chapter four

♦ The Queen of Diamond ♦ [HAITUS]


$ Chapter four $


“Sooyun?” Woohyun said, shocked by what he saw in front of him. His jaw dropped, seeing her. “She didn’t come here and told mom about the stalker thing, right?” some of silly thought of him.

Sooyun took a deep breath and then smiled. She stood up and bowed a little and then said, “Hello, Nam Woohyun.”

“Uh… Hello?” Woohyun said awkwardly.

Mrs. Nam smiled and then said, “So, you two know each other?”

“Not really madam.” Sooyun replied, seeing Woohyun didn’t say anything. “He is just a senior in academy.” She continued said.

Woohyun locked his eyes on her. “What is she doing here?” he thought. Since he couldn’t figure what the reason she been his house, he looked at his mother and asked, “Why is she here? Is there… something wrong?” his voice sound nervous which he didn’t know why.

Sooyun was about to laugh when seeing him but she tried to control so that she didn’t laugh. She maintained her poker face. “So, he does know how to be nervous…” she smirked in silent.

 “My dear, from now on, this girl here, Lee Sooyun will be your personal assistant.” Mrs. Nam said, introducing her to him.

“What?!” Woohyun asked even though he was pretty much heard it quite well. “No way.” He said to himself. “Mom, are you serious?” he asked again.

Mrs. Nam laughed yet the way she laughed was so gracefully. “Whatever you say to protest, I would not accept it. The decision was virtual. No more argue.”

Sooyun just looked at Woohyun without any expression in her face. She was more on poker face.

Woohyun bit his lip. He didn’t have any choices so he had to agree with his mother. It not that he didn’t like her, he just dislike the fact that she was his personal maid. A personal assistant, a girl and more important she is his junior. Something that he would never imagined, especially with her. “O-kay.” He said, signing that he agreed.

“Good, now… Woohyun, you will show Sooyun the house and everything. Show her room too. Mr. Oh will follow from behind. Then, you guys can discus whatever you want in about school. Remember, Woohyun, my dear. Sooyun is your personal assistant not a maid.” Mrs. Nam remained her son.

“Oh I know that mother, but why do I felt that she was a spy?” Woohyun jokingly said to his mother, chuckled a bit.

Mrs. Nam and Sooyun were taken back by Woohyun’s words but they remain poker face and they were lucky that Woohyun was still clueless about it.

“Ha ha ha… very funny Nam Woohyun,” Mrs. Nam faked laughed. Then she continued, “Just go and enjoy.”

What a weird family.” Sooyun thought as she looked the way Woohyun and his mother interacted toward each other.

After Woohyun kindly introduced one by one, each part of his house, they stopped at his room.

“And this is my room.” Woohyun said as he opened the door and walked in. “Arh… this is so tired…” he thought as he walked and sat down on his chair.

Sooyun walked into his room and carefully looked around. “Fancy… and expensive.” She thought and scoffed.

“I never thought I will see you again.” Woohyun started a conversation. They were left alone in his room. Only him and her. “Oh gosh… this is awkward.” He thought.

Sooyun glared at him. “So do I…” she said in strong tone.

I guess she still hated me, huh?” Woohyun thought. He smirked, “Since you applied this job, you will be technically mine, am I right?”

She gulped as she stood there looking at him. Though she disliked the idea to work the job, she had no choice. The job offered a lot of money hence she couldn’t say ‘no’. “Yes?” she said.

“I actually dislike with the job but it’s my mom idea and I can’t disagree. I hope you know that.” He carefully said his words like a royal family speech. He had been train to do so.

What the heck he is talking about? Like I care...” Sooyun thought. Though she only said in her though but her expression shows the other way.

Woohyun saw her face, chuckled a little, “As I was saying, in the house you will act like the way you should but at school, please act like you didn’t know me.”

Sooyun blinked at him a few times to see whether she heard was true. She smirked, “Okay then. I still get my original paid right?”

As expect from the Queen of Diamond.” Woohyun thought, tapping his fingers. “Yes, you will get your original paid. No worries.”

“Sure, I would love that. It will be easy.” Sooyun said. “This is going to be hell for me...” she thought.

Woohyun nodded and thought, “This is going to fun, huh?

That evening, in Woohyun’s big room

“Yah, can you make me a cup of coffee?” Woohyun asked as he was reading his books.

Sooyun was doing something in her notebook, clenching her fist and then glared at him. “For your information, I’m a personal assistant not a maid and I have a name.” She said, controlling his anger.

“Is it the same?” Woohyun replied with his eyes still focus to his book.


“Oh well…” Woohyun shrugged. But then he continued said, “It doesn’t really matter. Just make me a cup of coffee. It’s easy right? Beside you don’t have anything to do, right Sooyun?”

Sooyun clenched her fist, controlling her anger. “Okay then.” She said as she gave up. She stood up and then walked out from the door and prepared coffee of him.

In a few minutes later, Sooyun brought her hand made coffee for him. She walked in front Woohyun and gently put down the cup of hot coffee with a fancy bottle of sugar cube in it.

“There I made the coffee.” Sooyun said as she sounds a bit of annoyed.

Woohyun put down his book but clearly he just smirked a minute ago. “Thank you.”

“Welcome.” Sooyun replied simple with no smile in her face. After that, she walked back to her seat and continued doing her works.

Woohyun glanced at her as his hand gently picked up the cup. He smiled as he saw she was heading back to her seat. He then took a sip of the coffee, “Uwk…” Woohyun suddenly whine as he harshly put down the cup of coffee and wiped his mouth from the shock of drinking the coffee.

“What this? It’s so bitter!” Woohyun whine as he was almost shouting. “Man, did she want to kill me?

Sooyun who was tying, shocked by him. She immediately stood up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“What did you just made?” Woohyun asked as he recovers from the bitterness of the hot coffee.

“Of cause it is coffee, why?” Sooyun answered with blinking her eyes.

“Coffee? Then why it is so bitter?” Woohyun glared at her.

He glare at me? Huh…” Sooyun said in her mind. She crossed both of her arms and then said, “Of cause it’s bitter because I didn’t put any sugar in it.”


“It was because you never said put any sugar in it. You only asked me to make a cup of coffee. So that’s why for just in case, I put the bottle of sugar there.” Sooyun explained to him in the matter of fact tone. “Stupid guy.” She thought and scoffs.

Woohyun blinked his eyes. The he looked in front him; a cup of coffee with a bottle of sugar cube beside it. “You should ask, you know.” He said to cover his own mistake.

“Pardon me, mister but I was in the kitchen when I just thought about the sugar thing and I’m pretty sure that you know where the kitchen is, right?” Sooyun said as she was indeed cleaver with her words.

Woohyun was kinda stunned by that, hence he couldn’t say anything to protest. “Man, this girl is pretty hard to handle and she is my PA!” he thought. “Oh really?” was the only thing he could say.

“If you finished with the whining, I want to continue my work, please.” Sooyun said politely with a bit of teasing.

And Woohyun clearly sense it but he didn’t say anything about it. He had enough with the coffee thing. “Yes, you may please.” He said, gestured her to continue her works.

After that, Woohyun looked back at his cup of coffee. He sighed a bit and then gently put 2 sugar cubes in his coffee and he stirred it; making sure that it completely dissolves.

When it was completely dissolves, he took a sip with a smile in his face. “Just great.” He said softly.

Little did Woohyun know that Sooyun was looking at him the entire time. She softly chuckled. “2 sugar cube, huh?” she thought and crept a smile.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh my gosh!” Sooyun said as she was shocked by the sudden appearance of Woohyun who was right next to her. She turned her head and looked at him with one of her hand still on her chest. “You almost gave me a heart attack!” She said and glared at him.

“Wowowo, sorry if I shocked you but I never want to do so.” Woohyun said as he apologized at her since she was glaring at him. “Man, this girl…” he thought a little.

Sooyun sighed a little and then said, “If you said so…” She then turned her head back to the screen of her laptop to continue her works.

“Hey, I’m asking what you are doing.” Woohyun kept on whining at her.

Sooyun stopped typing. She closed her eyes as she thought, “Be patience, Sooyun. Be patience.” She was trying to calm herself from the annoying Nam Woohyun.

Sooyun then turned her face towards Woohyun with a big smile on her face, a fake one. “Mister, I’m trying to do my homework here. I would be happy if you could just read your book rather than trying to disturb me.”

Woohyun blinked his eyes in shocked. Her words were rather harsh to him “Hey, I was just trying to be friendly, here!” he said. He knows that it would be a waste if he continued on fighting with her.

“Well, guess what?” Sooyun said.


“You don’t have to be friendly with me, sunbae.” Sooyun said as she looked at him. She never thought of being friendly with him but she didn’t want to make enemy either. But she knows her limit. She knows that she should be friendly with him, Nam Woohyun. Rich people… she just dislike that.

Woohyun was really taken back by her words. Maybe there were many girls that have this type of attitude but this was the first time Nam Woohyun meets one. Hence, he was speechless.

“I thought you the one who say didn’t want me to even talk to you at school?” Sooyun said in matter of fact.

Again, Nam Woohyun left speechless. She was right though. “Yes, I did say that. Am I stupid or what? Nam Woohyun, you stupid!” he scold himself in his thought.

“So, let’s just remain as what we are now. I’m just your PA that was hired by your mother and I should not talk to you in school and only talk to you inside your house.” Sooyun said as she saw he didn’t respond on her before. “Oh yeah, I forgot I can only be friendly with you when you mother is around, am I right?” she continued.

Woohyun could only nod his head.  It was like he was possessed by her. He could not talk like he used to be. He was like a puppet to her.

“Great, I hope you understand that, sunbae.” Sooyun said but then she continued, “Now, will you excuse me, I need to finish my homework.” After that she looked back at her laptop screen and then continued typing; completely ignored him.

Woohyun looked how Sooyun just ignored him. “I see…” he said and then walked back to his seats.

Upon arriving at his seat, Woohyun took a look at her, hoping that she would maybe look at him back but no. she didn’t look at him and she was busy with her homework. “Why do I even bother?

Woohyun sighed a little and then took his book and read.

[A/N] Okay, guys I know I haven’t been update like months maybe? Well… I just haven’t update for awhile. So, I’m really sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to but I was busy (typical excuse) and I kinda having a bit of writer block. I hope you understand that. I’m tying my hard to finish this story and update quickly so that you will not forgot about this story of mine.

I hope you like this chapter and comment are motive! Hehe… Thank you for reading…

And here I just made a new story, Book One; a foolish love.

[I would be happy if you drop by and check it out!]

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Chapter 7: woohyun and sooyunnnnnnn ;-)
Chapter 1: A new reader here! That was such a long first chapter and I'm already loving it! Sungjong <3 It's so hard to find Sungjong in fics like this... Keep it up!
Miszfiqa #3
heuheu, i just read this chingu..
busy life can't get any busier..
anyway, i'll check your other story when i have time later..
Sooo cute! XD update update :3
Update soon :D
I want to know what happens next...
They are not going to fight right ?? :/
Miszfiqa #6
i'm waiting for the on it slowly chingu..hwaiting and don't worry..this is great..^^