Wake up call

Rooftop Cats



He puts on his casual clothes and prepares himself for a day out with his reluctant neighbor. Their bosses made a pact earlier for a city tour to welcome and orientate him around the city. However a major investor thwarted their plans and they made the petite girl his guide of the day instead despite her reluctance as the last thing she wanted to do on her rest day is to get out of her comfy bed. “No. You're on overtime girl! Just treat it a date with Kyu.” Tse implored a day before she could raise her objections.


Kyuhyun climbed through the parapet which segregates their rooftops and waited patiently outside for his unwilling neighbor that has dedicated a whole day to him. Knowing she wasn't all that game to hang out with him, Kyuhyun insisted she has to explore the city with him as if her obligation to do so. He was so caught up with the idea of a 'date' with her. “This is interesting...” he mutters silently under his breath as he smile looking at his watch. “Time to wake her up!”


One thing Kyuhyun hates about living in his rooftop is, there is only one lock available and that is the door from the staircase lobby. However at times like this, he is fairly glad that he does not have to pry open his neighbor's door in order for him to get in. He was waiting a little more than thirty minutes of the said meeting time and there were still no signs of his neighbor. His patience was running out as no sound could be heard from inside her house. He took the liberty and turn the door knob.


He quietly walked in not wanting to scare the petite girl and tip toed around looking for any signs of his neighbor. As he walks further in, a soft shuffling sound could be heard from the left side of the house. Immediately he knew it came from the bedroom and her house floor plan is similarly mirrored after his.


Kyuhyun walks in to her room quietly not wanting to wake her up in sudden. He slowly leans over to her and immediately pulls her pillow away from her shouting, “AMBER! Wake up!!!!!” The girl did not budge. Surprised with her tolerance to wake up calls, Kyuhyun continues hoping his next tactic will work, “AMBER! YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE!” The girl remains still in her dreamland. Kyuhyun couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't think Amber would be such a dead sleeper. He tries all means of tickling her legs, throwing a pillow gently at her, made screechy scratching sounds, turning her into a spring roll with her bed sheets, but none worked. Exhaustion creeps in on him as he lies beside her looking at the sleeping zombie, he couldn't help but stares at her intently. She has a pair of beautiful eyes albeit closed, her eyelashes are long and fluffly. She has a pair of petite but sharp nose. Her lips are plump and kissable. 'WAIT! KISSABLE?!' he shrugs off at the idea immediately. 'Her ears are...' as he tries to think of a appropriate adjective to it, an idea suddenly pops up in his mind. His evil expression begins to creep out of his angelic face as he moves closer to Amber's ears and begins his plan in his most monotonous tone ever.




GAH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!” the girl deep in slumber finally wakes up swatting Kyuhyun's mouth with an almost instantaneous instinctive reaction.


What are you! A mosquito?! GRRR....” Amber huffed in irritation as her beautiful Sunday slumber has been disrupted by a beautiful but yet the most irritating man ever to appear in her life.

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Totally loving this story; the pairing is just cute itself *_* and this stpry is so well written! :3
myLove91 #2
"One is quiet plus reserved and another is a piece of iceberg" --love this line. please update soon! :)
None of the chapters seem short to me, you've probably got a lot going on in your personal life right now so you're just doing what you can to please your readers, I think you're doing fine and plus when you make them end so quickly, it keeps me on the edge of my chair ^_^
sleepylips #4
More! Too short! Need more arrogant KyuHyun and independent Amber moments! Update soon!! *skips away*
omgosh, you updated! but its so short! hope you can update soon... and hope all is well in your world ^^
BassLover16 #6
You should update soon, please?!?!?!?!? I'm addicted to this pairing because of you! ^^
the plot thickens... I want to see how they both are going to act/react for the project... is it going to be as racy as was imagined? lol... I think sleepylips' tendency for M is rubbing off on me lol jk

update when you can,k? <3
sleepylips #8
Yes! I was LITERALLY just thinking about this fic and you updated! WOW I'm beginning to think I AM somehow quite psychic!
*proceeds to reading*
Taiyou #9
Oh my Gosh! This is too cute~!!! If it isn't too much, I would love it if you could update as soon as possible~!!!
Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!
@anyBer yes! i saw that too!!!!!!