New Tenant

Rooftop Cats


Two weeks had passed ever since Kyuhyun first stepped into the new lands. Sinking into a totally new culture and difference, he does not make any attempt to fit in yet he was so natural with his surroundings.


Okay Kyu, its a wrap for the day. You can go back and rest now. Thanks for all your help!” the head photographer turns to his monitor and continues his selection of photos as Kyuhyun sits up from the box he was snuggling in earlier for the photo shoot.


A week ago, he was randomly walking along the streets looking for the job interview he was applying for a day earlier as a photography assistant. Lost in translation, he struggled to find the said address given to him earlier by his potential employer. The streets was bustling with different kinds of people at a renowned rushed pace Hong Kong was well known with. Getting knocked by people without any apologies has slowly become a norm with Kyuhyun as he slowly blends into the hectic lifestyle in contrast with his home country. Without any forewarning, a well built and tanned looking man in his mid thirties slammed right into Kyuhyun causing the two to fall on their backs. The man cussed and swear out loud at his bad luck while Kyuhyun lets out a groan. Kyuhyun, guilt stricken as his eyes was focused on the signboards hanging above his head while he was walking, attempted to initiate an apology, got up and walked towards to man lending his hand to help the man up.



The man took his hand and took him in.




A genius photographer at his trade, Eric had came to Hong Kong fifteen years ago in a bid to become the top photographer in Asia. He had an accolade of awards and worked with famous directors and celebrities around the world. He is also known as 'FreakEric' for his strange antics and out of the world mind which literally explains his creativity.


Kyuhyun coincidentally was applying as his assistant but somehow, the crazy man engaged him as his model for his next project. The aspirational young man decides to go with the flow hoping he might take him in as his apprentice one day.




Amber, please contact that idiot for our next project. I need him in this.”


Do I have to?” Amber heaved a sigh at the thought of contacting her boss's best pal for their upcoming movie production. The last time she met him, Amber was teased incessantly non stop for looking like a scrawny looking man who needs more nutrition. Ironically in the eyes of the onlookers, the man seems to be flirting non stop with her.


Okay be good. We know how he is like. He just loves you too much.” Tse, her boss, pacifies Amber knowing her all too well ever since he took him in more than a year ago.




Sliding down the bamboo made chair at her rooftop, Amber sips in a can of ice cold beer and looked up to the city sky. There are virtually no stars at sight as they are blinded by the city lights. At nights like this, she longed for a nice and quiet place where she can fantasize on living in a paradise with a galaxy of stars hovering above her and reaching for them at the tip of her fingers. As her hands reached for the skies, a shutter click could be heard from a distance. Immediately she turned to where the sound came from and saw a man standing at the opposite rooftop still holding the camera covering his face. Amber stood up and walked towards him before the man slowly pulls the camera away from his face as he looked intently at the woman in front of him.



What are you doing?” she asked in contempt.


The man smiles and kept quiet still looking intently at her with his eyes.


Are you deaf? Give me the negatives.” a serious tone ensued.


The man just continue smiling turning it into a smirk. “Will you be mine?”


Amber's eyes widens in shock to hear such rude request coming from a man with such angelic face. Knowing its impossible to continue the negotiation with this man, she turned to leave.


The man continues smiling as he sees her figure slowly disappears into her house.


So she's the new tenant... Kyuhyun thought.



AsianFae: I've been lazy lately.. I think its not easy to write a story.. so i really appreciates all the writers who had been putting in lots of efforts in completing the story every now and then.. my style of story is pretty random.. i hope you can catch what i'm trying to portray.. thanks for reading.

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Totally loving this story; the pairing is just cute itself *_* and this stpry is so well written! :3
myLove91 #2
"One is quiet plus reserved and another is a piece of iceberg" --love this line. please update soon! :)
None of the chapters seem short to me, you've probably got a lot going on in your personal life right now so you're just doing what you can to please your readers, I think you're doing fine and plus when you make them end so quickly, it keeps me on the edge of my chair ^_^
sleepylips #4
More! Too short! Need more arrogant KyuHyun and independent Amber moments! Update soon!! *skips away*
omgosh, you updated! but its so short! hope you can update soon... and hope all is well in your world ^^
BassLover16 #6
You should update soon, please?!?!?!?!? I'm addicted to this pairing because of you! ^^
the plot thickens... I want to see how they both are going to act/react for the project... is it going to be as racy as was imagined? lol... I think sleepylips' tendency for M is rubbing off on me lol jk

update when you can,k? <3
sleepylips #8
Yes! I was LITERALLY just thinking about this fic and you updated! WOW I'm beginning to think I AM somehow quite psychic!
*proceeds to reading*
Taiyou #9
Oh my Gosh! This is too cute~!!! If it isn't too much, I would love it if you could update as soon as possible~!!!
Lots of Love, and Happy Writing~!!!!!
@anyBer yes! i saw that too!!!!!!