chapter ten

♦ The Queen of Diamond ♦ [HAITUS]

$ Chapter 10 $


Upon seeing the others had fully left, L startled to talk, “So, what’s it that you want to talk to me?” he turned to her and looked to her eyes and then continued, “I never said anything though.”

“Do you hate me?” Sooyun started talking. With a smile in her face, she said it.

L was in silent in a moment. “How could you say such words with that face?” he thought, he just couldn’t understand the girl in front him. She was different from the girl he knew in past. The same girl yet has different feel.

“Yes, I hate you.” L said, looking serious than he ever be. “Hate you for leaving when I know you love me.” Then he continued, “Why?”

If this question were asked back in past, it would definitely hard for Sooyun to answer it but now, she didn’t. She admitted when she left him, she still loved him. “I’m sorry for making you hate me.” She said. “And you are right about that I still loved you when I left you.”  She then continued, looking at him.

“Then?” L couldn’t grab what she trying to say or it just maybe too early to make a conclusion.

“Because I just noticed that we weren’t meant to be together.” Sooyun said the reason why she had left him, or at least she thought it was that.

“Don’t make me laugh, Sooyun, because we aren’t meant to be together? Where do you get those lines from? Which drama did you watch, huh?” L said. He didn’t believe it. It was laughable; it was just so funny that he couldn’t even laughed at that statement of hers.

Sooyun knew L would react like that hence she didn’t felt sad by it at all. She knew it was hard to believe but it was true. “It was true, Myungsoo.” She called out his real name.

L glared at her and said, “Don’t call me by my real name.” Kim Myungsoo was his real name but he never really used that name. The ones that could used that name were only the ones that he closed too and they were his INFINITE’s friends, Sungjong and her. But now, since him and her are just like stranger, he didn’t want her to used his real name.

Sooyun forgot how important that his real name. It cannot be easily call out by anyone and she forgot that she had been included by that ‘anyone’ categories. “Oh, I’m sorry, it was old habit.” She apologized.

L looked away. He just couldn’t believe that the girl in front him was the same girl he once love.

Sooyun tried to make a smile so that the atmosphere around that didn’t down. “I’m sorry for left you well hanging like that. I know that you couldn’t accept my decision even if I told you face to face.”

“Well, you are right. I don’t and even do now, I still couldn’t. Can I ask you something?” L wanted to ask her something that he was so curious off.

“If that question could settle us out, go ahead.”

“Was it because what had happen to your family?”

“No.” Sooyun quickly denied.

“Alright then, what if your family never did bankrupt, would you still be my girlfriend?” L asked.

“I-” Sooyun stopped. She couldn’t answer it. Her eyes widen as she looked at him.

“If you were this shock, then what’s with the ‘we aren’t meant together’ phase?”

“L, its-” Sooyun couldn’t continued. She was so speechless.

“So, it was true then, the real reason that make you left me was because what had happen to your family, right?”

Sooyun sighed. She tried to think what she should say to him. “It was true.” She admitted. Then she continued, “After what had happened, I realise that we just not meant to be together. Fate was not with us, it never did. I realise that, L.”

“Why was that? It is because of our different in family status?”

“No. It wasn’t that.” Sooyun denied. “Look, if we really meant to be together, I would live miserable day by day, but I never did. I forgot about you, L, your love. “

”I don’t believe you.”

“We study in the same school, but why haven’t we see each other? You didn’t knew that I still study in that school, aren’t you?”

L stayed silent for a moment as he tried to think. Yeah he didn’t know that she was still study there, he thought that she had left since the school fee was high.

“The fact that we study in the same school but never did we meet each other, clearly show that we aren’t meant together.”

“Then why aren’t you left, I thought that the school fee was high, and you would be better change school.”

“It was because of my parent. At first I want to leave. The fees were killing us indeed. My parent left to find more money but they never did come back. And we lost our house since we couldn’t afford it. I thought it would be better if we change school but Sungjong didn’t want to. He didn’t want to leave this neighbourhood so that our parent could still find us when they come back some day since we lost our house. And as you could see, there is one only school here. We had no choice.” It was the first time Sooyun told someone about what happen to her life.

“Sooyun... I never knew that.”

Sooyun chuckled, “Of cause, I never told anyone.”

L smiled, “How come you could still smile with that sad story of yours.”

“Because I had already tired of crying, I really want to forget what had happen in past.”

“Those that mean you will forget about me?”

“Our love, maybe but the time we had spent together, I would keep that as a sweet memory.”

L patted her head, and then he smiled. “I did hate you Sooyun but it’s had already gone now. I had forgotten about you a long time ago, it just I’m still need to settle nicely with you. My love for you had gone too.”

Sooyun smiled.

“Oh, Sooyun,”


“I’m sorry that I act cold towards you. It just because I was shock seeing you again after our well, wildly broke up.”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

“Friends?” L said as he gave out his hand to her. He had given up on her, a long time ago. Maybe she was right, they weren’t meant to be together.

“Only friends.” Sooyun replied as she gave out her hand and shook hands with him.

“Let’s go home.”


Sungjong kept on wondering around the streets. He was so confident on finding his quest but now, he wasn’t sure. All his hard works seems to be pointless.

Nevertheless, Sungjong never did give up. He just couldn’t. He kept on looking, hoping that he would find the person he been looking for.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Sungjong apologized as he bumped into someone that he didn’t even notice. He bowed to her and then walked away as there weren’t any serious issues.

Sungjong started to wonder whether he being halucition or he just trapped within his past.

Just then his phone rang. Sungjong quickly took out his phone and looked at the caller ID. He put a little smile as he touch the accept button. ”Hello?” he said.

Listening to the caller, Sungjong replied, “I’m sorry sis, I forgot to call you.”

Then, Sungjong chuckled, as if he amused with his little sister, “Your voice sound like you was having fun.”

“Don’t lie, Sooyun-ah,” Sungjong said as he noticed that Sooyun just trying to hide her happiness. “I’m glad that you actually having fun.” He said. It was true, ever since that their parent had left looking for money and when they had to make more money by themselves, Sooyun rarely enjoying herself. And because of that, Sungjong felt so pity of her. They could had just having a normal life of a teen would did but why did fate turn them like this? He sometimes wondered it.

Sungjong sighed upon hearing Sooyun’s non-stopped nagging. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I will take care of myself well, don’t you worry.” He said.

After Sooyun bid her goodbye, after he bid her, Sungjong ended the called. Putting back his phone, he started to walk back to his motel as he noticed it was already late and he was kinda sleepy too. He needed to rest himself.

“Aren’t you sleeping yet?”

Sooyun looked upon the voice that startled her a bit. “Oh, Woohyun?” she said. Then she continued by replying him, “I just finish talking to my brother.”

“Your brother?”

“Well, he is my twin brother. Why are you curious?” Sooyun asked him in a confused look.

“Ah well, you seems to have many boys in your life.”


“I mean, your brother, Sungyeol and L,” Woohyun counted. “Ah, and there’s this one guy that you been lovely dovey at school.” He said as he remembered the guy.

“Lovely dovey?” Sooyun mumbled as she tried to think who it was. Thinking and thinking and then she burst in laughter. She laughed so hard until tears out from her eye.

“Why?” Woohyun said as he confused why did she laughed.

Sooyun wiped her tears and breathe in as she tried to calm her down. After finished settling everything, she said, “You see, Sungyeol is my cousin, and L is my friend only. Oh and the guy that you see me lovely dovey is probably my brother. I never been close with any guy in school expect from my brother. His name is Sungjong for your information.” She looked at him and then said something again, “But why are you curious about it?”

“I did?” Woohyun said as he feeling a bit nervous somehow. As if he was afraid for her to see trough what he was thinking.

“Oh you did?” Sooyn said as she shuggered her shoulder.

“Even if I did, can’t I know about you?”

Sooyun snorted, “Why should you? I mean we are-”

“Friends,” Woohyun cut her off because he knew what’s she was going to say. “Because we are friends, can’t I know about you?” he continued say.

Sooyun was speechless upon hearing what he said. “Friends?” she thought. Being Nam Woohyun’s friend was never in her thought since she really didn’t want any connection with the riches anymore now that she wasn’t part of that society.

“Talk to you later, I think I’m going to sleep now.” Woohyun said ending the conversation between them. He then walked away to his room, well more to running away from her.

Sooyun watched Woohyun walked away. She was quite dumb fool by it. “What’s wrong with him?” she thought, seeing his behaviour was different from usual.

Woohyun run to his room and then locked it. He then lay against the door. Putting his hand on his left chest, feeling how fast his heart beats, as he took a deep breath.

Woohyun closed his eyes and waited for his heart beats normal again.

“This is amazing...” Woohyun let out his thought, amused with his own self.

Woohyun opened back his eyes and said something that he never expected to be.

“I... love her.”


[A/N] A new update. Enjoy reading....

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Chapter 7: woohyun and sooyunnnnnnn ;-)
Chapter 1: A new reader here! That was such a long first chapter and I'm already loving it! Sungjong <3 It's so hard to find Sungjong in fics like this... Keep it up!
Miszfiqa #3
heuheu, i just read this chingu..
busy life can't get any busier..
anyway, i'll check your other story when i have time later..
Sooo cute! XD update update :3
Update soon :D
I want to know what happens next...
They are not going to fight right ?? :/
Miszfiqa #6
i'm waiting for the on it slowly chingu..hwaiting and don't worry..this is great..^^