TEASER!!* :*:* Number ONE

Paradise Dorm


*before the disappearance*

“Mexican Americans like to get an education so they go to night school and take Spanish and get a B!~” YeonChan sang loudly as she entered the corner store near their new dorm. Her English was flawless, but it’d help if she knew what it meant.
“”Yah, do you even know what you’re saying, unni?” ChaeRi asked, following her good friend into the store. YeonChan just shook her head.
“No but don’t copy me, dongsaeng, it might mean something horribly erted.” The older one warned as she started browsing through the aisle.
“Then why do you say it?” ChaeRi grabbed a small plastic bag and started to put some gummy bears and worms in it.
“Because I’m better at English than you.” YeonChan reappeared beside the younger one and grabbed the plastic bag.
“Yah! That’s not a reason for you to say it, unni!” She yelled and stamped her foot. She tried grabbing the candy bag back, but YeonChan had given it to the cashier.
“Sorry! Only I’m allowed though.” She gave the cashier some money. ChaeRi gave a pouty look and mehronged her unni. “Just listen to your unni, okay?!”
“No! No more, I’m not listening to you anymore!” YeonChan covered her ears as her dongsaeng opened . “LA LA LA LA LA LA~”
“You’re so immature, unni.” And with that, she walked out of the store with her candy bag. YeonChan started mumbling and grabbed the rest of the groceries she had bought.
Slowly, she made her way back to the dorm. The new DORM, with JOON. She was so happy that she had won; it was as if she was floating on a cloud, with a y Joon right beside her.
In a daze, she hadn’t realized that a man was following her. A man that was suspicious in all ways possible. Grubby beard, greasy hair, big trench coat, army boots, big burly, body and sunglasses.
The man was a few steps behind her and all she was doing was thinking of her y Joon that would be waiting at the dorm for her. The man was about to, just about to grab her when he realized that there was no one with her. No game to play with if she was alone.
The man left YeonChan alone, with her fantasies and groceries, but he was waiting. Because everyone knew that if you were given money first, you’d be the first to spend it. She was the first to win, she’d have the least time with her 'celebrity'.
“YAH!” She suddenly yelled and stopped in her tracks. “…What was I going to say?” She asked herself. She shrugged and moved on, totally clueless to the fact that she could’ve been kidnapped, or worse.

 (Babiesaurus) Yay, first teaser up! I hope you guys like the story. :) And please, PLEASE keep applying. UNNIES! *does aegyo dance* please? ^-^

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hielooo #1
can i apply without email? im not realy comfortable with using my email, so can i post my app as a blog and give u the link? :)
XDDDD<br />
- Chaeri and her playfulness sends her oppa and his hyung out the door. Then she comes and ruins me and Jay's moment! XDDDD Chaeri, you little menice <3 Onew and Soojin was pretty romantic as well ^_______^ Onew's English skills, Hwaiting! XD
Aw~ poor Mir, he is true just a maknae in his group. Now Joon also left the room. We better not leave ChaeRi bored :D<br />
Ooh~ look at Thunder and Jay, enjoying the sunset together huh? Kekeke. But too bad that the playful ChaeRi just ruined it ^. ^<br />
omg, I love my part! I'm reading it over and over again! It's amazing! The whole scene was really fun XD<br />
Aw~ I can't wait to read more. Update soon ^. ^
Whooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back! You're finally back! Yay!!!<br />
You guys don't know how I miss you guys and the story, it's freaking bore without a thing to read!<br />
Anyway, I love the update. Wooyoung and Maylee just found out something scary! BLOOD!?! AAHHHH!!!!<br />
... sorry for those screaming and stuff :D Update soon guys ^. ^
YAAAAY! Twinnie your back! <3 WELCOME BACK LOVE!
HIATUS!? Why~ T. T Don't leave us here T. T<br />
OMG! Really? Your school is almost ... burnt down? Omo, and the story too! T. T<br />
Audition for JPY!? I'm so jealous T. T But actually, I prefer SM more :D<br />
Anyway, good luck with both of you and come back soon okay? FIGHTING! ^. ^
Huh? We're missing two girls? I didn't even notice that O.O<br />
Aw~ Soo-Jean was so worry but she still be fine after all.<br />
YeonChan can rawr? Wow~ that's so cute XD And I couldn't believe the dirty joke, it's hella funny XD<br />
Oh~ seem like Jaehwa is tired of smiling. But the show is almost over, you can do it ^. ^<br />
Wow~ YeonChan already can earn some money? It's a cute job but I'm not good with kids T. T<br />
Aw~ she's really cute with the 'aegyo' temper tantrum, no wonder people love her.<br />
Yay! The episode 1 is over, I can't wait to see episode 2! So excited!<br />
And I can't wait for more mysterious thing to happen, muahahaha :D
Twin! You've updated! XD Hmmmn, this episode is entertaining! Especailly the dirty jokes LOL. I see two girls have commented before me. I guess I'm in the 4th episode? Idk XD
wahhh kan is so cool^^<br />
aww yeonchan and joon are cute together; hehe, i loved the 'mr. ballerina' comment