Chapter 7

He Doesn't Know

A/n: Hi guys! :D 

I updated again, despite the major writer's block I've been experiencing recently~ Can you believe that it's the reason for my lack of updates recently?~ 



(And intensely unrelated to this story. So... Erm, if you don't want to read my ramblings, you may scroll down to the story, and.... :x )

Are any of you familiar with Block B? If yes, do you know U-Kwon? (it's a stupid question but... -__-)

So that's how he looks like. 

Anyway, recently, me and my family went on vacation. To the beach. Then, in this one particular restaurant, they have these nightly shows (band-playing and stuff) and one of them happens to be these guys who dance. With fire. Yeah... Seems legit. It's hard to picture, but that's...The only way I can describe them, really. 

One of those dancers looks just like Kwonnie up there. I promise, I didn't squeal. At all.

And then, there's this Korean guy who looks just like Zico (And maybe somewhat like Key from SHINee), who happens to be in the audience.

Let me make myself clear first, by saying that the dancers are actually GAY.

So this U-Kwon look-alike just... KISSED that Zico clone, (on the cheek, though.) THRICE. And they held hands. And they hugged. And it definitely wasn't scripted. I know it wasn't, because I stalked the guy the next few nights, and saw that Zico wasn't there, so....

I'm not a big Zikwon fan (I'm more of a U-bomb shipper), but OMG they just looked so much like them.... 

*cough* I'm done. I'm fine now. Yeah... :x

I know I'm not making any sense, but thanks for bearing with me. XDD


Jiyong was frozen in his place, after Seungri had kissed him on the lips, and just left.

He just left, just like that. 

Before Seungri could open the door to his bedroom, He was firmly (and not so gently) pinned to the wall. He hissed at the pain he felt on his back from the collision with the wall. Before he could ask, however, what that was for, he felt a pair of warm lips pressed against his own.

The kiss was rough, demanding, and passionate, and Oh my God, Seungri felt his knees grow weak. Somewhere in between, there was probably a lip getting grazed by some teeth, and whatnot, and a tongue being slipped inside someone's mouth, but after what seemed like forever, the pair finally pulled apart, harshly gasping and panting for air.  


"H-hyung..." Seungri stared at the other, when he heard sounds of sobbing mixed between those of gasping. Jiyong was crying. Big, salty drops of tears dripped down the leader's cheeks, and off his chin, as he glared at him through teary eyes. Seungri found him adorable, the way he was trying to act big and tough, when he looked like a kitten pretending to be a tiger, instead. 

"First, you act like a clueless brain-dead idiot, then you go around and be a jerk to all of us, and now, you KISS me?" He collapsed in Seungri's arms, sobs racking his body. Though Seungri hated to see the other cry, He couldn't help but feel amused that Jiyong was getting all worked up because of him.


"I'm not finished, you punk! And now, you're ch-cheating on Dara noona, with me?! Do you hate me that much, Seungri?" He finished sadly, the fire in his eyes decreasing. His eyes were still full of tears. Seungri felt guilty.

"But--" He opened his mouth to explain, but he was cut off once again.

"Isn't she good enough for you, already? Are you that much of a prick??" Seungri frowned at being called a prick. He watched the leader come undone with amusedly. 


"Explain this right now, maknae! I deserve an expla--mmphhh!!!" They were kissing once again, but it was shorter than the previous one. 

"None of that was real, hyung. I'm actually surprised you fell for it so quickly." Seungri smirked, and the color of Jiyong's face resembled that of a ripe tomato. 

"What? But... B-but, Dara, and... And-- And, Bae's birthday, and..." He stuttered, and with his mouth opening and closing, and flapping about wordlessly, he looked like a fish. Seungri almost cooed at how adorable the leader was. 

"That was all an act. All of it." They stood in silence, before Jiyong grabbed at his hair in frustration and rage, face still red. 

"ARGGHHHH!!!! LEE SEUNGHYUN, I HATE YOU!!!!"  He stormed of to his room, not without banging the door shut, almost pulling it off its hinges. Seungri cringed.


"See, I told you he wouldn't take it well." Youngbae's head peeked out of his door, followed by Daesung and a grumpy looking Seunghyun. 

"Maybe you went a little too far, maknae..." Daesung trailed off thoughtfully. Seunghyun scoffed irritably.

"Still, it wasn't a reason to punch me that hard." He glared at the maknae. Seungri shrugged. Youngbae sighed. Meanwhile, Daesung was preoccupied with flicking some ants off the nearby wall. 




Things were even tenser with the new revelation. The members all sat at the table in silence, as Jiyong glared daggers at every single on of them. Each clanking sound he made with his chopsticks, resembled the sound of a torturer sharpening his tools, ready to butcher his victims. 

Needless to say, They were cautious around the leader the entire morning, seeing that his mood was even more sour today than usual. 

He was even worse during practice, barking orders at them all, hitting them when they made mistakes (Daesung looked quite grim when Jiyong slapped him harshly on the thigh when his angle was wrong while dancing.), and criticising them unnecessarily, even though in their own opinions, they were doing well. 

"What's with you today, Ji?" Youngbae soon piped up, being the closest to Jiyong, and the most reasonable of his two hyungs. (He had also lost rock paper scissors. They had gathered around in a circle, bickering about who'd approach the leader. ) 

The members gulped thickly when Jiyong whipped his head back to glare at the dancer, who stared back calmly. 

How the hell can he manage to do that?! They all had the same thought going through their minds. 

"Oh gee, well... I dunno. I mean, how would you feel if everyone was planning something against you, including your best friend for more than ten years?!" 

So that's why he was upset... He mentally noted.

"Stop being such a drama queen. We weren't planning anything against you." Jiyong scoffed.

"Then what do you call the previous events?" His hands were on his hips. 

"We weren't the only ones scheming, you know, hyung... Sandara-noona was in it too..." A glare from Jiyong shut Daesung up immediately. 

"You think that makes me feel any better?" Seungri decided to interfere, stepping up in front of Jiyong.

"It's my fault, hyung. It was my idea." He looked at Jiyong innocently, sincerity lacing his tone. The leader blushed as he remembered last night's events.

"T-that's another matter. You stay out of this." Seungri face-palmed.

"Don't you get it, hyung?! The whole reason this actually happened is supposed to be for YOU! I was trying to catch YOUR attention!" 

"Huh? Me?! You know, if you weren't so dense in the first place, you wouldn't have had to do this." Jiyong snarled. Seungri was exasperated. The rest of the members watch on from the sidelines. Daesung magically whipped out some popcorn, and began snacking on it. 


"But if I'd have waited for you to confess, hyung, you'd either take, like, a gazillion years to do it, or you wouldn't have the guts." Jiyong just glared. A heavy and awkward silence fell over the five males. 


"So... you just stay here and make up, okay?" Seunghyun and Youngbae walked out of the practice room's door, leaving Daesung confused for a moment, before he finally caught on, and followed his hyungs. 

"Don't be too rough, okay? We still have choreography practice tomorrow." He winked, before shutting the door behind him. The sound of a lock clicking alarmed the remaining two members.



"What is it now, maknae?"

"You do know that the practice room locks from outside, right?"




"The manager's not picking up his phone... Argh, I guess we could just wait for them to come back for us." Jiyong grumbled as he dialed their manager's number on his phone for what seemd like the enth time. Seungri curled up in the corner dejectedly. He felt like crying. 

No breakfast, no lunch, no key, no money. He whimpered miserably. Jiyong rolled his eyes. The last thing he wanted to end up with was a bawling panda maknae.

"Aish, it's not a big deal. We'll think of something..." Jiyong said uselessly. Seungri scowled at him.

"Wow, hyung. Most useful piece of advice I've ever received. Thanks a lot." He promptly received a damp towel to the face. He grimaced.

"Where the heck did that come from?" 

"God knows where." Jiyong snorted. Seungri inched closer to him. 

"Hyung... Are you still mad at me?" 

"Why should I? What's done is done." Seungri snorted.

"Don't lie. You're still mad, I can tell." the maknae pouted. 

"Imagine how you'd feel, if the person you've loved for a very long time just....Does all of that." Seungri rolled his eyes.

"Well, we both liked it, anyway. What's the problem?" 

"Nothing... I'm just....overwhelmed. This is just happening too fast. It seemed just like yesterday that I was mourning and sulking over how you'd never realize my feelings for you. Now, we're..." He glanced at Seungri.

"Wait... What are we?" 

"Boyfriends?" Jiyong wrinkled his nose.

"That sounds so gay. Coming from you, that is." 

"No it doesn't; It's straight." 

"So you're saying you're straight?" Jiyong raised an eyebrow. 

"You know, hyung... Actually, you're the dense one." Seungri said after a long period of silence. Confused, Jiyong sat up. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, any one with eyes and a brain could see that you love me~" Jiyong blushed. 

"What... Why didn't you tell me?" Seungri scoffed.

"Do you have any idea how awkward we would be if I did, hyung? And what would I say? 'Jiyong-hyung, you're in love with me, right?'. You'd probably punch me or something." He chuckled. 

"I wouldn't punch you, dummy." Was the last thing the older male said, before capturing Seungri's lips with his own. They were, however, unaware of their audience watching from the window above them.

"My God. How stupid are they?" Youngbae face-palmed.

"Huh? What do you mean, hyung?" Daesung asked. T.O.P rolled his eyes in agitation.

"He means, Dae, that we always leave a spare key in the cabinet. Our leader, of all people, was the one who specifically placed it there." 



So, how did I do?

Comments and subs are much loved~~ :3

Thanks for reading, once again. I feel so loved and--

/is shot/

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cottonFinland #2
Chapter 9: Waaaaa1!!!! Please come back to this story!!!! I want to read moreeeee! Seungri's reaction and Jiyong's counter reaction
Chapter 9: *looks around for a new chapter* come out come out wherever you are!!!!
Bettsums #4
Chapter 9: Pleeeeaaassseee update!!!! Dont't abandon this story! *on my knees begging* T_T
cottonFinland #5
Chapter 9: Iiii!!! Pleaseeee continue this! !!!! I have to read more! I love this story
Chapter 9: Will this be updated...?
Chapter 9: Why did I just discover this now!! It's amazing!
GiselleSinclair #8
Chapter 9: I just love it!!! i'm waiting for the update. Please!! do it quickly =D
kae-sshi #9
Chapter 9: Uuuuuuuhhhh... so nasty ^^ a love song? In my opnion a man + a woman acting sensually on a bed is not a LOVE song >.<
Well, I'd like to say that I love your comments they are making me laugh.