
Theres a Beginning, And an Ending to Everything

Donghae was sitting outside his house on the steps. He looked around outside with his arm resting on his knee. He felt arms wrap around his shoulders and he smiled.

"Good morning." The voice from behind said as they rested their chin on Donghae's shoulder. Donghae turned his head to the side and saw Eunhyuk.

"Good morning." Donghae smiled and kissed Eunhyuk's cheek. Last night, after coming home from the park, Eunhyuk stayed over at Donghae's house.

"That reminds me." Donghae put his hand on Eunhyuk's arm as he continued to smile at the man hugging him.

"I got you to smile and laugh. Now let me ask you something," Donghae kissed Eunhyuk's cheek again after speaking. Eunhyuk chuckled at Donghae as he waited for the question.

"Are you happy?" Donghae added. Eunhyuk stopped to think, he completely forgot that he never knew happiness, at least, not until he met Donghae. He smiled again and answered.

"Yes, I'm happy." Eunhyuk let go of Donghae and sat on the steps next to him.

"Thank you." Eunhyuk rested his head on Donghae's shoulders and closed his eyes. Donghae smiled, he had finally made Eunhyuk happy.


Are you really happy? A voice in Eunhyuk's head spoke, it made his smile fade. He felt happy, he smiled whenever he was with Donghae and he laughed, he didn't feel sad or angry, didn't that mean he was happy?

How would you know, you never knew true happiness. The voice spoke again, making Eunhyuk feel sad, he opened his eyes and looked at Donghae.

"What's wrong?" Donghae asked, seeing that Eunhyuk looks worried.

"Nothing." Eunhyuk shook his head and smiled, he looked away from Donghae again.

This is happiness, I know.... because I never felt like this before.


Sorry for the small update. =( But the next chapter will be the end, and I will TRY to finish it tonight. ^_^



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:(( sob and another sob huhuhu.:((
*wipes tear away* So sad and so sweet! Awesome story :D
puckbunny #3
New reader ;)
Loved the chapter^^ So sweet :D
Very good chapters! Can't wait to find out what will happen next XD