I Am Your Fiance





Jeez… TOP hyung wasted my time!’ I walked to the school grounds, looking for the certain guy, ‘AISHHT! Where is that guy?!’ I continued to walked…



There he is!!



“WOOYOUNG!” He looked at me, “What?”



“Follow me”, I made my way to the School Court. Luckily, there’s no students there. “What do you want??”, I looked to him ‘Jiyong, there is no turning back. You can do it.’




“I want to be the President of DaraLing FanClub.”



‘Kill me!’



Wooyoung is trying to suppress his laugh but to his dismay he can’t stop his laugh and he burst into big, manly laugh, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”. I looked at him, no I glared to him, “Do you think I’m joking?”  I asked with an annoyed voice. He stop from laughing, “Oh! You’re not joking?”



“Yes, I’m joking.” I glared again to him, “Okay! Okay! Sorry but you can’t.”



“I can.” I argued .



“You can’t”



“I can”



“You can’t”



“I can”



“I said, you can’t”



“Oh really? Why?”



“Because I’m the PRESIDENT of that FANCLUB. I’m the one who will have the decision.”



“What are you to Dara??” I asked. He answered with a silence.



“Well, I’m Dara’s FIANCE,  F-I-A-N-C-E. And Dara’s FUTURE HUSBAND, F-U-T-U-R-E  H-U-S-B-A-N-D. And she will be MINE… And you are NOTHING to her…”






“Stop Wooyoung…” Kevin interrupt us. “Ji, has point. He is Dara’s fiance.”






“Shut up Wooyoung! Follow me!!! I have something to tell you.” I saw Wooyoung nodded. ‘Kevin is scary.’



“Kevin!” I called and he looked at me “Thank you!” I smiled.



“Don’t thank me. Come tomorrow at 9 am, and then go to our clubroom. It is located at second floor, number 21A. We still need the other’s opinion.” I nodded.






Jiyong is now waiting to his friends in the Parking Area. ‘They’re so slow…’ , He keep on looking to his watched.



“Hello Jiyong Oppa!!” Someone greeted him. When he looked up, he saw a familiar face. ‘Oh! She’s the one who keeps on winking on me.



“Excuse me. You’re one of my classmates, right? What’s your name? I’m sorry I don’t know”



The girl pouted, “I’m KiKO…” And then she smiled seductively, “And the prettiest here in school.”



Jiyong tried his best to suppress his laugh, ‘Is she sicks?? Duh. Dara is the most beautiful girl here in school and in the universe. Even though I hate SoHee, I can say that she’s cuter than this girl! This girl has a lot of make up on her plastic face and she’s wearing ALMOST NOTHING, at least Sohee is more decent than her.’



He fake smile, “Ah…” All he can say, suddenly she cling in his arms. He was taken a back to her action that made him push her off. He didn’t meant to do that thing but he really doesn’t want someone will suddenly came to him and touch him!



“Miannae KiKO!”



“It’s okay oppa.” And she stand next to him, “KiKO, Can you move. I don’t like your perfume.” She pouted again, “Okay, I’ll change it for you.” And she touches his hands.



“Damnit KiKO! Don’t touch me! I don’t even know you!” He shouted. Right now, he doesn’t care if he hurt her feelings. The certain girl cried and run away.



‘Who cares!!’



“Haha! You made the KiKO-Fish cried!!!” Sohee came to scene. “You saw??”



“Yeah! I’m just making my way to our room when I’ve heard your conservation! Take that !” She clapped her hands.



“She’s trying to ruin your relationship with Dara! Oppa, don’t make her ruin your relationship! Don’t worry, I’m here! I’ll help you!”



“You know my relationship with Dara??”



“Of course! You and Dara are good together.”



“Tha- Wait! I thought…”



“I like you.” She finished his sentence, “Of course not! I just want to be close to anyone! And Dara is a good friend of mine.”



“Ah! Wait! Why did you call KiKO a fish?” he asked



She smirked, “Coz she looks like a fish. Bye. Seeyah in room.” Sohee leave the place.



‘Dara is really lucky to have him as a fiancé. I wish I’m her but I know it won’t change. I like you Jiyong oppa but I don’t want to ruin my friendship with Dara.’ She thought as she wiped the tears.







“Dara!” I called. She is now packing her things. She looked at me, “Where to somewhere.” I answered her look.



“Your mom said, you need to go with me.” I continued and she nodded. She bid a goodbye to her friend and I did the same with my friend, “Bye!”



“Good Luck!” They cheered me.



Dara and I made our way to my car, Bently. I drove my car to the restaurant. I opened Dara’s door. We walked to the big doors. A big man open the door, “Good Evening, Mr. Kwon and Ms. Park.” Then a blonde girl came to our view, she greeted us like the big man greeted. She shows us the seats. As we seat a waiter put a red wine to our glasses. When he out of sight.



“Did you reserve the whole restaurant??” She asked. I lied, “Yes.”



‘I don’t want to lie to my BABY but I just following her mommy!’



 “Just for you, my beautiful fiancé.” I continued. I saw her blushed. ’Yes! I made her blush finally!’



The waiter came back again with our meals, “Enjoy your foods, Mr. Kwon and Ms. Dara.” He bowed.



“So… Do you have past girlfriends??” She asked. I smirked to her, “Curious, baby??” I teased. And she looked away. I laughed at her red face, “I don’t have any girlfriend in the past.” She looked at me immediately.



“Shocked, baby?” I asked. She nodded, “Yeah. I know that I’m handsome. But not because I’m handsome I can be playboy.”




“You are so confident to yourself…” She smiled. “What about you? Are inlove right now, honey?” I asked her. “Yes. I’m in love.”



I looked at her, “Can I know who that is??” I asked in a shaky voice. She looked at him, “You don’t need to know because you don’t him.”



I felt like someone is killing me… Killing me softly, “Why can’t you love , Dara??” Tears started to run down in my cheeks..




Aww!!! Poor Jiyong


Hello again!!!

Another chapter for all you!



And thank God… Our First Exam is now done!

I can say that it is easy (Just for me.)

My seatmates we’re cheating!

HAHA! They are copying each other answers.

While me?

I’m just listening to my phone.

Don’t care to the world.

My other classmate tried to please me to let him copy

But sorry for him

I’m selfish when it comes to the Exam.

They even said it was not easy!

Especially in the History and Math.

Actually, the history is the easiest.


PRAY FOR ME TO PASS THE EXAM!!! I really want to pass!





And think next chao is iutaeyang




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Should I update?


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miz_perfect #1
Chapter 17: Update please
Chapter 17: please update authornimmm :)
memey89 #3
Chapter 17: Update soon please authornim....its have been hiatus for almost 2 years now...we're dying to know the ending....
Chapter 16: New reader here. Authornim update more. Your story is jjang!!! Daragon love..
Chapter 17: please update,pwede?
Dopere #6
updatee~~~ juseyoo~~~
Chapter 17: ommo.. ommo.. ommo.. such a great FICs, author-nim!!
i fall into this.. please update soon!!

Chapter 17: OMO. This is so addictive *u* Please update soon unnie :"> HWAITING~~~~!
Chapter 17: love this one (fic) too! update more~ love it! hope dara fall in love with jiyong ,fighting jiyong!
koreanaddict_lyn #10
authornim please update soon.. i <3 ur story..