chapter six

♦ The Queen of Diamond ♦ [HAITUS]

$ Chapter 6 $


“Bye Sooyun, Sungjong, see you in two weeks.” Bomi said and then hugged Sooyun before she left both of Sooyun and Sungjong.

After seeing Bomi left, Sooyun turned her attention to her twin brother and smirked, “Oppa will be alone in this two weeks, huh.”

Sungjong rolled his eyes upon seeing her childish behaviour. Then he replied her, “Don’t worry, sis, I will be fine. It’s not that I’m alone this holidays.”

“Oh really,”

 Sungjong nodded. Then he remembered that he forgot to tell her something important, “Oh by the way, Sooyun, I will not be here this two weeks, so you don’t have to visit me.”

“Huh, is not that I’m going to visit you anyway.” Sooyun brother. “Away?” the word echoed in her head making her wondering. “Wait, what do you mean by not be here? Are you going somewhere?” she asked, confused.

Sungjong chuckled, “I never knew that you were this stupid, sis.”

“I am not.” Sooyun pouted cutely. “Now tell me.” She demanded him.

“I’ll be away to Busan.” Sungjong said simply.

“Bu... san?”

Sungjong nodded his head.

“Why? Why? Why? Why?” Sooyun annoying asked as she shook Sungjong body to ask him.

“Stop it.” Sungjong said, he sounded fierce. He took her hand and held it tightly.

“Aww... that’s hurt,” Sooyun cried for pain as she felt pain in her wrists. She bit her lips and showed an apologized look.

Sungjong let her hand go and stayed silent.

Sooyun apologized with her soft voice, “I’m sorry, oppa.” She held her wrist and looked at it sadly.

Sungjong looked at her. “Was I too harsh on her?” he thought and watched her held her hand. He sighed softly. “Are you okay? Is it hurt?” he asked, sound more caring.

Sooyun looked at her brother and said, “I’m okay... it doesn’t hurt that bad.” She bit her lips.

Sungjong watched her sad expression. “Never do that annoying attitude, okay?” he said.

Sooyun nodded her head as she clearly understood. She was mentally mad at herself in the same time. She knew her annoying attitude was really annoying and she was trying her hard to improve herself. She had trained herself for not being that kind of girl but somehow, it didn’t work that day.

Sungjong watched her apologized looked. He knew she was pretty much sad with herself. He smiled warmly and then patted her head, “I have some works to do at Busan, that’s why.”

 “What work?” Sooyun asked. She was worried about him for him to go far away from home.

“Something... it doesn’t really matter anyway.” Sungjong said, avoided her gazed.

“Really?” Sooyun felt weird. She wasn’t confident with his answer. She wanted to ask more but she was afraid if he will mad at her again.

“Yes, don’t worry so much. It wasn’t the first time I went for outstation.”

“But can’t you at least tell me? You always went outstation but for what, you never tell me. Of cause I would felt worried.” Sooyun said emphasized the word outstation. Well, how come she would felt worried if that’s happened, right? Sungjong always went for outstation every time when there was a long holiday although he was only a part-time worker. What work? Sooyun never knew. She had tried to ask him many times but he never gave her the answer that she could satisfy with. She felt so weird as if he was hiding something from her. What is it?

Sungjong chuckled, “It’s not important for you to know, sis and not something that harmful. I know you would felt worry but trust me, okay?” he was trying to get her understand what he meant. He really didn’t want to tell her the work he had been working on. He just couldn’t because he knew that she would mad at him. It was better for her not to know because he really needed to do this work or he will regret it.

“Fine,” Sooyun finally said as she gave up. “I know you wouldn’t tell me.” She said and pouted a little.

“I’m sorry but don’t worry. I will bring you lots of present from Busan.” Sungjong said and smiling happily. He patted her head again and said, “You know, I love you.”

“You know, I love you.”

Woohyun accidently heard Sungjong said to Sooyun. He watched her giggling at Sungjong. Somehow he felt hurt by her. He wondered, have he already fall for her?

Woohyun walked away toward his driver. He wondered, what they were talking about because he only heard that words.

“Young master,” the driver greeted Woohyun and opened the car’s door. Woohyun walked in without any reaction or expression. His mind was way off from reality.

Woohyun sat and looked through the window. He thought and though again. Could it be? It wouldn’t be, right? Nonsense... Has he? All those question fly around his mind. He wasn’t stupid to admit what he had felt. He knew it but he just couldn’t believe it.

Who is he? Is he her boyfriend?” Woohyun thought.

Sooyun run her with her best pace towards Nam’s House. She was afraid if she was late. It took a long time to bid a goodbye to her brother. Sungjong would go to Busan in the next day and Bomi seemed to have her vacation with her family. She sighed and thought, “Looks like I will be alone this holiday, again.

“What’s the long sigh?”

A voice snapped Sooyun from her thought. She looked at the voice direction and said, “Oh, you.”

Woohyun faked his coughed and then said, “I have a name, you know.”

Sooyun gave him a glare but then she quickly smiled, “I’m sorry, Mr. Nam.”

Woohyun scoffed, “Ha, ha, ha... very funny.” He glared at her.

Sooyun smirked, “Mr. Nam, don’t you think we should go inside?” then she continued, “It’s about to rain you know.”

Woohyun just realized that the sky turned a little dark. He faked coughed, “Sure, let’s go inside.” And then he walked off first.

Sooyun snorted.

“Huh?” the word came out from Woohyun’s mouth as he was shocked to see what event in front him.

Sooyun felt weird when she saw Woohyun stunned. She walked closer toward him and looked. “Mrs. Nam, are you going somewhere?” she asked when she saw Mrs. Nam was all dress up and so many bags beside her.

Mrs. Nam, who was calculating her thing so that she would miss anything, looked at Sooyun and Woohyun. “Oh my, back already?” she said.

“Where are you going, mother?” Woohyun asked, walked closer toward his mother. He looked at the bags and counted them. “Mother... are you going to see father at England?” he asked, judging to the number of the bags.

Mrs. Nam covered as she was laughing. “How do you guess?” she asked.

Woohyun crossed both of his arms. “I’m your son, mother.” He stated the fact. “So?” he said as he raised his eyebrow.

“Yes, I will be seeing your father for two weeks.” Mrs. Nam said happily.

“Oh,” Woohyun replied but then he suddenly remembered, “Wait, alone?”

“Yes, alone.” Mrs. Nam said, and then she looked at her watch. “Oh my, I’m going to be late.” She thought. She looked at her son, “I’m sorry, Woohyun but I have to go now.”

“And what about me, mother?”

Mrs. Nam gave him a hug and then said, “You will be staying here with Sooyun, of cause. That’s why I hired her since Mr. Oh will follow me and beside the maids will gone back to their hometown.”

What?” Sooyun thought, as she stood there watching the two family members having their conversation.

Mrs. Nam released the hug and then went toward Sooyun. “I’m sorry I lie about the spy thing but I hope you can take care of him.” She whispered.

“Eh?” the only word that came out from Sooyun’s mouth.

“Okay, good bye,”

“Good bye,” both of the kids said.

“Whoa, the house... is empty.” Woohyun said in amused. Stated the fact that only him and Sooyun were left in the house. He couldn’t believe it.

“Does this mean that I’m going to be your babysitter?” Sooyun said, looking at him. She raised her eyebrow, not liking the situation at all. “I can’t believe this.” She thought, rolled her eye.

“Do you think I like it either?” Woohyun said, looking at her, frowned. He was indeed confused with the situation and his mother just left them wasn’t a big help either. The fact that he had to stay with her for two whole weeks was sure a headache for him. “And why mom didn’t tell me earlier? And she didn’t bring me with her too. No fair.” He thought.

“So, what are we going to do now?” Sooyun asked him.

Woohyun starched his head that aren’t itchy, thinking. Then he sighed, a loud sigh. “Just stick to the contract. You are my maid and I’m your master.”

“Personal assistant,” Sooyun corrected him, glared.

“Okay, okay, it’s personal assistant.” Woohyun corrected himself, rolled his eyes. Then he continued, “Just does the basic stuff since there are no maids. You have to cook for me.”

Sooyun softly sighed. “Great, my wish come true.” She thought. “Well, don’t you have any plan?” she asked him.

“No,” Woohyun shrugged. “Do you?” he asked back.

Sooyun shook her head.

“Oh,” Woohyun responded. “If that so, we will have our own vacation then,” He said, clapped his hands.

“What do you mean by vacation?” Sooyun asked. Then she continued said, “Wait, what happen to the ignored each other contract?”

Woohyun smiled, “That’s a good question.”

Sooyun rolled her eyes. “What the heck?” she thought.

Woohyun sat at the chair beside him as he felt tired standing for quite a long time. Then he continued said, “What I meant was that we will go for fun together since you are my personal assistant. I don’t want to spend my holiday in this house. Too boring...”

Sooyun blinked her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. She had to follow him everywhere he goes, she really didn’t like the idea but what can she do. He was her master indeed. She had no choice but to obey.

“Oh, about the contact thing, for your information, I was just joked. I never knew you would really believe it. It’s kinda fun to see your reaction, though.” Woohyun said and then he laughed.

Sooyun stunned. She was indeed shocked. She grasped her fist in anger, controlling herself from being crazy. “How could I be stupid to believe that?” she thought.

“No wonder people call you queen of Diamond...” Woohyun mumbled quite loud.

Sooyun glared at him, “I can hear that.” She then continued said, “Do whatever you want, I don’t care anymore.” Then she quickly walked away toward her room.



Sooyun closed the door and locked it. She lean against the brown colour door and sighed. She closed her eyes and thought, “What happen to me?

Sooyun opened back her eyes and then walked toward her bedroom. She threw herself toward the bed, her face was covered by the pillow and then she screamed as out as she could to release her frustration.

Suddenly the ringtone of her phone rang. Sooyun quickly reached out and grabbed her phone. Without even looking at the caller ID, she clicked the accepted button and answered it.

“Hello?” Sooyun asked in the same time wondering who called her.

“Hello, Sooyun. It’s me, Woohyun.”

“Oh, Woohyun, what is it?” Sooyun asked but then she quickly said, “Wait,” she looked at the phone screen and noticed an unknown number. “Woohyun, how do you get my number?” she asked, as she now in a sitting position.

“Dah... from your resume, of cause,”

Sooyun thought about and it did made sense.

“What, do you think I stalk you?”

“I never said that.” Sooyun shook her head, even though she knew Woohyun would not see it. She realised it, and then slapped her forehead. “Stupid me,” she thought.

“Oh, if that so I want to tell you something. I have invited my friends for sleepover today. They will be here in the evening. So, I think you should know what you should do.”

“What? Why do you invite you friends over?” Sooyun asked. She couldn’t believe it. She was just going to adjust her life with him and now, he brought his friends over. Man, she would be very awkward.

“Why can’t I? I’m bored beside, it better having many people in this house rather than the two of us. It’s my house anyway...”

Sooyun thought a little, “Okay, that’s made sense.” It would be really awkward if only both of them, at least she thought that way. “Alright, alright, I’ll prepare the things.” She said.

“Okay, thanks.” With that the conversation were cut off.

Sooyun put her phone on the table beside her bed. She sighed again. "I think my brain need to be fixs." she mumbled in her thought. She stood up and then walked toward the bathroom to clean herself.

[A/N] Hello again, this is the fastest update that I ever done for this story, you know. Hope that you guys would loved to read this. I know it’s so much lacking.... anyway, enjoy reading.

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Chapter 7: woohyun and sooyunnnnnnn ;-)
Chapter 1: A new reader here! That was such a long first chapter and I'm already loving it! Sungjong <3 It's so hard to find Sungjong in fics like this... Keep it up!
Miszfiqa #3
heuheu, i just read this chingu..
busy life can't get any busier..
anyway, i'll check your other story when i have time later..
Sooo cute! XD update update :3
Update soon :D
I want to know what happens next...
They are not going to fight right ?? :/
Miszfiqa #6
i'm waiting for the on it slowly chingu..hwaiting and don't worry..this is great..^^