Chapter 2 "Google it!!!"

"it started with a...TWEET!!!"

Who is it?

Elise asked Blue who seem to have her eyes stuck on the TV...


I said...who is it?


That "Silver Dude" you seem to be interested at...

"Silver Dude"?

Oh come on! I'm your bestfriend and I know you well enough to know if you're interested or not.

I am not! Just finish your food so we can go straight home, I'm so tired.

Fine! But, I'm telling you...I've got my eyes on you!

You always do!

Then loud noises of girls screaming covered the airport...Elise went out of the cafe to look...

Hey B! Your "Silver Dude" is here!

Stop fooling around and finish your food!

I'm not kidding...


Hey he looks even better in person and that cute "Curly Dude" with him!

Elise seem to be absorbed with whatever she's looking at outside...Blue just sigh then finished her water...

Lis! I'll just go to the washroom...finish your food okay?

Before she could walk towards the washroom Elise is already dragging her out of the cafe...

What are you doing?

We need to go there and get to see your "Silver Dude" and my "Curly Dude" up close! Hurry!

You do what you want and leave me here, I'm way to tired to be such a fangirl like you.

Hey now! Look who's talking...even if you kept on denying it I know that you're interested in him. You know you're not a very good liar!

Right! I'm fine here just go and do whatever you want just make sure to find your right way back here okay?

You're such a party pooper! Fine! Wait for me here!

Elise let go of Blue's arm and went to the crowd of fangirls...Blue went to the wash room after that went back to their table and took her ipod out...after ten minutes Elise arrived...

Aren't you gonna ask me how was my first encounter with a famous Korean Idols?

Like I need to do that...

"Curly Dude" was really cute! He even spoke to me in English which made me more in love with him...

In love?

Yeah! I love GD!!!


Apparently that's his name...I don't know why but who cares? And your "Silver Dude" he's really one gorgeous guy but he's a little bit shy...but, he waved and smiled at the fans so...I can say, I like him too!


Whoa! See, I told you you like him! Look at you you're interested...

I AM NOT! I just ask "And" like..."And" what is it to me?

I don't know about you but you just missed a once in a lifetime experience...a Hell of a once in a lifetime experience! What's the use of being in Seoul the KPOP center of the world if you're not gonna meet KPOP Idols?

Just...please finish your food so we can get home?

Yes Ma'am!


They arrived at the condo unit...

I must admit...Uncle Rob really loves you...he bought you a condo in Seoul!

Lis, you don't have to repeat it over and over again...

I know but still...your Dad ROCKS!!!

They both went inside...Blue went straight to her room then went out and was surprised to see Elise opening her luggage...

What are you doing?

I'm looking for your laptop.

Since when did I put my laptop on the luggage?

Oh Yeah! Where's your backpack?

May I ask why you want MY laptop?

Cause I'm gonna use it!

What happened to yours?

I don't have one remember?

You gotta be kidding me...

Fine...your Dad picked me up so early this morning that I wasn't able to pack the right things...


So...I left it!

Before Blue could react Elise was already inside her room and before she could follow her she was already out with her laptop...She just sigh then went to sit on the couch and the TV...

I promised him I'll follow him as soon as I can...will he still be online?



GD...the "Curly Dude"?

Yeah, cause you were so lazy to go with me and see them up close back at the airport you have no idea what happened.

Again...before she could speak Elise is already starting with her flashback...



-Elise's POV-

You're such a party pooper! Fine! Wait for me here!

I let go of her arm and went straight to the crowd...I gotta admit, Blue is one weird girl...she could be this Happy -go-lucky girl to a lazy chick...she's really weird...well, enough about her I'm now a few steps away from my "Curly Dude" so why waste it right? I squeezed in myself onto the sea of shouting fangirls, most of them are Koreans so I couldn't care less about what they're saying...I was pushing and pulling some of them just so I could get at front...Finally, I'm only a few feet away from "Curly Dude".


I screamed my lungs out...I was thinking to scream his name but, I don't have any idea who he is...that's the reason why I wanna bring Blue with me, she's the one who knows things about Koreans...but, his name is not that important now...all I want is for him to recognize me so I shouted so loud even the other fangirls covered their ears. My hardwork paid off..."Curly" looked at me...slowly went closer and held his hand...I grabbed it and he stopped then smiled...I froze...then he finally spoke...

Hey, what's up?

That was it...I just died...I mean, I've always been this "You kept on listening to those things you couldn't even understand them" to Blue way back when she was just starting to like all things Korean but in front of me...the cutest and the first ever Korean dude I ever liked...I mean, I find SiWon from that "Sorry Sorry" song y but hey, I haven't seen him in person not like "Curly" here...

You can speak English?

Uhm...a little...just a little! From where are you?

I'm from the Philippines!

Oh yeah? Cool!

I can't still believe the way...I am still holding his hands while talking to him...he finally looked at his hand, a signal that I should let it did but, I made sure that won't be the last time I'll see or talk to him...I've decided to make my move...

Do you have a twitter?

I know, I was surprised too...I'm not really fond of twitter but as Blue's bestfriend, twitter is basically part of our lives...she's addicted to it...


Whoa! Hold on! He has a, that idea wasn't bad at all...I then took out my handy-dandy notebook and pen and wrote Blue's twitter account...Yeah, I don't have one so I just wrote hers...I already scored on the twitter thing might as well go for it...He took it and put it on the pocket of his coat, a sign that he values it...

Follow Me?

Curly said with his cute voice...then took my hand and wrote his twitter account...I'm loosing my breath so I just smiled and nodded...he tapped me on my shoulder then went to follow "Silver"...just before they reached the gate he looked at me again and waved so as "Silver" I don't know how but I managed to shout...


I don't know how to speak Korean but I must have absorbed it during my shouting session with the crowd...he smiled then walked in...Then I had to go back to the cafe where I left Blue...

-End of POV-



Elise shouted...

Ah, I'm gonna rest for a while...just wake me up if there's any phone calls or anything you need my help for okay?

Blue stood up...Elise response was just a nod...she then went to her room and before closing the door looked at Elise again who is literally having her face in front of the laptop...she went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, brushed her teeth then went to bed...last thing she does was to stand up and turned off the lights and went back to bed again...Elise on the other hand...



-Elise's POV-

Good thing I know B's password...but, I need to do this fast or else she'll know that I'm using her account.

I jumped off my seat upon seeing GD's reply to my tweet...

Hey! We're now in Tokyo...I'm good, hbu?

I'm caught...what's "hbu"? Oh snap! as Blue would always say "Google it!" I must admit, I'm not really all techie...the only modern technology I have is my laptop and I only use it for schoolworks...good thing I always listen to B...I typed "hbu" on google and it says "Houston Baptist University" What?! That can't be it...why would he say something about Houston if he's in Tokyo? I scrolled down and saw "Urban Dictionary: hbu" I clicked on it and it says "how bout u" Oh! That's what it meant? Stupid me...I then replied...

Oh yeah? How's Tokyo? Well, I'm good thank you!

Whew! That was took me two minutes just to reply just that? GD and I continued to talk...things come your DP is different and then there I was again...googling "DP" and it meant "Display Picture" of course it's Blue's account so it's just natural that her picture will be on it...I just told GD that she's my bestfriend and that I took a picture of her after buying a new camera...after ten minutes of talking he finally bid farewell but guess what he said...

gtg :( I don't want to but I really need to :( ttyl?

Ugh! Why do you guys need to use such words or acronyms in the first place? I googled it again but it was too late...he was no longer online...but I left him a message...

Awww :( okay! ttyl for sure ^^

In the end I was so proud of's not just because I've talked to GD a famous KPOP Idol but I also learned a lot..."hbu?, gtg, ttyl and a few emoticons" well, I need to rest or else I won't have enough energy to defend myself from the war that I just caused...I'm dead! B will kill me! I don't know how to delete those messages and I'm way to tired to google I just left a tweet...

Don't kill me please *hugs* <3

-End of POV-





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ilabya17 #1
@sayurimei awww thank you ^^
i didnt expect this when i started to read this story... But can I say how much i love it... Daffodils are one of my fav flowers too.. So when i start reading the final chapter i couldnt stop tears from falling... Really great sroty!
@Ajtothehustler THANK YOU :)
Ajtothehustler #5
awesome story
@siriSuperjunior the truth is...I don't want her to die too but unfortunately I need to, cause I was busy with school so someone dying as the ending is always a better and if not the easiest option to make XD and Top is the oldest among all the member of Bigbang, he's turning 24 this year and GD's 23 :)<br />
Thanks for loving the story <3
@ardnaxeiram019 I don't want her to die but I needed to end it cause I'm busy with school and stuff XD thanks for liking it :)
omo, she died...huhu<br />
but it's a good story!!!~♥
@TOPandGDluv I know...I'm still sad to let TOP's supposedly "wife" on the story died and THANK YOU VERY MUCH <3