
My Six Bunnies



    You were sitting in the living room as B.A.P sat the opposite end. It was awkward, the only sound being Zelo busily chewing on your freshly picked cherry tomatoes.

    After a while, Zelo leapt out of his seat. "ZELO IS RECHARGED!" he yelled happily.

    "Great, now that that's done, we can tell you about our past," Him Chan said, pulling Zelo back to his seat.

    You leaned forward in curiosity. "Well?"

    "As you know by now, we are bunnies. We came from-"


    You sighed in frustration. "Wait a minute," you told the boys before approaching the front door.

    You opened it and a burly man in a white lab-coat greeted you. He had his white hair combed backwards and had cold, black eyes.

    "Greetings..." he growled darkly. You flinched. Whoever this man was, you did not like the vibe he gave you.

    "W-Who are you..?" you asked timidly.

    He ignored your question. "Are your parents home?"

    "I don't live with them..."

    He pulled out a sheet of paper and showed it to you. "Have you seen these rabbits?"

    You looked at the paper and gasped. It was six blonde bunnies. B.A.P!!






    I watched Ji Soo disappear to answer the door.

    "When are we ever going to tell her our past without being interrupted?" I frowned at my litter mates.

    "Are your parents home?"

    I heard a voice coming from the front door. It sounded so familiar...

    "I don't live with them..." I heard Ji Soo answer.

    There was a short pause, before the voice spoke again. "Have you seen these rabbits?"

    My eyes widened with recognition. Looking around, my litter mates also wore alarmed expressions.

    "Could it be..?"

    I slowly crept behind a wall and peeked at Ji Soo and the man at the door.

    It was true.

    It was him.

    The huge size, the bald spot at the top of his head, and yes, that bloodstain on his left pocket of his coat.

    I panicked.

    It's him! I mouthed to my litter mates. Hide, HIDE!

    As quietly as possible, they crept away from the couch and hid behind it.

    "I... Uh..." Ji Soo fumbled.

    She was obviously debating on whether to say yes or no.

    IDIOT! I thought, Just say that you haven't seen us! Can't you see there is the word 'EVIL' stamped on his forehead?!?!

    As if my prayers were answered Ji Soo turned around and saw my head peeking from behind the wall. I quickly made an 'X' sign with my fingers and then did a cutting motion on my neck with my hands.

    "Say no, SAY NO!" I mouthed.

    "I... I uh... N-No... I haven't seen them," Ji Soo told the man. I breathed a sigh of relief.

    He snorted, as though unconvinced. He peered over Ji Soo's small frame. As quick as lighting I dodged behind the wall again.

    I pressed my palms against the walls and held my breath anxiously, praying that he hadn't seen me.

    After what seemed like forever, he spoke again   

    "Well, in case you found them, call this number." He handed Ji Soo a name card. "They were my daughter's rabbits, and she is very heartbroken that she has lost them."


    Ji Soo rubbed the back of her neck. "Ohhh okay... Good luck, I hope you find them soon!"

    With that, she shut the door.

    I ran back and rejoined my litter mates. What a relief...

    "He's gone."

    Ji Soo followed soon after. "What was that about?" she asked.

    "That man out there," Young Jae pointed towards the door, "is EVIL! 200 pounds of pure EVIL!"

    "I sorta already got that. Who is he?" you asked, tilting your head.

    "He's a really bad person. His name is Paul, an American-Korean," I began.

    "He works for this man called Helix," Yong Guk continued.

    At the mention of his name, Dae Hyun let out a frightened whimper and hid further behind Young Jae.

    Ji Soo looked at Daehyun for a short while then turned her attention back to me. "Who is Helix?"

    "Helix is a scientist, or a madman as the six of us call him," I explained.

    Yong Guk took over the story again. "He is the founder of Helix Corp., an illegal company in which studies the DNA of average animals, and comparing them with that of the humans. Soon after they had discovered the technology to merge both DNA together without forming a mutant, but enabling it to be able to switch back and forth from animal and human."

    "And you were-"

    I nodded. "We were all bunnies back then, genetically modified to have the intelligence of an average human, well, except for Young Jae. His creator was generous with his IQ."

    I playfully casted Young Jae a disgusted glance, and he stuck his tongue out in response.

    "Zelo was the first to try out the prototype. His real name was Choi Jun Hong. During his test, something horrible happened. Technical difficulties led to a huge outbreak of ultraviolet rays, and destroyed half of Jun Hong's cells. We all watched in horror from our cages.

    "Helix then turned him into a robot called Zelo in order to save Jun Hong's life. However, Zelo hadn't been able to be programmed properly. Zelo doesn't recognise happiness, anger, sadness, or any other emotion."

    "Fortunately, nothing else went wrong during their other experiments, and we were upgraded smoothly."

    "Then why did you run away from there?" Ji Soo asked, hugging her legs close to her chest.

    "After many failed attempts, we were Helix's first batch of successful experiments, he wanted to show the world what he was capable of. He wanted to show us to the public and earn enormous amounts of money. He is a greedy man, greedy for cash and fame."

    "He even wanted to open a circus and let us battle with his other experiments." I shuddered

    "We didn't want to be his toys, and he seemed to forget that we had the intelligence of humans. So when he was asleep, we seized the opportunity to escape," said Yong Guk.

    "Under Yong Guk hyung's lead we travelled through unfamiliar territory until Zelo smelt your cherry tomatoes. We wanted to seek shelter for that night, but Yong Guk thought that it would be better if we disguised ourselves as harmless bunnies to earn permanent safety," I finished.

    "And you sent the whole of Helix Corp. after my blood," Ji Soo said sarcastically. I bowed apologetically.

    "We thought you wouldn't find out about us being humans, until-"

    "-Until I found the 6 of you in my bedroom STARK !" she cut me off again.

    "Eh heh heh..." I laughed sheepishly.









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Chapter 12: discontinued?
PLEASE! Update soon author nim ;-; ive been waiting since 2012 xD PLEAAAAAASE! Update soon T^T
Chapter 12: Author- nim ill wait for your update. i wonder what the bunnies are going to do for her and i hope its not something bad
You stole bunnies are puffy from Simon and Martina at eatyourkimchi.
Chapter 12: Cant w8 ^_^ can you please include more bromance i really need to learn how to write a bromance story
Chapter 11: PLEASE COME BACK!!! I love this story! YOU MUST FINISH IT! Or something. Please? Jebal? Q~Q *Zelo pout* This is just so cute & I just NEED MORE of it! <3 SARANGHAE!!!
PandaMinSoo #7
Chapter 10: O and daehyun is also so cute!!! Shy boys are adorable ^_^
PandaMinSoo #8
Chapter 7: This story is so cute!! ^_^ Zelo is just adorable!!! Update when you can! FIGHTING!