Different Beginnings; Different Outcomes



“AHHHHHHHHHHH~!” Donghae screamed making Yeonjae awake.

“Waeyo?” Yeonjae asked still feeling sleepy. She looked at Donghae who got all sweat on his face. He looks very afraid.

“Waeyo?” Yeonjae asked again. Donghae then pointed at the little cockroach on the floor. [A/N: I dunno if Donghae is afraid of cockroach. If not, let’s just pretend in this storyJ]

Yeonjae looked at the direction Donghae was pointing and she can’t help but burst into laughter.

“HAHAHAHAAH~” Yeonjae laughed. Donghae stared at her with a confused look.

“Hey~” Donghae approached Yeonjae but Yeonjae was still laughing. “Hey.” He repeated again.

“You’re afraid of cockroach?” Yeonjae asked holding her laughter.

Donghae then looked away and answered shyly. “Yeah~”

Yeonjae laughed again.

“Hey.” Donghae approached her again. “Get that out of my sight.”

“Neh? Me? why don’t you?” Yeonjae asked.

“Aishh~! Please.”

“In one condition.”

“what’s the condition?ahhh~” Donghae asked and screamed while he saw the cockroach.

Yeonjae laughed again and said. “You won’t sleep tonight!”

“WHAT?!?” Donghae was shocked.

“Don’t’ sleep tonight or I won’t get rid of that cockroach.”

“Aishh~! Arasso. I won’t sleep. Now, get rid of that.”

“Let’s have a pinky promise first.” Yeonaje said and the two of them made a pinky promise.

Yeonjae then get a rag and fortunately she got the cockroach in one attempt. Donghae’s mouth was like ‘o’ because he doesn’t know that Yeonjae isn’t afraid of these things. After Yeonjae throw the cockroach on the trash bin, she went to Donghae and said. “NO SLEEPING, ARASSO?”

“A.R.A.S.S.O.!” Donghae said irritatedly and Yeonjae laughed.


It was already 9 pm when Sungmin arrived at his dorm. He was just alone in the dorm. He then went to his room and lay on the bed.



Jhunsu is really something. Thinking that I’m in love with his auntie? way. I’m just taking revenge on her. For making me felt ashamed infront of many people [CHAPTER SEVEN: SHE’S MIKURO AND PRACTICE].

*Kringg~ Kringg~*

I heard my phone rung and I get it. I opened it and some unregistered number was calling. I answered it.

“Yoboseyo?” I answered the phone.

“AHJUSSI!” a boy from the other line said and I know that it was Jhunsu.

“Aishh~! Jhunsu! What do you want?”

“Ahjussi, do you really like auntie?”

“I told you NOT. “

“Aishh~! Ahjussi it’s obvious!”

“Yah! If you’re won’t say important things, I’ll hung up.”



“I know what auntie likes: BOOKS: English type books by Laurie Faria Stolarz and Stephanie Meyer. ICE CREAM: Chocolate. COLOR: Brown. SONG GENRE: Rock. BAND: Paramore. SONG: Playing God. CHOCOLATE BRAND: Ferero Rocher. FLOWER: Rose. CELLPHONE UNIT:  –“

“STOP~!” I got irritated listening to him.

“Waeyo ahjussi?”

“I don’t want to hear it anymore.” I hung up and lay on my bed and sleep.




Yeonjae was already asleep and Donghae was roaming around their classroom to prevent himself from sleeping. He then saw a chalk and wrote on the board. After 5 minutes of writing, he heard Yeonjae.

“Ahh..ahh…ah..~” Yeonjae was like having a nightmare. Donghae came close to her to wake her up.

“Yeonjae…” he said calmly.

“I-I…f-f-fe-feel soo c-c-cold..” Yeonjae was stuttering.

Donghae touched her head and found out that she is feverish. “You are feverish.”

Donghae then removed his jacket and put in into Yeonjae. “Are you alright?”

Yeonjae didn’t answer. Donghae then sat beside her and he put Yeonjae’s head on his shoulders. Then they didn’t know that he was already asleep.


Next day…

Jo Eun was in panick because Yeonjae was not yet home. She then dialed Seohae’s number.

“Yoboseyo?” Seohae answered from the other line.

“Seohae ah!” Jo Eun said nervously.


“Yeonjae is not yet home.”


“Yeonjae didn’t went home yesterday until now.”

“Aishh~! That girl. Have you called her parents?”

“There’s no way I’ll call them. They’ll get mad at Yeonjae and they’ll let Yeonjae marry the unknown guy.”

“Unknown guy? Marry? What do you mean?”

“Arranged Marriage. Arasso?”

“Arasso. Wait I’ll call Kyuhyun if they saw Yeonjae. Bye.”

“Bye.” Jo Eun then hanged up.


*Kringg~ Kringg~*

“Yoboseyo?” Kyuhyun answered his phone still half asleep.

“KYUHYUN-SSI!” Seohae said from the other line.

“Who’s this?” Kyuhyun asked as he sit on his bed.

“AIshh~! This is Seohae.”

“Oh.. Seohae.. waeyo?”

“Yeonjae isn’t on their dorm yet. Have you seen her?”


“Aishh~ where could that girl be.”

Just then Leeteuk came running on Kyuhyun’s room.

“KYUHYUN-AHHH!!!” Leeteuk screamed.

“Who’s that?” Seohae asked.

“The ahjussi.” Kyuhyun said and they both laughed.

“Waeyo hyung?” Kyuhyun asked Leeteuk who was catching his breath.

“Have you seen Donghae?”

“Nope. Waeyo?”

“He’s not yet home since last night.”


“Waeyo Kyuhyun-ssi?” Seohae heard Kyuhyun said WHAT.

“It’s because Donghae isn’t home too.” Kyuhyun told Seohae on the phone.

“Who’s that?” Leeteuk asked Kyuhyun referring on the one his talking to with the phone.

“Seohae.” Kyuhyun answered Leeteuk. “She said that Yeonjae isn’t home yet since yesterday.”

“WHATTT?!?” Leeteuk was shocked.

“You’re so loud hyung.” Kyuhyun complained.

“Kyuhyun-ssi.” Seohae called the attention of Kyuhyun.

“Waeyo Seohae?”

“I’ll hang up now.”

“Neh? Arasso. Bye.”

“Bye.” Seohae then hang up and Kyuhyun face Leeteuk again.

“They must be together…” Leeteuk concluded.



The light from the sun that passes the window make Yeonjae awake. She then saw that Donghae was asleep.

“Yah!” Yeonjae tried to wake Donghae up but Donghae didn’t move. She then noticed something on the blackboard. She then stand up and went near the blackboard and saw a message.

            ‘there is one thing I like about her…… she’s funny to be with,she’s kind and caring. And especially sweet. She has an exceptional talents and i wish to be with her the rest of my life.’

When Yeonjae read this, she then remembered something.


They started eating and continue chatting.

“Soooo… How was Haeundae Beach for you?” Donghae asked Yeonjae while slicing his food.

“It’s great.” Yeonjae smiled.

“I promise to myself that I’ll bring the girl I love here.”

Yeonjae was shocked on what Donghae said. “Neh?”

“Ohh~ Nothing.” Donghae said shyly.

“Do you like someone?”


“Who is it?” Yeonjae seemed too much excited to know.

“Well… I won’t I give her name but I’ll just describe her. Is it okay?”


“She’s someone I adore the most. She’s beautiful, sweet, caring. She’s kind and she has an exceptional talent. She makes me smile all the time. I love her but she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know that she’s the one I’m describing right now…”


“That’s somewhat the same from what he told me the girl he loves.” Yeonjae mumbled trying to solve the puzzle in her mind.

Just then, she heard Donghae moaned. She looked at Donghae and smiled. Donghae was confused and then he realized that maybe Yeonjae read the one he wrote on the board. He then standup and grab the eraser and erase the writings on the board.

“What are you doing?” Yeonjae asked with a dried laugh.

After erasing, Donghae faced Yeonjae. “Did you read that?” Donghae asked nervously.

“Neh. Waeyo?”

“Aishh~! You should not read that!”

“What do you mean?”

Donghae was silent. DONGHAE THINK OF AN ALIBI. “It’s because its not for you.”

Yeonjae the was shocked. “Ohh…o-o-okay..” yeonjae looked away as well as Donghae.

Then the door suddenly opened and they saw the janitor.

“What are you guys doing here?” The janitor asked.

“We’re stuck here last night.” Donghae explained.

“You may leave now.”

“Neh. Kamsahamnida~” Donghae and Yeonjae said and they both leave the school premises.


It was past 6 am when Yeonjae arrived at their dorm. She then saw no Jo Eun around. She walked silently going to her room.

“YEONJAE!” Jo Eun called with a scary voice.

Yeonjae face her and give her unnie a cute look. “Hi. Unnie. I’m going to my room now.” She then started walking again.

“YEONJAEEEE!” Jo Eun called again.

Yeonjae face her again and smiled.

“WHERE ARE YOU LAST NIGHT?!?!?” Jo Eun asked.

“Let me explain unnie.” Yeonjae then sat on the couch and tell Jo Eun everything.

“What?!? You mean you were stuck with him the whole night?!?!?” Jo Eun asked.

“Aishh~! Yeah!” Yeonjae said. Yeonjae then stretched her arms and moaned. “Unnie, I have to go to sleep.”

Jo Eun nodded and Yeonjae went to her room. “I wonder what did they do.” Jo Eun smiled while imagining something on her mind. “Aishh~! Jo Eun stop imagining those things.” Jo Eun said while spunking her head.


Donghae walked silently while going inside his room. Just then Kyuhyun saw him.

“Hyung.” Kyuhyun said.

“Hmm? Waeyo?” Donghae asked pretending to be innocent.

“Where were you last night?” leeteuk then popped at the back of Kyuhyun.

“Ahmmm..” Donghae was thinking of an alibi just then Kyuhyun asked him.

“Are you with Yeonjae?” Kyuhyun asked.

“neh? Uhmmm..neh.” Donghae answered shyly.

“WHAT?!?!” Kyuhyun, leeteuk, Ryeowook, Euhyuk said In unison.

“Hey. Hyung. I thought u were sleeping.” Kyuhyun said to Ryeowook.

“Hyukkie hyung and I heard what you were talking about that’s why we came out.” Ryeowook explained.

“You mean you’re with her the whole night?” Eunhyuk interrupted.

“Neh.” Donghae answered shyly again while Eunhyuk was imagining something on his mind.

Kyuhyun elbowed Eunhyuk and said. “Don’t think of anything, monkey.”

“So, what really happen?” Leeteuk interrupted the two boys.

“We were in the greenhouse then it was already 6:00 we were stuck there then yeonjae think of an idea she said to me that she heard rumors that the greenhouse in an extension to our room we are hoping that it is true then we tried it and we were already in our room then I was locked that’s why I spend the night with her.” Donghae said really fast.

“What?!?” Leeteuk, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook asked. “AGAIN~!”

“okay. I get it. “Eunhyuk said.

“You get it that fast?” Ryeowook asked Eunhyuk and he was amazed at him.

Eunhyuk nodded and said. “We were together since kindergarten that’s why I now understand how he speaks.”

“Ohhh..EUNHAE.” Kyuhyun concluded.

They all laughed except for Leeteuk. “Hyukkie, tell me what he said.”

“He says that they were in the green house then it was 6 pm already. They decided to out but the doors are lock. The green house has a door inside that connects to their classroom. They tried it and they arrived on their classroom. Then the door was also loked so they sleep there and wait till morning comes.” Hyukkie explained.

“ohhh.that’s what happened huh.” Ryeowook said.

Donghae then went to his room and locked the door.



I was with him the whole night? Can you imagine that?!? But wait found something about him. His weakness are cockroaches. Hahahaha. Can’t explained how he looked like when he saw the cockroach.hahahaha. I planned something fr him this Monday..hahaha.. be ready DONGHAE. when I saw the writings on the board, I thought it was for me. but then he said not. How? I dunno. Maybe there was someone who makes her heart beats. Yah.. Yeonjae… NOSEBLEED! Hahahha

*Gunyorul chajima doesang…*

I heard my cellphone rung. I opened it and saw a text message from fishyroach.


From: Fishyroach


            Don’t tell anyone that I’m afraid of cockroaches.


I laughed at what he said. I just turned off my phone and went to sleep.

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bobeepme #1
I love the love triangle of Hyun Na, Wookie and Hyukjae.<br />
Yeonjae and Donghae at the beach. hehe. LoveThem. :)<br />
love the dress too.<br />
update soon. :)
Hahaha !! xDD.
Hahaha !! xDD.
@steff_1004 : this fanfic has more chapters to come. so wait and see if your favorite pairing is there :]
steff_1004 #5
I love the moments of Soe Young and Leeteuk...... I wish there's more moments of them....