Film Making

Rooftop Cats


Nice place you have right here. I didn't know my little assistant's little house boast such a great view of the city. Lucky boy.” Tse puffs a cigarette as he leans on the edge of the building.


Cold beer?” Kyuhyun asked as he handed a can of ice cold beer to Tse.


That will do. Thanks.” the older man grabbed the can without hesitation and opened up the can.


Well, I was surprised I managed to find this place when I first came here. Siwon hyung does something right for once.” Kyuhyun recalls how silly his old pal could get at times and the many things he had tried to do turns out a total disaster. Kyuhyun can't help but lets out a silly smile on his face at his silly hyung. Albeit all those silly things, he is probably the one who started his whole passion on this journey to Hong Kong.


So Kyuhyun, what made you decide to come to Hong Kong.” the older man seemingly read through Kyuhyun's mind.


Kyuhyun wasn't at all surprised by his question paused a while before he answers, “Chungking Express. Five years ago, a silly hyung of mine played this video during a movie marathon at his place.”


Oh. That is a good start.” the elder man amused with his answer. “An iconic movie of Wong Kar Wai I must say. At least in my own opinion.”


I guess you probably know more than I do.” quips the younger man.


Tse puffs another before he continues the conversation, “So... You are into film making?”


Kyuhyun nods.


And you're learning the ropes from Eric?”


Kyuhyun stunned by the question for a second before he collects his composure back again to answer. “Kind of. A kickstart maybe?”


Tse amused with Kyuhyun's choice, lets out a continuous laughter for at least a minute.


.... I'm sorry, did I say something funny that sends you laughing like a maniac?” Kyuhyun bemused at Tse's reaction.


No. You didn't. I didn't know Eric could impart knowledge after all the years I've known him.”


He didn't accept me as his apprentice.” the younger man heaves a sigh of exasperation.


Well. Its just not his thing. Well Kyu, if you don't mind me calling you that. I don't mind taking you under my wing.”


Kyuhyun sprang out of his short moments of depression with a sudden lift in his voice and expression. “Really?!”



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Totally loving this story; the pairing is just cute itself *_* and this stpry is so well written! :3
myLove91 #2
"One is quiet plus reserved and another is a piece of iceberg" --love this line. please update soon! :)
None of the chapters seem short to me, you've probably got a lot going on in your personal life right now so you're just doing what you can to please your readers, I think you're doing fine and plus when you make them end so quickly, it keeps me on the edge of my chair ^_^
sleepylips #4
More! Too short! Need more arrogant KyuHyun and independent Amber moments! Update soon!! *skips away*
omgosh, you updated! but its so short! hope you can update soon... and hope all is well in your world ^^
BassLover16 #6
You should update soon, please?!?!?!?!? I'm addicted to this pairing because of you! ^^
the plot thickens... I want to see how they both are going to act/react for the project... is it going to be as racy as was imagined? lol... I think sleepylips' tendency for M is rubbing off on me lol jk

update when you can,k? <3
sleepylips #8
Yes! I was LITERALLY just thinking about this fic and you updated! WOW I'm beginning to think I AM somehow quite psychic!
*proceeds to reading*
Taiyou #9
Oh my Gosh! This is too cute~!!! If it isn't too much, I would love it if you could update as soon as possible~!!!
Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!
@anyBer yes! i saw that too!!!!!!