Personal Message

I am a new writer and member here, so please do support me ^.^ 

I LOVE PIZZA ~ Gosh, it's very addicting after all. 
I ALSO LOVE SWEETS ~ I can't resist them ahaha 

So much more ^.^ 

Oh yes, I try my best to answer each and every of your comment ^.^ I truly appreciate it , and also as a sign of respect for those who commented ^.^

About Me

Hello everyone ~ This is IamAlice, a new member of Asian Fanfics. 

Err, where should I start ? 

So, first of all, I am a noob, newbie, novice *and other words that are synonyms with a beginner ^.^* on this fan fiction site, so I would truly love it if you would befriend me and share your knowledge ^.^ 

Second, I am a writer, please support my story ; the title is Under the Blue Sky. It's somewhat related to the William Shakespeare story , Romeo and Juliet although it's not truly about forbidden love between two royalties whose families are fighting with each other. The story is about a princess and her childhood friend who are both in love with each other, unfortunately the princess is already destined to marry a prince from another country. Now, if you want more of that , come read my story ^.^ I will truly appreciate it. 

I am a super anime/manga/vocaloid fan! I just love watching them ^.^ I know quite a number of anime and definitely a lot of manga ^.^ Also, I get my inspiration from the vocaloid songs. I just love listening to them !  

If you have comments, suggestions, violent reactions regarding my story, please contact me or simply comment ^.^ 
And if ever my story's plot is somewhat related to another story, I assure you that I did not plagiarize that belongs to my pride as a writer ^.^ 

Again, please subscribe, comment on my story, and befriend me. 
I don't bite ... LOL ^.^