
Rooftop Cats


The face off was draining off Amber a little as she recall how terrible her day had been for her. Two things clouded her mind for the day, an annoying man she had to call and a freaky man who asked her to be his for a new neighbor. Laying flat on her new bed, she recalls how things has been working well for her up till now.


Two months ago, she applied to the court to strike off all ties she has with her parents. Amber had held some hopes from her parents but they were never there. It seems like they had disappeared from the face of the earth without leaving a trace behind. The officials told her two months and it took just one month instead.


Two weeks ago while being chased by her parent's debtors, a man at a rooftop caught her eyes. Even though legally she has no ties with her parents and were not obliged to deal with their debts, there are always exceptions to the hooligans. She made her decision right on the spot based on a theory she came up with, 'Rather than hiding in the dark alleys, I should seek a higher place instead.” A week later, she moves in.




Mr Cho, I'm sorry to trouble you. There will be a new lady staying opposite the rooftop you are staying. Hong Kong buildings are so close to each other, so please take care of her.” Mr Chan made a long distance call to Kyuhyun given him instructions on his new tenant. Out of curiosity, Kyuhyun queried, “Mr Chan, you have two rooftops?”. “Yes yes! She is an old friend of mine.” and the landlord hangs up the call.


Old woman?!”




Kyuhyun took a sip of his coffee while he leans on the ledge and laughs at his own imagination a week prior. He had all kinds of thought on how his new tenant might look like. There were various examples from old witches to old nags or to flirtatious old ladies who dress frivolously. Ever since the new tenant moved in, he didn't had a chance to see her even though partially it might be due to his fear in facing his new neighbor. Although Mr Chan did mentioned that the buildings in Hong Kong are near to each other, but in this case, the two rooftops houses were literally side by side. Nonetheless, he had to face her one day and tonight by sheer chance, he met her. She was the girl from the alley he saw two weeks ago and that got him excited. Perhaps too much excitement on his part which kind of freaked her out. He didn't meant to be insolent and he actually wanted her to be his model.




Eric, you know I really want to be your apprentice. I'm not really suitable for modelling.” Kyuhyun tries persuading his boss.


Kyuhyun, can you put this clothes on. Nicky ah, I need this make up on him now.” Eric totally ignoring his pleas and continues his job.


Kyuhyun knows his efforts are futile in trying to persuade Eric to take him in as his apprentice. Eric focused only on his own art and disregards everything around him.


Kyu, how about you show me what you can do.”


That got Kyuhyun started.




The night passed on as Kyuhyun took a breather in the late city night. The cool breeze tingles his smooth skin as he soaks in the obscure presence of the mysterious new environment which he still needs to be accustomed to. Basked into the seedy cold night of Hong Kong, haunted by the old canton opera across the alley that seems to diffuse into the neon lights down the streets, Kyuhyun seems to enjoy the solitary moments he share with the night abandoned by the people sauntering in the city's vibrant night life. Minutes later, Kyuhyun succumbed to the nice cooling breeze and drifted to sleep.


Everything has its own place and Amber knows very well she doesn't belong anywhere in this world. She had longed for her own paradise amidst being trapped in her own labyrinth sinking deeper into her abyss of misery. She often thought if it was just pure self pity or perhaps being addicted to her pseudo dominant personality. Her feet seems to move on her own and out to the rooftop. The frail figure sensuously release all her senses to the cold murky night and fell asleep thereafter.


That night, they share a similar dream.



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Totally loving this story; the pairing is just cute itself *_* and this stpry is so well written! :3
myLove91 #2
"One is quiet plus reserved and another is a piece of iceberg" --love this line. please update soon! :)
None of the chapters seem short to me, you've probably got a lot going on in your personal life right now so you're just doing what you can to please your readers, I think you're doing fine and plus when you make them end so quickly, it keeps me on the edge of my chair ^_^
sleepylips #4
More! Too short! Need more arrogant KyuHyun and independent Amber moments! Update soon!! *skips away*
omgosh, you updated! but its so short! hope you can update soon... and hope all is well in your world ^^
BassLover16 #6
You should update soon, please?!?!?!?!? I'm addicted to this pairing because of you! ^^
the plot thickens... I want to see how they both are going to act/react for the project... is it going to be as racy as was imagined? lol... I think sleepylips' tendency for M is rubbing off on me lol jk

update when you can,k? <3
sleepylips #8
Yes! I was LITERALLY just thinking about this fic and you updated! WOW I'm beginning to think I AM somehow quite psychic!
*proceeds to reading*
Taiyou #9
Oh my Gosh! This is too cute~!!! If it isn't too much, I would love it if you could update as soon as possible~!!!
Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!
@anyBer yes! i saw that too!!!!!!