. "Wasn't there supposed to be two other people here? ... Well, four? ... Wait." I looked at her, completely confused. What the heck is she talking about?
"There's supposed to be two more couples here! Wasn't there?" She said softly. I looked around. Okay so there was... ChaeRi, Thunder, Maylee, Soojin, Daenni, Junghwa, Jaehwa ... EunRi ... and YeonChan. There are supposed to be two more winners! Where on earth are they? They're going to make us look bad and unorganized. That's totally not good! Gah, somebody just kill those two! 
"We're next after Jaehwa and Yesung. Let's hope they find their items." Kan oppa whispered to me. I nodded and looked at Jaehwa unni. She looked about ready to give up. But it wasn't even 30 seconds into the challenge. Oh well. She just better find Yesung's items or she'll be put up on the elimination board... like me, if I don't find Kan oppa's. Oh darn it! What if I don't? Then me and Kan oppa have a HUGE chance of going home! Yah, I don't want that to happen!
Sometime during my mental panicking, Jaehwa unni and Yesung had found 3 of each other's items. Hooray for them. But now it's my turn. Aigoo~ Please, whoever's up there, PLEASE let me and Kan oppa pass this! I'll go crazy if I don't. And I mean it! 
"So, Soo-Jean. Tell us, how do you feel with the other contestants?" Chung Hee asked me. I thought for a millisecond.
"Well... They're all really nice and friendly. Some of them are sort of anti-social. But a lot of them can say the most random things on their minds." I said. I tried not to give out names or hints to people, they might or might not get mad at me later on. 
"Like what?" Chung Hee asked, clearly curious and content. I made a thinking face and then turned to YeonChan, probably one of the most social winners on the show. 
"Yah, say something from the top of your head." I told her.
"Watch me unnis! I can rawr!" YeonChan said in English. "Rawr, rawr, rawr!" She made 'claws' out of her hands and pretended to be a dinosaur. Everyone laughed at her cuteness/randomness. I then turned to Daenni.
"Say something that just pops into your head." I told him.
"Want to hear a dirty joke? A white horse fell in the mud. Want to hear another dirty joke? Two white horses fell in the mud. Want to hear another one? Two white horses fell in the mud and three came out." Daenni said really fast with a huge grin on his face. Again everyone laughed at his funniness/dirtiness. 
"See? The stuff that comes out of their mouths are really..." I tried to find a word to describe them. 
"Out there?" Kan oppa suggested. I nodded.
"Exactly. Out there." I smiled brightly. Maybe this stuff isn't so bad. I could be a host when I'm older! An MC! That would be a cool job to have! 
It turns out I had no reason to worry. Me and Kan oppa found all of our stuff. I literally mean all the stuff that were in the boxes. We found more than we were supposed to. Which was totally amazing. Hurray for us!
"Chung Hee here, we have just finished the ninth pair who did the challenge. Two pairs of those nine are on the elimination board. We have one last pair, as two couples haven't been able to make it for this recording." The MC explained to the cameras. Everyone started clapping. 
"So after the commercial, before we finish this episode, we'll have Lee Joon from MBLAQ and Choi YeonChan coming up for the challenge!" He exclaimed. The cameramen nodded and the red light was shut off. Again, everyone got up and stretched. I sheepsihly smiled at Yesung oppa and he smiled back. 
"We're going to make it to the next round. You happy, Jaehwa?" He asked me. I nodded. 
"Of course." I said. 
"Jaehwa unni!| YeonChan whispered loudly. I looked to the side and saw her looking at me expectantly. 
"How was the challenge? Was it hard?" She asked me. I shrugged. Well, I was nervous. Heck, I think everyone was. It wasn't that hard when you actually did the challenge, as long as you remember your partner's stuff. I didn't have any trouble, I kind of went stalker on Yesung oppa's stuff a few days ago. 
"Not really..." I answered. 
"Thanks, you're really reassuring." YeonChan muttered sarcastically. "Honestly, unni, sound more encouraging. Like you're actually enjoying yourself!" She did a thumbs-up sign. I did the same, though I'm pretty sure I didn't look as hyper as my dongsaeng. 
"Back in 60!" One of the cameramen yelled. I sighed, back to smiling non-stop. How boring. It's not exactly fun too but at least, I get to spend time with Yesung oppa. 
"UNNI! Big smile!" YeonChan said to me. She did two thumbs-up and had a huge grin. Oh god, how can she do that? 
"Bloop, splat, boom... kerplash." I muttered. I sighed as the light went back on and smiled. Good thing it's almost over! 
Innocent Eye 
"Hello, we're back to Paradise Dorm." The MC smiled welcomingly. "Right now, we're having Choi YeonChan and her partner, Lee Joon come up to do the challenge." 
The two grinned and got up from their seats. They waved to the camera as all the other contestants clapped. 
"So today, we've already taken note about YeonChan's open and random behaviour. Tell me, did you do anything before you won the contest?" Chung hee asked. YeonChan nodded. 
"I did actually. ChaeRi dongsaeng and I lived together. To get money for rent and such, I dressed up in costume and became one of those characters on childrens' shows." She explained. Joon looked at her. 
"What? You really did that?" He asked her. She nodded. 
"Of course! Unlike you, Mr. Ballerina." She grinned. She pushed Joon lightly. "Chung Hee, shall we start the challenge then?" She said to avoid an embarassment from Joon. 
"Yes we shall!" Chung Hee exclaimed. A buzzer sounded and Joon immediately got down and dug through his box. YeonChan was busy making faces to notice until all the girls started yelling at her. She made an 'o' shape with . She got down and started digging through her box. 
As it turned out, Joon found all three things for the pair. YeonChan gave up halfway through and threw an 'aegyo' temper tantrum, causing a lot of laughs from the crowd. 
But where was the two other girls? And their partner's? The question burned everyone's mind. Even as they all went to their own dorms, they still haven't seen the two girls... 
Where were they?
Hey guys so this is the last episode for episode one. How do you guys like it? :3 Soo....two people wont be appearing because we didn't get any contact from them. And I couldn't wait for a long time until we post the last episode so here it is. Paradise Dorm begins! YAY Who will be in the first in the 2nd episode? Comment to be in the line. 
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hielooo #1
can i apply without email? im not realy comfortable with using my email, so can i post my app as a blog and give u the link? :)
XDDDD<br />
- Chaeri and her playfulness sends her oppa and his hyung out the door. Then she comes and ruins me and Jay's moment! XDDDD Chaeri, you little menice <3 Onew and Soojin was pretty romantic as well ^_______^ Onew's English skills, Hwaiting! XD
Aw~ poor Mir, he is true just a maknae in his group. Now Joon also left the room. We better not leave ChaeRi bored :D<br />
Ooh~ look at Thunder and Jay, enjoying the sunset together huh? Kekeke. But too bad that the playful ChaeRi just ruined it ^. ^<br />
omg, I love my part! I'm reading it over and over again! It's amazing! The whole scene was really fun XD<br />
Aw~ I can't wait to read more. Update soon ^. ^
Whooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back! You're finally back! Yay!!!<br />
You guys don't know how I miss you guys and the story, it's freaking bore without a thing to read!<br />
Anyway, I love the update. Wooyoung and Maylee just found out something scary! BLOOD!?! AAHHHH!!!!<br />
... sorry for those screaming and stuff :D Update soon guys ^. ^
YAAAAY! Twinnie your back! <3 WELCOME BACK LOVE!
HIATUS!? Why~ T. T Don't leave us here T. T<br />
OMG! Really? Your school is almost ... burnt down? Omo, and the story too! T. T<br />
Audition for JPY!? I'm so jealous T. T But actually, I prefer SM more :D<br />
Anyway, good luck with both of you and come back soon okay? FIGHTING! ^. ^
Huh? We're missing two girls? I didn't even notice that O.O<br />
Aw~ Soo-Jean was so worry but she still be fine after all.<br />
YeonChan can rawr? Wow~ that's so cute XD And I couldn't believe the dirty joke, it's hella funny XD<br />
Oh~ seem like Jaehwa is tired of smiling. But the show is almost over, you can do it ^. ^<br />
Wow~ YeonChan already can earn some money? It's a cute job but I'm not good with kids T. T<br />
Aw~ she's really cute with the 'aegyo' temper tantrum, no wonder people love her.<br />
Yay! The episode 1 is over, I can't wait to see episode 2! So excited!<br />
And I can't wait for more mysterious thing to happen, muahahaha :D
Twin! You've updated! XD Hmmmn, this episode is entertaining! Especailly the dirty jokes LOL. I see two girls have commented before me. I guess I'm in the 4th episode? Idk XD
wahhh kan is so cool^^<br />
aww yeonchan and joon are cute together; hehe, i loved the 'mr. ballerina' comment