
I'm Sorry


 “I will send someone to pick you up at around 10:00 is that ok?” T.O.P said hugging (holding back) the sobbing kids.


“That sounds good thank you.” She nodded with a graceful smile. Wednesday came quickly taking Dara by surprise.


“DON’T LEAVE US PLEASE!!!!” Ji Bin pleaded tears running down his face.




“I’m coming back later tonight.” Dara laughed kneeling down to them. “I won’t leave for good…ever.”


“Promise?” They sniffled


“Cross my heart.” She made a crossing motion over her heart with her hand.


“Come back soon!” They yelled as she got in the car. “Don’t have fun without us!”


“DARA!!!” CL, Minzy, and Bommie burst through of the orphanage doors screaming and in a full out sprint.


“Ahh!” Dara ran to them. They all crashed into a giant group hug.


“We have missed you so much!!”Bommie squeezed her tightly.


“Have they been treating you well?” CL leeched around her legs.


“You came back!!” Minzy hugged her, wrapped around her back.


“Of course I came back!!” Dara laughed. “It’s only been a week.”


They all talked about what has been going on and how life has been moving along for each of them. It felt like it would never end just like the old days.


“Dara!!” Taeyang came running to her. He hugged her and kissed her.


“Hey sorry I was going to call you bu—.” She was cut off by him covering .


“I’m going to borrow her for a second.” He lead her off out to the hallway and around the corner. “I have missed you.” He pinned her to the wall.


“I missed you too.” She smiled at him. Do I really? He treats me horribly but he has my trust.


“We have a lot of time to make up for.” He started kissing her.


Dara push him away! Don't let him control you like this! His hands were all over her. These hands aren't safe anymore! They are corrupt and evil. Dara tried weakly to push him away. He just held her tighter. She shoved him away.


Dara's phone rang, it was T.O.P. “I have to get this.” She quickly answered it. “Hello?”


“Hey there's a change of plans. I have to meet with my father at my moms apartment. I have to bring the kids so instead of going to the house you will come here.” T.O.P's voice sounded apologetic.


“Tell him I will take you there.” Taeyang glared at her.


“Er what is the address I'm being offered a ride.” Dara wasn't in the mood for a fight.


Dara and the girls said their goodbyes as Dara got into Taeyang's car. The car ride was silent at first. Dara broke the silence.


“How is your sister?” She asked talking about Taeyang's adopted sister.


“Fine, I still don't understand why you didn't come with me.” His voice was hostile.


“I told you Gummy needed me, plus she didn't want me to leave till I would be absolutely stable outside of the orphanage.” Dara sighed.


“You just barely left at 21!” Taeyang exclaimed, “What makes T.O.P so safe anyway?”


“Gummy trusts him I guess.” She just stared out the window. Taeyang always pulled her age out on her, while he was 1 year older he was suddenly “smarter and knew what was best for her”.


“We will walk the rest of the way.” He parked around the corner from the apartment building.


“Hi!” T.O.P was waiting outside the apartment building.


“Back off!” Taeyang intercepted Dara and T.O.P's greeting.


“Taeyang watch it.” Dara whispered loud enough for only him to hear.


“You haven't changed a bit.” T.O.P growled.


“Neither have you.” Taeyang eyed him.


“Still insecure as ever I see.” T.O.P chuckled.


“Bastard!” Taeyang lunged at T.O.P.


“What the hell?” T.O.P dodged his punch. Returning with his own into Taeyang's gut.


They started yelling and punching each other. Dara watched, her irritation and anger boiling up. GD, Daesung, and Seungri came running out to stop them.


“Stop it both of you!” Dara kicked both of them apart. “You're acting like barbarians!”


“Sorry.” T.O.P apologized stepping away wiping away the blood on his face.


“Dara, you idiot he hasn't even told you who he really is! He let you down and is too afraid to admit it!” Taeyang struggled making a useless attempt at escaping GD and Seungri.


“Just go home Taeyang. I don't want to deal with you right now.” She held her forehead in pain. “It might be best if you just don't call me or text me ok? I think we need to just forget each other.” She shook her head.


“YOU CAN'T BREAK UP WITH ME!!!” Taeyang screeched.


“Come on you heard the lady. Lets go.” GD sighed pulling him away.


“Are you ok?” Daesung looked at Dara's pale complexion.


“I'm fi-” She out.


“Princess!” T.O.P caught her. “I'm sorry, I didn't keep my promise.” He held her tightly.


These arms are safe.



Ok things are starting to fall into place.

I know the description and this break up are different but that will make sense.



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nice <3
kristinamay17 #2
happy ending!!!:) WEE:
Oh.......Happy ending~~~~~~~
winterflowr #4
oh my gosh...this is so tear-wrentching!!!
ah i luv picture of Gummy.......
mine2love #6
how cute! ^^ ♥ great update!
kristinamay17 #7