Don't Anger D.O..

The Experiment

We walked toward the door.

"How was your little adventure?" a voice asked. Xiumin and I looked around, and saw a boy (please be the last one!) sitting on a chair by the entrance. He had a smirk planted on his face, which made me scowl.

"What's it to you?" I snapped. Xiumin grabbed my elbow.

"Be nice," he said. "It was a... unique experience," he told the guy, with a smile on his face. The boy rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I bet. Are you two plotting something evil?" the boy walked towards us. He began circling us. "Are you training your powers to kill us all...?" he stuck his face right between me and Xiumin. "Or is there something else going on between you two?"

I quickly jumped away from the two of them.

"What?! What kind of a question is that?! Do you see us as the kind of people who would fool around with the first person they meet the moment they're stuck in a secluded place? You've gotta be kidding me! You're disgusting, you... you..."

"Kai," he flashed a smile and I gagged.

"Whatever," I went up the steps and pushed the large door open, making sure to stick out my tongue at the camera next to it. Let the scientists know how irritated I was. Kai and Xiumin followed me to the door.

"Quit stalking me!"

"Romi, we all live here now..." Xiumin pointed out, but I slammed the door in their faces and went to the kitchen. Suho, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol were already there.

"ROMIIIII!" Chanyeol ran at me with a cry. "YOU LEFT UUUUUS!" he embraced me and I pushed him back.

"I went for a walk, and you were still sleep-"

"YOU LEFT UUUUUUS!" he wailed. But I could see with the corner of my eye that he was smiling.

"What did you tell him this time?" I glared at Bacon.

"Not that I saw a spaceship pull you up through the ceiling, if that's what you're thinking," he smiled. Once again, I pushed Chanyeol away.

"Calm down!" I ordered and sat next to Suho.

"I thought you were going to be gone by now. Or did you get attached to this place?" Suho teased. I scowled.

"Not possible. But I can't get out on my own."

"You might not want to speak about this so casually," Kai warned, sitting on my other side. "They're watching your every move. There are cameras hidden everywhere."

I shivered. At that moment, D.O. came into the dining room with trays stacked with food. Toast, pancakes, bacon, eggs, cereal, rice, fruit, and a plate of kalbi. I drooled.

"Whoa! Thanks!" I reached for the kalbi the moment he set the trays on the table. He smiled and walked away without a word. I like him, I thought. He's always so calm... and a shy...

"I'm guessing you like meat?" Suho asked. I didn't answer and continued absorbing the food.

"I think she likes eating in general," Xiumin smiled, when I reached for the rice.

"She doesn't eat, she inhales," Kai added, and with one free hand, I slapped his arm.

"Is this the same person that didn't want to touch the food yesterday?" Bacon asked, shaking his head.

"I'm starving. Besides, D.O. did a pretty good job with this," I said. And I trust D.O., but I didn't say that out loud.

"'D.O.'...?" Suho wondered.

"Oh yeah, Donut," I told him.

"Donut?" Bacon tilted his head.

"Kyungsoo," I rolled my eyes.

"Do you always give people weird nicknames?" Xiumin smiled.

I thought about it. "Now that you mention it, I do."

"Great! What am I?" Chanyeol skipped over.

"Hyper," I said. He frowned.

"How about something cooler? Like... Phoenix."

Kai almost spit out his drink.

"You? A phoenix? Well, I guess your hair does match..."

"Sorry Chanyeol, I don't have a nickname for you," I admitted.

"Gimme a nickname!"

"Not now," I continued eating.

"Come ON!!!"

"Chanyeol, shut up," I growled.

"OMG I want a nickname. Why does only Kyungsoo get a nickname?"

"Actually, she called me something yesterday too," Bacon pointed out. "Bacon, was it?"

"Right... sorry about that. I couldn't resist," I smiled.

"So both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun have nicknames? I can't even... ugh, Romi, I beg you," Chanyeol kneeled in front of the table. "I want one."

"What is wrong with you?" I snapped. Kai and Suho were laughing, and even Xiumin smiled slightly. "Don't bother me while I'm eating."

"Inhaling," Kai corrected.

"This is not fair," Chanyeol scowled, sat down at the table, and grabbed a piece of meat.

"Stupid bacon," he said and began aggressively ripping the bacon into pieces. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Quit being immature, Chanyeol."

"You're the one laughing at my misery!"

"Why is it so important for you to..."

"Don't question it."


"Don't question it!" Chanyeol ripped off a huge piece of bacon and accidentally let go. The meat flew across the table and landed in my hair.

"Did you just throw pig meat at me?" I asked quietly. The room fell silent. Suho quickly dug the bacon out of my hair. Chanyeol scratched his head.

"Sorry about that, Romi..."



I glared at him.

"Please don't kill me," he whimpered.

I stood up, angry, and Chanyeol started screaming like a maniac.

"AAAAAAAAAAAGH ROMI I'M SORRYYYYYYYYYYYY!" he swung his arms and pushed over a bowl of milk. It spilled all over the floor and he slipped on his own mess.

That's when D.O. came stomping in.

"What's going on here?" he asked, looking at Chanyeol accusingly.

"Nothing, D.O.... I mean, Kyungsoo," Bacon answered.

"Well, I'm not cleaning that up," he pointed out.

"That's right, Chanyeol will," I said.

"It's your fault, Romi!" he complained. I couldn't believe him. He was obviously the one who spilled the milk.

"What the hell, Chanyeol?!"

"It's cause you wouldn't gimme a nickname!"

"You want a nickname? How about 'Butthead'?" I suggested.

"Hey, don't be like that!"

"I'll be whatever I want! I can't believe you, you little baby!"

"I'm bigger than you!" he stepped forward, as if to prove his point.

"And so much more immature!" I shoved him back.

"Enough!" D.O. stomped his foot. The entire floor shook under the impact. All the bowls and cups on the table fell over, and more food went to waste. Kai's chair tipped over and he went flying backwards, as did the rest of us. I've never experienced an earthquake before, but I'm pretty sure that if I did, it would have been something like that. The cabinets trembled and the sound of breaking glass was accompanied by our screaming.
"OHMYGODROMII'MGONNADIE!"Chanyeol clutched my arm.

Then, it all stopped. The only person left standing was D.O..

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I was slightly disappointed that they didn't try getting back their powers. After all, when Dr. Kim's daughter goes after them (their grandchildren, I guess), they'll be doomed. Well, actually, now that I think about it, if his daughter was already in her 20's and she supported her father's plans, shouldn't she be chasing them down already? That'd be fun.

Because, seriously, I'm imagining them running away and flying off in a helicopter or plane, (from the daughter and her men) only for that plane to crash in a cold, snowy mountain. There, they'll freeze. If Chanyeol still had his powers, they wouldn't, but eh. *shrugs* It happened...and there's nothing I can do. And Xiumin wouldn't be of much help since he'll just heighten the cold the others are feeling...unless he can withstand the cold, practically immune to it since he controls that power, and is able to share his powers to them, well, he's of no use. Kris obviously can't go around just flying in the mountains, unless he's tasked to get them help—along with Kai, the teleporter. Suho will be useful since he can get them their drinks but as for food? I can only wish they get supplies of that and not eat each other's bodies. Tao can't stop time for them since he'll be the only one able to move. Luhan and Lay will probably be the most useful with their powers since, if anyone gets injured, Lay can heal those automatically and Luhan... If any aircraft flies by them, he can control the craft, can't he? Sehun will only heighten the cold so I doubt he'll be able to be of much use. Being in a cold mountain, at high altitudes and with a child, nonetheless... Well, that's just...unlucky.
Chapter 20: Omg!! This story is amazing!! And Xiumin is just too cute with his obssession with food. Kyungsoo and Romi makes a cute couple! Though I think it's a bit saddening that some of them choose not to get back their powers.. the story end well! :)
Desiiunicorn #3
Chapter 20: This was so great! I know that this is an old story, but it really was amazing. I began reading it at about midnight might time since I like to read before I go to bed. I expected to read just a few chapters before dozing off, but hear I am, two o'clock in the morning, on the last chapter. This was so well written and captivated me instantly. Awesome job!!
fangirlingpotato25 #4
daebakkkk awesome story!!
Chapter 20: this is awesomeeeeeeeeeee
hehehe she got D.O
donut owlllll
Heipaadeg #7
Chapter 20: Awww! I love your story soooooooo much!!! I'm sorry I haven't commented on any of your other chapters, but I read the story in one go and didn't have time to stop kekekeke hope you forgive me :)
Chapter 20: Wow really enjoyed the story......a sequel maybe?????:D