The First Page of the Fairy tale is Beginning to Form

Unsung Melodies

Yoona’s POV

I woke up the next day with my alarm clock ringing loudly like there’s a nuclear bomb that had just exploded on my room. Gah, what time is it? I stared blankly at the alarm clock that is shaped like a strawberry. . . I cannot ultimately process the time on my mind since my brain is not yet functioning correctly. I yawned, and pressed the snooze button. Another five minutes. HEAVEN !

“Hey Yoona, breakfast is ready !” My mother knocked heavily on the room, threatening to barge in like a hippopotamus if I don’t respond.

“I’m coming umma!” Well, I lied about the part I’m going directly to the kitchen. I’ll still lie down on this utopia for a while.

“I’m going in after five seconds Yoona ! Come out of your room,” My mother, once again threatened. Gah, I guess I’ll live 10 or 20 more years with my mother ranting about breakfast ready on my doorstep.  I opened the door with my haggard face on. My hair terribly messy, the eye bags very visible. Oh my, I need to wash my face immediately !

“What do you want umma?” I asked like a boss.

“Oh, you still look as lovely as always my dear. Now go down and eat your breakfast!” Coaxing me, but gave her real motive after 3 seconds .I sighed and gave a yes ; combing my hair, brushing my teeth and such, all in 20 minutes. A new record !

“Take care Yoona !” My mom said as she bid me goodbye.  “Yosh, a new day!”  I said viewing it optimistically.

“Hey !” Someone behind me greeted. Someone with a masculine voice .I turned around to see , it was no other than Jonghyun!

After we rode the train, we waited until the train arrives on the station. Seriously, fate is pulling a naughty prank on me ! We both left on the same station, and not only that, we were walking on the same streets !

“Are you seriously stalking me?” Jonghyun told me yesterday.

“What? Are you seriously insane? I think you are the one putting the front just to follow me,” I replied completely forgetting about the fact that he saved me.  I continued walking, so did he.  Walking faster and faster until we were both annoyed.

“God, this is annoying!” We both stated at the same time, and then we saw our mothers talking to one another.

“Oh Yoona !” My mother said from a distance. “Jonghyun !” His mother waved seeing us walk together.

“Umma?” I asked. 

“I didn’t know you knew each other,” My mother told me  introducing me to Jonghyun’s mother.

“We’re classmates,” Jonghyun reported.

“Oh that makes things nicer ! Seems like Jonghyun has a new friend, “ His mother told us making me look like a kid.

-End of Flashback-

“Just because our mothers are on good terms doesn’t mean we are!” I told him implying him to back off. Where’s SeoHyun when I need her presence ? Suddenly my cellphone rang.

“Hello?” I greeted as I accepted the call from SeoHyun.

“Yoona ! I’m very sorry ! Really sorry !I’m assigned for class cleaning today that’s why I left earlier. You need to go with Jonghyun again, and besides you are neighbors, “ she said slipping on the part ‘you are neighbors’ . How did she know that?

“Hey, you didn’t stalk us yesterday did you?” I asked her with clear suspicion on my voice.

“Me stalking you ? No, no..Ahaha bye !” she said escaping from my inquiries.

“Hey don’t just.... Call ended,” I sighed.

“What did you two talk about ?” he asked me poking his nose on my business again. Jonghyun just irritates the hell out of me!

“Nothing you are interested in !” I said slamming my cellphone on my bag.

“Let me guess, SeoHyun is on cleaning duty and she asked you to stick with me. Am I right?” He said with an evil smirk.

“Hmph !” I said walking faster than him.

We were about to cross the street when a driver who obviously breaks the rules came rushing his car towards us. No actually, it was only me who was about to cross the road. . .  Am I really that accident prone ? Jonghyun pulled my hands again, accidentally making it look like he held my hand.

“Do I really need to guard you when it comes to auto mobiles?” He said like a guardian.

“You’re just my bad luck charm !” I replied escaping from his hands because it was literally making me blush and my heart is… it’s beating faster?! 

“Taemin’s not there, I think SeoHyun pulled him into her businesses again. Seems like I need to stick with you for a little longer,” As he put his arm on top of my head.  “Well they are kind of similar anyways,” Continuing his stamen and weaved a sigh.

“Taemin and SeoHyun?” I asked curiously.

“He’s a boy that loves to fool around just like how SeoHyun acts. I’m sure they like each other’s company,” He explained. True, the way they work yesterday. You wouldn’t expect that everything’s planned, and I just don’t know a lot about my own class.

“Speaking of which, I think it would be best if you would associate with the class. You’re the only one who’s not yet making ties with our classmates,” He said on a more gentle tone.

“Eh? That’s impossible. They won’t like me,” I said a little saddened with the truth.

“The people I hate the most are those who don’t even bother trying things out,” He said leaving me behind. I frowned, and I suddenly remembered what SeoHyun told me “What if I transfer into another class, or if I switch schools, or if I go abroad, tell me what you'll do ?” That was the only time when I saw the essence of SeoHyun’s words.  I walked to school alone.

- Lunch Break -
“Yupi’s songs are so cute , but at the same time it sounds mature!” The girls from the class complimented Yupi, or more precise, me. I walked towards them, my hands shaking slightly.

“Uhm, mind if I join you for lunch? ”I said timidly. They looked at me making me sweat.

“It’s Yoona ! Sure,”  They gladly accepted my company.. It was fast. I thought that they will laugh at me. Am I just exaggerating things the whole time? “Say Yoona, do you listen to the songs of Yupi?” Asking me as I bring out my lunch .I smiled and nodded.

“Really? Tell us what songs have you listened to already,” They asked me, something like challenging me.

“Uhm, all the songs,” I said lowly, of course, I am the singer that means that I have heard all the songs I’ve released.

“Wow ! Don’t you think that her latest update is good ?”  They continued inquiring. The Summer Days are Over was my newest release.

“I believe so.  What Yupi brought is the feeling of warmth upon her listeners even if the lyrics’ is implying a sad love life. Yupi gave the listeners the courage to look at their sad moments from another perspective,” I said professionally, for that was what I wanted to share my listeners. The crowd applauded over my answer.

I glanced towards Jonghyun, and unexpectedly saw him smile while looking at my direction? He immediately shifted his attention over something else, and then left the classroom. That boy, I think I should thank him? I smiled in return even if he’s not there.

Thank you… Jonghyun. 

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yoonajade #2
Chapter 9: well,it is starting to getting more interesting buT u stopped updating this story ....:-( what happen to u?
Hey guys ! I am back ^.^

Anyways, on to another project with my friend. The title of the story is Black Princess Cinderella :

Please subscribe ^>^ !
@Truly-imperfect: I soon will. I missed this story, but I'm just sort of multi-tasking because I too have different fan fics on other sites, and I am an active role player, so I am weighing what's important right now. Not to mention that I write dubs for different songs. *my brain is entirely filled with writing. LOVING IT*

Anyways, thank you for the reminder. I shall work on a chapter then.
@Sashaa-sone-93 and vincelim : Thank you ^.^ I'm updating soon ^.^

Thank you for your support :)

@Apparentlyawesome: Thank you so much too :)

@Lovinglybluesky: Lol. Yes, I know she is. Perhaps it's because she's not really associating with boys that much that's why she doesn't get how they act.
Update soon :)
vincelim #7
when are u going to update this, its realy nice
Yoona is so naive.. How come she didn't know what he mean by saying that? I can't wait to read the next chapter...^^
apparentlyawesome #9
Love your updates! :)