Different Beginnings; Different Outcomes

The flirt girls are in the gate waiting for Hyun Na and her group to come.

“Unnie, you sure this will work?” Seowa asked Mi Yuri.

“Of course, I’m sure.” Mi Yuri said confidently.

Just then, someone bumped at them.

“Yah! Who are you?!?” Mi Yuri screamed at the girl.

“Mianhae..” the girl apologized.

“Can’t you see where you walking?!” Lia asked.


“You should pay for this!” Yeon Ah let a sharp look in her eyes.

“I’m really really sorry.” The girl bowed many times.

“We are popular here and we can’t forgive you!” Mi Yuri said.


Suddenly, Hyun Na, Yeomin and SeoHae entered the school gate and saw what the flirt girls do to the girl.

“Unnie, isn’t that the flirt girls?” SeoHae said to Hyun Na. Hyun Na looked at the girls.

“Yeah… It’s them… What are they doing to her? Let’s come.” Hyun Na said and they run towards the flirt girls’ direction.

“Yah!” Hyun Na cried as they stop them. “Don’t fight with her.”

“Neh? Ohh… You’re here again.” Mi Yuri said.

The girl was shocked because she didn’t even know who the three girls are.

“Do you want to fight us again?” Mi Yuri asked Hyun Na.

“We’re no fighting you.” Hyun Na said.

“it’s just that she only bumped on you and she already tell sorry but you don’t forgive her.” Yeomin added.

“Yah! If you don’t want to be out of this school, don’t come near us.” Lia said.

“We’re not coming near you. We’re just saving our friend.” SeoHae cried. Mi Yuri looked sharply at Seohae and she remembered their plan.

Friend?The girl thought. I don’t know them.

“Okay, girls lets just ignore those slumps.” Mi Yuri laughed and turned to leave.

“Aisshhh~! Those flirt girls are so…aisshh~!” Hyun Na exclaimed.

“Kamsahamnida~” the girl bowed.

“No ,its okay.” SeoHae smiled. “By the way I’m Kim SeoHae.”

“I’m Cho Yeomin.”

“I’m Kwon Hyun Na.”

“I’m Mikuro Courtland.” Mikuro bowed. “It’s nice meeting you.”

“Nice to meet you too.” The three girls replied and bowed.

“You’re studying here?” Yeomin asked.

“Yeah… I just started today.”

“Ohhh…” they all said.

Suddenly, the bell rang. *RING~RING~*

“Yah, it’s already time.” Hyun Na turned to Mikuro. “What class are you?”

“3-C” Mikuro replied.

“It’s near our classroom!” Yeomin exclaimed.

“I guess, you’ll go on your way and I’ll go on my way.” Seohae suggested.

“You’re right.” Hyun Na agreed.

“Bye… See you later at the cafeteria.” SeoHae waved and leaved. Hyun Na, Yeomin and Mikuro also leave.


In the Cafeteria…

“Yah! Hyun Na unnie said she’ll wait for me,” Yeomin said while looking at her wristwatch and at the door. “Where is she?”

Suddenly, Sungmin entered the cafeteria.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH” All girls cried as they look at Sungmin.

“Yah. Why are they so noisy?” Yeomin complained. “Sungmin?”

Sungmin then noticed Yeomin that she is looking at him. He goes towards Yeomin’s direction. He then sits on the table of Yeomin.

“Annyeong~!” Sungmin smiled and the girls in the cafeteria started to whisper to one another.

“Neh?” Yeomin replied.

“I’m Sungmin and you are?” Sungmin offered a handshake.

“Neh? Uhmm… I’m Yeomin.” Yeomin accepted it.

“Sooo…Uhmm… You look so beautiful.” Sungmin smiled.

“Neh?” Yeomin blushed.

“I said you look so beautiful.”

“Gamsa.” Yeomin look towards the door.

“Who are you looking for?”

“My friends……….and they are your exes.” Yeomin smiled.

“Neh?” Sungmin mumbled.

“SeoHae, Hyun Na, Yeon Jae and Jo Eun, they are your exes right?”

“Ohh,” Sungmin looked away shyly. “Neh…”

Yeomin stand up from her chair. “If you are trying to get me, Sorry, cause you can’t. I’m not like the other girls there. Bye.”Yeomin smiled and leave.

“Yah! You’ll regret this, AKUMA!” Sungmin cried. “She’s so brave Aisshh~! But she’s cute… Yah Sungmin, don’t say those things.” Sungmin said as he stands up.


“Yah, unnie! Where did you go a while ago? I waited for you.” Yeomin told Hyun Na.

“I get the song lyrics that we’re going to sing.” Hyun Na handed a copy to Yeomin.

“Neh? Why The One I Love?” Yeomin said as she read the lyrics.

“I choose it.” Hyun Na smiled.

Suddenly, Seowa and ChangHi entered the classroom and saw that Hyun Na and Yeomin are singing.

“Annyeonghaseo~” Seowa told Hyun Na and Yeomin. Hyun Na and Yeomin stopped from singing.

“We don’t want fake time…” Hyun Na looked away.

Seowa ignored what Hyun Na said. “You have a nice voice.” Seowa complimented.

“Thanks.” Hyun Na smiled and started to sing again.

“Hyun Na unnie, what’s your real name and age?” ChangHi asked.

“Unnie? You call me unnie? Oh… What a fake girl.” Hyun Na laughed.

ChangHi tried to control her anger and just smiled. “Hoobae, what’s your real name and age?”

“Kwon Hyun Na. 17 years old.”

“And you?” ChangHi turned to Yeomin.

“Cho Yeomin. 16 years old.”

“You’re just 16? But how come you’re already in 3rd year?” Seowa asked and was shocked.

“It’s because I’m smart.” Yeomin let a fake smile.

“Ohh~!” ChangHi said. “We’re going…Bye.” Then they leave. Hyun Na and Yeomin didn’t even dare to look.

“What’s with them?” Yeomin asked Hyun Na.

“Just don’t mind them.” Hyun Na replied. “Let’s just sing.”


They started singing.

“Yah, it should be ‘SAENGGAKHAJYO’ “ Yeomin taught Hyun Na.

“No, it should be ‘SAENGGAKHAJYO~’ “ Hyun Na protested loudly and every one in the class look at her.

“Mianhae…Mianhae…” Hyun Na apologized and she saw Yeomin laughing.

“Yah, Don’t laugh.”

“Can’t help it Hyun Na!” Yeomin laughed.

Eojjeol suga eobseoyo amugeotdo mothago
I deodin shiganeul shikyeobojyo
Eodi-e ihtdeunji mu-eoseul hadeunji
Ojikhan saram maneul saranghago ihtgi-e
Ojikhan saram maneul nan saenggakhago ihtjyo
…” SeoHae and Kyuhyun sang.


“You have a nice voice.” Kyuhyun complimented.

“Gamsa.” SeoHae smiled.


“It’s already time.” Kyuhyun said while looking at his wristwatch. “See you later at our dorm.” Kyuhyun then turned to leave.

“Bye…” SeoHae replied.


At the dorm...


Kyuhyun and Ryeowook opened the door and it was Seohae, Hyun Na and Yeomin.

“Annyeong~” the girls bowed.

“Ohh… You’re already here.” Kyuhyun said happily.

“Come inside.” Ryeowook said and the girls followed them.

As they went inside, the girls were shocked because Sungmin was there.

“YOU?” The girls said as they pointed Sungmin.

“Yah, what’s with me?” Sungmin stand up and noticed Yeomin. “Annyeong~ Yeomin!” He smiled. Yeomin ignore him and the girls just sit down on the sofa.

“So…” Kyuhyun started. “Seohae, Hyun Na and Yeomin, this is Sungmin.”

“Yah, we know him.” Hyun Na replied.

“Okay.. Sorry for not telling you and I guess… we’ll start to practice.” Kyuhyun smirked.

“Okay..” The girls replied.

“Wait,” Yeomin said. “Where are your dorm mates?”

“They went out.” Kyuhyun replied.

“Let’s start ..” Ryeowook said and they started to sing.


“I don’t know that he’ll be there.” Seohae said while sitting down on Yeomin’s bed.

“Yeah, me too.” Hyun Na said then she noticed Yeomin who was quiet since their way going home. “Yah, Yeomin ah, why aren’t you talking?”

“Neh? Me….uhmm….I’m not in the mood.” Yeomin replied.

“Neh? Arasso… Let’s just sleep.” Hyun Na said while going out of Yeomin’s room and pulled SeoHae with her. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Yeomin said as they closed the door.

“Yah, what’s with Sungmin?” Yeomin mumbled in confusion.


“Yah, why are looking at me? Sing!” Yeomin said while looking at Sungmin who’s smiling at her.

“Nothing.” Sungmin said and smiled again.

“Yah, stop smiling!” Yeomin said as she slaps Sungmin.

“What’s that for?” Sungmin said while touching his cheeks.

“If you don’t want to get that again, don’t ever dare to look at me.” Yeomin said.

Sungmin just smiled and said. “Arasso, if that’s what my princess wants.”



“He’s sweet.” Yeomin mumbled. “Omo, Yeomin don’t ever say those things again.” Yeomin said while slapping her lips. But… He’s really sweet. Yeomin thought and smiled. 


HELLO! THIS IS CHAPTER SEVEN! Next time I'll make character replies :) Please do Comment and Subscribe. NOTE: AKUMA mean DEVIL in Japanese. Remember, Sungmin is half korean, half japanese. hahahaha :)))

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bobeepme #1
I love the love triangle of Hyun Na, Wookie and Hyukjae.<br />
Yeonjae and Donghae at the beach. hehe. LoveThem. :)<br />
love the dress too.<br />
update soon. :)
Hahaha !! xDD.
Hahaha !! xDD.
@steff_1004 : this fanfic has more chapters to come. so wait and see if your favorite pairing is there :]
steff_1004 #5
I love the moments of Soe Young and Leeteuk...... I wish there's more moments of them....