Listen to My Advice If You Wanna Live

I'm Your Love, Venus (Sequel to When I Met Him)

I patiently waited for Jaehyo at the bench at the outskirts of school. People poured from out of the school with their cliques and stuff and in no time at all, the school was almost empty. I had already handed the keys to my apartment so that she was able to place her things at my place. And that she does not have to wait me till I return home (probably late at night). Minutes ticked by and the sun was slowly setting into the horizon, the cold wind made me shiver as it touched my exposed skin. Where in the world could he be? He told me to wait her on this cold, hard bench. "This guy is seriously gonna-" a pair of hands that suddenly were wrapped around my waist cut me off.

"Sorry. Was I late?" Jaehyo said as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Well you are," I replied. He could sense the tint of anger in my tone of voice.
"Sorry!! I'll treat you next time okay?" Jaehyo began to show a sudden outburst of cuteness.
"You know very well that your 'aegyo' is not gonna work on me right?"
"Sorry sorry sorry sorry~" he sang and danced in the middle of nowhere. What exactly is he doing?

People kept on staring and gave us glances as they passed us. I was stuck there practically being embarrassed by Jaehyo's actions. "Stop it Ahn Jaehyo," I exclaimed as I tried my very best to cover my face from the people. Jaehyo, being the stubborn guy he is, kept on doing what he was doing. "Alright, alright I'll except your apology. Let's go before any of this becomes any uglier. I grabbed hold of his wrist and walked away while tugging on his arm.

"Babe I think I need a haircut," Jaehyo said as he was admiring his face through a reflection on a glass panel of a closed restaurant.
"You think?"
"Alright. I REALLY need to get a haircut." he gave in as he ran his fingers through his long hazelnut brown threads.
"Let's go. I'll bring you to my personal hair stylist," I exclaimed while pulling him around with me. "He's an awesome hair stylist for your information."

In no time at all, we have arrived at the hair parlour that I usually go to. Jaehyo's eyes widen as soon as he stepped into the salon. The salon was perfectly designed, well-kept and had the 'professional stylist shop' feeling to it. I went up to the cashier and requested for a man named Lee Minwoo. He was practically the owner of this wonderful place, my mom's personal favourite. I had my hair styled and cut personally by the man himself ever since I was young and I treated him as a close friend.

"Lee Minwoo oppa!" I exclaimed as soon as I saw him approaching us. He was smiling ever so widely as soon as he saw me at the entrance of the salon. "Ahn Jaehyo, this is the man - Lee Minwoo."

                                                       Lee Minwoo

Minwoo offered a hand to Jaehyo who was standing awkwardly beside me. "Hi I'm Lee Minwoo. Nice to meet you."

"Ahn Jaehyo," Jaehyo said as he shook Minwoo's hand. "Nice to meet you too."

"Shall we get it started?" Minwoo suggested and led us to an empty seat at the back. "Who am I styling for?"

"For Jaehyo here," I claimed as I knudged his shoulder. "Hope you don't mind."

"Hey anything for my loyal and royal customer," Minwoo replied and winked at me. It made me weak in the knees every time he does that. "Alright let's do it."

Half an hour later...

"How? You like it?" Minwoo asked as he turned Jaehyo's chair to face me. I literally cracked up the moment I saw this.

From this:

To this:

"Minwoo oppa what did you do?!" I said between my chuckles. My stomach started to hurt due to the explosive laughter. I just could not avoid laughing!
"Hmm.. that bad huh?" Minwoo said. He himself started chuckling silently but Jaehyo was just there with a 'what-the-hell' expression. "Alright alright I'll change it. Hold your applause people." Minwoo went to grab all the other necessary equipment and continued snipping his hair away.

Minutes ticked by and soon enough, Minwoo was finally done. "There's my handsome prince," I grinned as I approached Jaehyo with his new hair. 

                                                                                                                Newly reformed Ahn Jaehyo

"Oppa great job!" I praised Minwoo as we high-fived each other. "An expert as usual." Minwoo chuckled and started cleaning up the area. I did not realise that I was lost in Jaehyo's eyes as mine were locked into his. Jaehyo smirked in my direction and snapped his fingers right in front of my face.

"I didn't know you were this interested in me." Jaehyo said, wringgling his eyebrows up and down. He got up and pecked me on the cheek, pulling me into his warm embrace. The sleeveless shirt that he was wearing made him irrisistable. His hard rock abs could be easily seen. His arm muscles were as if they were perfectly sculpted. His grip around me made me feel secure and warm deep inside.
"You, Ahn Jaehyo, would not look this perfect if you didn't follow my instructions," I . "Listen to my advice every time if you wanna live."

"Understood, Miss April Lee," Jaehyo then planted a kiss on the apples of my cheek, making me flush in embarrassment as we were staring at each other in the mirror. "You know I love you right?"

I nodded in agreement. "Thanks for the great day today." I replied as I held his hands with both of mine.

Hey readers! Second chapter's up! Say hello to Shinhwa's Lee Minwoo! I've cordially invited him to become the special celebrity hairstylist (just joking) Have fun reading! It's 11:11pm now~~ Goodnight peepz! Peace! (Sorry if the two chapters are abit short!) ^-^v - Admin M 

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Chapter 8: i'm feel like crying ... awawwaaaaaaa
Chapter 14: Awwww them sweet gushy feels ㅠwㅠ makez me wanna shed tears of joy update soone please~
It's getting excited *^* update soon~
Chapter 8: Gahhh Block B *w* my BBC feels gahhh this makes me wanna cry from them sweet feels
Chapter 5: Sorry Admin M *bows 90 degrees* Ive been meaning to but so busy babysitting today I never got the chance to comment ^^;;; but poor Jaehyo I just wanna squiesh him and make him feel better
EpicPinkPanther #6
Me too me too! Nexta chap-derr~
Ugh its getting so good!
Can't wait for the next chapter!~