Mirae's First Job and an Awaited Surprise

How I, Kim Mirae, fell in love with Super Junior

Your POV:

You woke up when you felt someone shaking you and whispering your name loudly.

"Mirae, Miraeee!!"

You grumbled and slowly opened your eyes, only to be met with Leeteuk. You quickly shot up from your bed. "Huh?"

"Manager hyung is coming soon!! Go hurry up and change so you can be interviewed and get your job!!" Leeteuk said desperately.

"Oh oh really?!! Sorry, right away." Quickly getting up from your bed and grabbing your clothes and things, you went to the bathroom and changed.

After you were all done and fixed your wig, taking a deep breath you walked out of the bathroom. At the meantime, Leeteuk was explaining to the manager about you. "Manager hyung, will it be okay if there is an assistant manager with you? Or someone who can help us? My b2estfriend's little brother is really into the managing type of job, and I want to give him a chance. Pleaaseeee??"

Leeteuk was nagging to his manager. The manager let out a huge sigh and agreed. "Where is he?"

Like if it was on que, you stepped in the kitcen and bowed. The manager was pretty good looking. "A-annyeonghasaeyo. My name is....*MY NAMEE!!!"

"His name is Kim Minwoo," Leeteuk replied.

The manager looked at you for long. "Alright.. I'll ask the head manager today."

Leeteuk jumped in happiness. "Hey Minwoo! Go wake up the rest of the members," the manager ordered you.

You nodded and walked to a room. You slowly opened the room next to Kangin's which happened to be Leeteuk and Donghae's.

Donghae was sleeping with his headphones on to the max. You poked him, slowly removing the headphones, "Donghae..er hyung! Donghae hyung wake up," you shook him more. He grumbled and slowly opened his eyes, meeting yours.

He squinted. "Mirae?"

"Shh! It's Minwoo now. It's time to wake up, and don't turn on your headphones while sleeping. It's bad for you."

Donghae lazily smiled at you like a naughty little kid and walked to the bathroom.

Walking to the next room, you saw Sungmin and Ryeowook sleeping. And oh gosh, you couldn't believe what you saw in Sungmin's part of the room. PINK with hello kitty pillows. Your eyes landed onto Sugmmin's pink bed. Not knowing what to do, you treid to wake up Ryeowook.

"Err.. Ryeowook hyung, wake up. It's time."

He didn't budge and you sighed. *Do I really have to do this?*

"FIRE!!" You shouted at him and pulled his blanket away.

With that, he instantly woke up, looking shocked. "WHAT?"

You smiled. "Nothing," and walked over to Sungmin.

Ryeowook kept on staring at you, still adjustding at your clothes and everything.

"SUNGMIN WAKE UP!!!!" You shouted at him but he didn't budge.

You tried to think of something to wake him up. "SUNGMIN I HAVE A LIMITED ADDITION HELLO KITTY PILLOW AND I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU!"

"WHEREEEE???!!!" He sat up instantly, eyes round and eager.

You shrugged. "Nowhere. Now wake up," you said.

He groaned as he stretched on his bed and walked to the bathroom. Satisfied, you went to the next room.

Yesung and Siwon.

"SIwon oppa wake up. I want to say morning prayers with you~"

With that, he slowly got up, rubbing his eyes. "Really? Wow no one does that with me. Hold on."

He fixed his bed hair, but he was still dashing as ever.

"Father," and the two of you began your long morning prayer.


The both of you finished. He smiled and walked out of the room. When you were about to wake up Yesung, he already was. "Geez... you guys are so loud."

You grinned. "Call me Minwoo now and tell the others please. Gamsahabnida," and walked out to the two rappers/dancers: Shindong and Eunhyuk.

Shaking Shindong lightly, you said, "Hyung, I have chips from America."

Like magic, he woke up. "WHERE?!" *Oh I just love bribing.*

"In my suitcase, I'll get them later. And please call me Minwoo now."

You walked up to Eunhytuk's bed. "Eunhyuk hyung, Leeteuk hyung is mad at you."

With his face buried on his pillow, he muffled, "I'm not falling for that."

You pouted, but continued, "just wake up. And my name is Minwoo now. Kim Minwoo."

"Alllriiiiight," he slurred.

Happily walking out of the room, you felt accomplished that you woke up all the members.

Making sure you did, you counted all of them.

"Donghae, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Siwon, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Shindong," you frowned. "Kangin,Heechul, Leeteuk oppa is not here, but where's the other one?" Or more like, who is it?"

You tried to rethink who it was, when you noticed another room at the end of the hallway. Slowly, you opened the door, revealing a orange-yellow-red hair color.

Your heart fluttered. "Oh yea, Kyuhyun oppa. How could I forget?"

Like what you did with the other members, you shook him. "Kyuhyun, wake up. Manager is waiting for you."

What you didn't know was that Kyuhyun was faking his sleep. Suddenly, you were grabbed and pulled into him. He smiled wildly with his eyes still closed, but you didn't see.

You were shock, eyes round. You tried to pull out of his hold, but he was just too strong.

"Goodmorning Mirae."

You stuttered. "G-gosh Kyuhyun. You startled me. Ggoodmorning KLyuhyun. Please call me... uhh," you even forgot your male name because you were too shocked.

"Minwoo... and please let go of me and get up."

Kyuhyun chuckled and let of of you, ruffling your wig and walked out. You stood frozen in your spot, and dropped on Kyuhyun's bed. Your clucthced your chest. Your heart was beating so fast and you tried to slow it down.

Calming yourself down, you walked into the kitchen, where the manager was shouting at the members to hurry up. They scurried around the house collecting this and that, matching their clothes with accessories. After a few minutes, they finally lined up in a single file in front of the door. There, walking out one by one, the manager handed out a paper bag with their breakfast in it.

You were last, and the manger said to you, "the bos will be in two separate vans. I'll be taking the first van where you take the second. Just keep them calm and stop the fans from getting them, okay?"

You nodded and he smiled. "Call me hyung by the way, weh ave a big day today."

He handed you your breakfast and locked the door of the dorm behind him. Riding the elevator, it stopped on the next floor down. When it opened, Heechul came in, stylish as always. (Pretend Heechul never went to the mandatory service/duty thing)

"Good morning," he muttered.

The other 9 members plus the manager and you said goodmorning too. He smiled when he saw you.

When the elevator was down to the 3rd floor, you could already hear the screams of the girls. The doors finally opened, and it became louder, piercing your ears. All 12 of you walked out and quickly entered the vans, avoiding touches. You couldn't focus on who was sitting in the same van as you, but just stpped in on the 2nd van as instructed.

When you were able to adjust again to your surroundings, you looked up.

Yo uwere sitting in front of Kyuhyun. Next to him was Yesung and Ryeowook, with Heechul and Siwon at the end row.


Heechul and Siwon were chatting about something werid, Yesung and Ryeowook were practicing their songs quietly and Kyuhyun was just staring at you.

"Aren't you going to pratice? I'm fine you know."

"Did enough yesterday night. Do you know our schedule?"

You realized you didn't and shook your head shamefully.

"Tsk tsk, our new manager doesn't even know our schedule for today," he teased.

You joking glared back.

"Well today is a big day, because it's special to all of us. It's going to last us the whole day, so we need a lot of energy."

You looked at him questioningly.

He smirked, seeing that you didn't know.

As if reading your mind, he answered,


"Today is Super Show 4 Encore in Seoul, number 1."






anyways, sorry for not updating OTL





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chachu #1
Chapter 14: wow!!!!! nice story!!!!
please update soon :)
LaConfessional #2
Gosh. I can't wait to find out why her sister die!
I love this story.
this story is so interesting ! i like it
im waiting ur update :D
Your story is good :D Update soon! Can't wait! ^^
b2stheewon #7
i guess people haven't discovered it that much yet :D
SecretVoicelovesWook #8
Dude you deserve wayyyyyy more comments. This is a really good story. ILOVEIT!!!!!!
b2stheewon #9
Thanks so much! First commenter :DD
Yup! Update soon coz I can't wait to read more~ hehe