Chapter 3

He Doesn't Know

Disclaimer: You know the drill.

A/n: Did I make you guys wait? :3 
I just haven't been feeling so well lately; I feel like I caught a bug or something; summer fever? So forgive any errors for now, neh? 



When the leader and the maknae's hands brushed against each other, Jiyong couldn't help but flinch as if he was burned.

Which, of course, made the maknae disappointed. So he grabbed the other's hand, for some strange reason. I mean, this is Seungri we're talking about here.

"W-what the hell are you doing? Why'd you do that?" Jiyong almost choked on his food at the maknae's actions. Seungri shrugged as he shoveled more food into his mouth.

"I wanted to hold your hand. You just pulled away all of a sudden. Which is why I'm holding it." Said he, as if it were the most logical thing in the world.

Jiyong's face started to resemble a firetruck.

"Aww, isn't our leader cute?" Daesung noticed Ji's embarrassed reaction and pinched his cheeks affectionately. Seungri slapped the older male's hand away from the leader's face.

"Yah! Don't touch him, he's mine!" The maknae grabbed Jiyong away from Dae, with his arms wrapped around the other's slim waist, into some strange embrace. Jiyong flushed an even darker shade of red, if possible.

"Can't we share? You know he can't belong to anyone. He's a person." Pouted the tan singer. The panda-eyed male responded with his own childish pout.

"But he's mine, hyung. Go get another snuggle-buddy" Everyone raised an eyebrow at his term." I was first."  Jiyong pulled away harshly from the younger's grasp and shoved more food into his mouth to hide his embarrassment. 

"Kids, stop fighting over Ji. And eat your food, maknae. Dae, you're not doing anything, clean the dishes." TOP, disgruntled from all the noise the two bickering members were making, grunted. Daesung obediently followed his hyung's request and picked up the empty and used plates.

"What's with Ji-hyung being yours, maknae? What, are you in love with him?" He said, before leaving to wash the stack of dishes in his hands. Jiyong almost choked on his food, once again.

"S-Shut up, Dae!" 

Once again, the trot singer was confused. Why did they take his jokes so seriously? 

Despite the happy and noisy aura around the group, Jiyong and Seungri didn't notice the knowing look Youngbae was sending towards them.


"Hey, maknae. Can I talk to you for a second?" Jiyong knocked on the youngest member's door. He felt like the other should know how he felt about him at least. It was worth a shot. Anyways, if he was to be turned down, they could always be friends instead, right?

"Sure, hyung. I'd like to talk to you too." Seungri opened the door and welcomed Jiyong inside his room. He patted a spot on the bed for Jiyong to sit on. 

The elder took a breath.


"Hyung, can you help me with Dara-noona?" 

Well, crap. It clearly wasn't what Jiyong had expected.

"W-wait, what?" Jiyong was dumbfounded, and at the same time, crushed. He had hoped to tell Seungri about his feelings for him, yet he was being asked to help the object of his affection with his love problems for someone else?

"Hyung~ You're good friends with noona, and... Um, I-I'd like to meet up with her some time..." Seungri fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Jiyong found the gesture adorable, despite the pain in his chest and the suspicious tightening in his throat.

"Why don't you just tell her then?" 

"Eh?! She might think I'm a freak, hyung!" The maknae emphasised his thoughts even more by flailing his arms.

"You know she's not like that." 

"Come on...Can you? Please?" Pouted the other.

"I-I don't know... I mean, what if she's already seeing someone...?"  Or what if I want you to give up on her, and go for me instead?

"It's worth a shot." Shrugged the other. 

That was exactly what I said before talking to you.... And I'm being turned down.

"Fine. I'll see what I can do." The older male sighed. The younger grinned. 

"Thanks, hyung! Now what were you going to tell me?" Jiyong smiled bitterly and shook his head slowly.

"Nothing, maknae. It's nothing important, anyway." As he turned around to leave, he couldn't help but feel his eyes sting from the suppressed tears.


"So you're saying Seungri-ssi wants to meet with me?" Dara stared at the male accross her. They were sitting in 2NE1's living room. 

"Yes. Are you interested?" Dara just shrugged with a sheepish look on her face.

"I'm sorry, Jiyong-ah... I--" Jiyong shushed her.

"Please. He adores you so much. He's your biggest fan. Don't break his heart. Please, just give him a chance." He didn't even know why he was so desperate, since he actually liked the person they were currently talking about.

"Err, alright. I'm free this Friday. Please tell him that." Dara was confused; she wasn't that close to Big Bang's maknae, and saw him as a very cute younger brother instead. 

"Thanks, noona. Thanks very much." And just like that, Jiyong left a dumbfounded Dara.


The leader slammed his body on his bead tiredly. He already told Seungri that Dara had said yes, much to the younger's delight.

His love was happy. Big Bang was successful. He was helping his two close friends find love within each other.

So why was it so difficult to feel happy for them?

Jiyong sighed and draped a pale arm over his eyes as he felt tears prickling at the corners. 

Why? Why do you have to be straight? Why do I have to be gay for you, of all people?  He cursed fate for being so cruel. 

For now, he'd just have to sit back and watch. He'd try to forget the maknae as much as possible, if everything goes well with the other pair.

Jiyong released a shaky breath, tears escaped from his eyes at the thought. To make matters even worse, he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." He yelled wearily, not even thinking of who could come in.

It was Seungri.

Oh crap.


Eh~~  It's not my best chapter, I guess. .__.
Thanks for reading this chapter! Don't forget to comment and subscribe, yeah? >,<

And the cliffhanger at the end....trolololol. :)))

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cottonFinland #2
Chapter 9: Waaaaa1!!!! Please come back to this story!!!! I want to read moreeeee! Seungri's reaction and Jiyong's counter reaction
Chapter 9: *looks around for a new chapter* come out come out wherever you are!!!!
Bettsums #4
Chapter 9: Pleeeeaaassseee update!!!! Dont't abandon this story! *on my knees begging* T_T
cottonFinland #5
Chapter 9: Iiii!!! Pleaseeee continue this! !!!! I have to read more! I love this story
Chapter 9: Will this be updated...?
Chapter 9: Why did I just discover this now!! It's amazing!
GiselleSinclair #8
Chapter 9: I just love it!!! i'm waiting for the update. Please!! do it quickly =D
kae-sshi #9
Chapter 9: Uuuuuuuhhhh... so nasty ^^ a love song? In my opnion a man + a woman acting sensually on a bed is not a LOVE song >.<
Well, I'd like to say that I love your comments they are making me laugh.