Strange Actions

Theres a Beginning, And an Ending to Everything

Eunhyuk was at working at a small library. He had a stack of books and mutiple copies of each book and was placing them onto the correct bookshelves in the correct place. In the aisle beside him, Yesung was stocking more copies into their correct place on the bookshelves aswell.


Eunhyuk heard his name called, shortly after he felt someone wrap their arms around him. He knew who it was.

"Donghae stop, everyone will get the.... wrong idea." Eunhyuk felt a little sad, he looked at the ground. Donghae kissed him on the cheek, causing Eunhyuk to jump.

"Donghae!" Eunhyuk began to stuggle out of Donghae's arms, but Donghae tighted his hold.

"No one is here." Donghae whispered, Eunhyuk turned a little red and Donghae began to laugh.

"I'm only joking." Donghae let go of Eunhyuk as he was still laughing at Eunhyuk's reaction. Eunhyuk hung his head, he was blushing, but he felt disapointed.

"What's wrong?" Donghae asked, still laughing slightly.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Eunhyuk finally turned around.

"Anyway, is there any book you want?"

"No." Was Donghae's reply as he looked at all the books on the shelves.

"Then why are you here?" Eunhyuk asked, not noticing that he sounded rude.

"Your so rude! I came all the way over to here, just to see you." Donghae joked.

Just too... see me? Eunhyuk didn't notice that he stepped closer to Donghae. Donghae chuckled at Eunhyuk's step forward.

"Don't do that while I'm here." Yesung came around the corner, crossing his arms as he stared at the two.

"It's not what you think Yesung hyung, I was just joking around with Eunhyuk." Donghae said with a smile. Eunhyuk head slightly fell.

Why am I getting so worked over this? Eunhyuk was confused at why he was acting this way.

"Eunhyuk hyung, when your done with work, want to go to the amusement park with me?" Donghae asked, jumping up and down like an excited kid.

"I don't know if I can, it's already pretty late, and by the time I get done with everything I have to do today it will already be very late." Eunhyuk said with a hint of disapointment in his tone. Donghae's excited hops quickly stopped after hearing that Eunhyuk can't go with him.

"I'm sorry Donghae." Eunhyuk was going to continue his work, but Yesung stopped him.

"No, your done for the day. You can go."

"But there is still so much more to do." Eunhyuk didn't want to stop, he couldn't just leave without finishing.

"I'll take care of it, if you don't go Donghae won't have anything to do, and he was already looking forward to going with you. Don't want to ruin his excitment now, do you?" Yesung said as he walked towards Eunhyuk and continued his work from where he left off.

"Thanks Yesung hyung." Eunhyuk said he looked back at Donghae and nodded.

"That's the first time you've thanked me, you were always annoyed at me and would get mad if I disturbed your work in anyway, unless it was more work." Yesung smiled lightly as he placed a book into the correct area of the bookshelf infront of him.

"I'm sorry." Eunhyuk slightly bowed his head, even though he knew Yesung couldn't see since Yesung had his back to Eunhyuk and Donghae.

"Don't be, I've learned to live with the annoyance caused by you." Yesung turned his head around and smiled at the two behind him.

"Now go before I change my mind." Yesung pointed to the doors leading in and out of the library.

"Thank you." Donghae and Eunhyuk said in unison as they left through the doors. It was getting dark outside as the sun began to set. They walked together to the amusement park, it was a little ways away, but they didn't mind the walk. The whole way there neither of them said a word, and Eunhyuk made sure to stay a few feet behind Donghae.

"What's wrong?" Donghae asked without turning around.

"Nothing." Eunhyuk lied, he didn't know why, but he didn't want to be next to Donghae.

"You seem to be avoiding me. Tell me why?" Donghae stopped moving and turned his head to look behind him at Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk wasn't looking and bumped into Donghae from behind.
"Sorry." Eunhyuk looked at the ground.
"Eunhyuk, please, tell me what is wrong." Donghae asked, fully turning around.
"It's nothing I said." Eunhyuk shook his head, still not bringing himself to look at Donghae. "Let's just go have fun, no more worrying about stuff." Eunhyuk added as he walked past Donghae without even glancing at him. Donghae sighed as he followed Eunhyuk.



Sorry it's been so long since one of us updated! We have both been kinda busy, I've been busy finishing my other story and practicing making posters, and Caitlin's been really busy with school, I am lucky and get less work then her and finish mine much quicker then her so I have more free time also. Hopefully we will be able to update more often.



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:(( sob and another sob huhuhu.:((
*wipes tear away* So sad and so sweet! Awesome story :D
puckbunny #3
New reader ;)
Loved the chapter^^ So sweet :D
Very good chapters! Can't wait to find out what will happen next XD