chapter three

♦ The Queen of Diamond ♦ [HAITUS]

$ Chapter three $


Sooyun walked up to the stairs as she was walking to her bedroom. Her mind was flash back on what her brother just said.


“So, oppa…” Sooyun paused a little but then she continued, “When should I go there?”

Sungjong rubs his head that wasn’t even itchy and mumbles, “Um… that…”


“It’s this Sunday?” Sungjong said as he closed his eyes, not wanting to see his twin in anger mode.

Sooyun eyes widen in shocked. She couldn’t even count how many times she had been surprised with the news that she heard that night. “Oh my…” she thought.

 “So…” Sungjong stopped on that word. He looked at his twin sister who was still shock by it. He put both of his hands on her both of her shoulder and stare at her before he carefully put his words to say, “Look, you have to live in the mansion and they will take a good care of you, so you just have to do whatever they ask to do. Sooyun, you are not a maid. It’s more like a personal assistant, okay?”

Sooyun sighed upon hearing those words. “I have to live there? How about Sungjong oppa?” she thought, worry. “How about you, oppa?” she asked the older one.

Sungjong pats her head and said, “Don’t worry about me. I’m not a baby, okay.”

“For once, you not being such a baby, oppa…” Sooyun chuckled.

“I hate you!”


*Flashback End*

Sooyun sighed heavy. She lay on her bed as she closed her eyes.

Saturday morning,

“What?!” Bomi shouted as if she was shocked. She looked at the twins and clearly saw Sungjong enthusiastically nodded his head. After that, she nodded her head, understand situation. “So, Sooyun… good luck?” she said as she doesn’t really know what to say.

Sooyun force a smile at Bomi. She sighed a little and thought, “Its tomorrow, I hope the master is nice.

“By the way, who’s family you will be work for? They didn’t mind that you still study, right?” Bomi asked, curiously about it.

“Oh, now that you say… I don’t know. Oppa, who are they?” Sooyun locked her eyes at her twin brother.

“It’s the Nam’s family and you will be the personal maid for the young master. Oh, don’t worry about it, you will still study because that what they want. It says that you will be watching that guy at school since you guys in the same school.”

“I have to change school?”

“No, silly. He also goes the same academy of us, Luna Academy.” Sungjong chuckled a bit.

Sooyun and Bomi made an ‘oh’ sound from their mouth.

“Wait!” Bomi said.

“What?” Sungjong asked. Sooyun just looked at the two people in front of her.

“You said that he goes the same school as us, that’s mean…” Bomi paused, thinking a bit to make sure her words. “He is the Nam Woohyun? Our senior?” she continued.

“Um… yeah,” Sungjong nodded.

Bomi blinked her eyes numberless times.

“Stop blinking your eyes, Bomi.” Sooyun said as she rolled her eyes. She knows that habit of Bomi. Bomi would always like that when talking about the seniors. “Nam Woohyun… and who is he?” she thought. She doesn’t really know her senior especially the riches. 

“Okay, geez.” Bomi said as she fixed her hair. Then she continued, “Sooyun, I don’t know about Nam Woohyun but I heard he was really scary. So, be careful.” She kindly advised Sooyun.

Sungjong lightly hit his shoulder with Bomi’s shoulder and whispered, “Yah, don’t make her scared.”

“I’m not scared.” Sooyun said as she glared the two people. “I just hope that I don’t have any history with him.” she continued said.

Bomi chuckled, “Yeah, that’s why I told you to be nice with them.”

“Well, I really did but they were just so annoying and the kept calling me Queen of Diamond as if I love money that much.” Sooyun replied. She really did treat the riches nice and she tried so hard but to her, they were really blows her anger and patience.

Bomi looked at Sungjong, asking him to say something. Sungjong noticed Bomi was looking at him, so he looked at her and saw her eyes message. He mouthed, ‘what?’

 Bomi slapped her forehead and trying to cheer up the girl in front her. “If that so, how bout we go and eat some ice creams?” she asked.

“Your treat!” Both Sungjong and Sooyun said in unison.

Bomi slapped her forehead again, thinking how stupid she was to offer both of them some ice cream. “How could I forgot that you guys are stingy?” she question herself.

With that, the twins just laughed.

“Ah, come on, let’s go!” Sungjong said as he dragged Bomi. “Let’s go, let’s go!” he said excitedly.

“So, where are we going next?” Bomi asked, thinking what to do next.

“Eh, I thought we only go and eat ice cream? What with the where are we going next?” Sooyun said as she mimicking Bomi earlier question.

Bomi snort. “Since we already out, can we go and have a little fun, aunty?” she said and emphasized the word ‘aunty’.

“Yah!” Sooyun yelled childishly.

Bomi stuck her tongue childishly also.

Sungjong slapped his forehead. “And they said that they were more mature than me.” He thought. “Oh, let’s go and take a walk so that you guys can be slimmer like me.” He teased them and then started to walk ahead.

“Yah!!” both of the girls yelled and started running to him.

Sunday morning,

“Good morning.” Sungjong said the moment he heard footsteps come closer to the kitchen. He didn’t need to see the face of the person to since he was cooking something, beside he already knows.

“Oppa…” Sooyun softly said with her hair still messy. “It’s the first time I see you cooking early in the morning.” She said, rubs gently her eyes.

“Of cause it was the first time, you would always wake early and cook beside you didn’t even ask me to help.” Sungjong said.

It was the truth. Sooyun would always wake early and she prepared everything. She didn’t even make him do the cooking. She didn’t even complain about it. He would always felt sad seeing his sister working hard, so he would woke early to make the breakfast but still, Sooyun had already in the kitchen. Sometimes, she would ask him why he was early but Sungjong couldn’t say the real reason. Sooyun thought about it and she nodded agreed. She never noticed that. She thought that girls should be cooking and she even thought that Sungjong would be lazy. She sat down on the chair and waiting for the breakfast to be serves.

“Ta-dah!” Sungjong shouted and then placed the pancake on the table.

 “Whoa…” Sooyun said and then she took a bite. “It’s delicious!” she said and smiled cutely.

“Eat it fast since you have to go to the mansion.” Sungjong nagged.

“Yeah, yeah…” Sooyun said and then she took a big bite of the pancake.

At the Nam’s mansion,

Sooyun stopped in front the mansion in front her. She looked the mansion from high to low. It was big. Well, it was a mansion. She then looked for the bell. After finding it, she touched the blue button. Then she was having some conversation through the intercom. After that, the gate door that can only fit tow or one person passes through was opened. With that she entered the mansion with her medium size beg. Sooyun walked the road in the mansion as she looked to the beautiful garden. Then she arrived at in front the big door and been greeted by one old man. Maybe he was a butler.

 “Hello.” Sooyun greeted and bowed politely.

The butler smiled and then guided her to the some room. He opened the door and then said, “Madam, here is she.” He then asked Sooyun to walk forward.

Sooyun walked a bit forward and then bowed, “Hello, Madam.”

“Hello to you to. Come and sit here.” Madam Nam said with her gentle voice.

Sooyun looked at the butler first. The butler sign okay and for her not to be afraid. Sooyun smiled to him and nodded her head. She then walked to Madam Nam and sat to the chair she had been told to.

“Whoa, you are so pretty.” Madam Nam praised Sooyun.

“Thank you.” Sooyun shyly thanked her for the praised.

Madam Nam smiled. Then she turned her head to the butler and said, “Mr. Oh, could you please call Woohyun to come here?”

“Yes, Madam.” Mr. Oh, the butler said and the bowed before he walked out from the room and closed the door gently.

“So, you’re the one that apply the job, right?” Madam Nam asked as she carefully examined the girl in front of her.

“Well…” Sooyun pause a bit. She didn’t know whether to say the truth of not. “It was my brother.” She told the truth because for some reason she felt in ease.

“Oh, no wonder you didn’t seem excited about it.”

“Yes, I did.”

A very honest girl, I like it.” Madam Nam thought. She then looked to the file in front her and said, “If it’s was your brother then why are you here, Miss Lee?”

“It was because we need the money badly. We will lose our house. Since the job required girl only so I willing to do it, Madam.” Sooyun said. For some reason, she didn’t afraid to tell the truth.

“May I asked, where is your parent? In this form there not much about your parent. They aren’t dead, right?” Madam Nam asked as she was curious with it.

 Sooyun froze a bit when the parent word being talked to. She took a very deep breath and then said, “Actually, I don’t know about my parent. They had been missing for years but I’m pretty sure that they aren’t dead yet.”

“Missing?” Madam Nam said as if she was a bit shocked.

Sooyun nodded.

“I’m sorry.” Madam Nam apologized. She looked at the girl in front her, so strong. “Poor little girl.” She thought.

“Its’ okay, I had been used to it.” Sooyun said and then smiled.

With that, Madam Nam made her decision that she really wanted this girl to work with her. So, she explained to Sooyun her job is about, “So, Miss Lee-”

“Called me Sooyun. It’s better.” Sooyun cut her. She knows it’s rude to cut people off but she had to since she felt uncomfortable being call, Miss Lee.

Madam Nam smiled. “This girl is very interesting.” She thought. “Okay, Sooyun, you will help me like a secret mission to look after my son, Woohyun especially in school.”

“Okay…” Sooyun nodded. “Spying, huh?” she thought.

“Since it’s a secret mission, don’t tell Woohyun, okay?”

“Yes but can I ask something?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Why do you want to me to spy Woohyun?”

Madam Nam chuckled. “She is a special girl indeed.” She thought. “Well, if I used bodyguard, Woohyun would notice it. So, you’re better candidate beside I want to know what that little kid do in school.”

Sooyun mad an ‘oh’ sound from . “I understand.” She said. Then she continued said, “I’ll do my best.”


Knock, knock.

Madam Nam allowed the door to be opened. The door opened and came out as usually, Mr. Oh, the butler. “Here is Master Woohyun, Madam.” He said. Then that Woohyun walked in and he greeted his mother, “Good morning, Madam.” He teased his mother.

“Good morning, my dear.” Madam Nam greet back. She had been used by her son teasing her.

Woohyun saw a girl with his mother but could see the face so he asked, “And who is this, mother?” then he walked closer towards the girl and his mother.

No way…” Sooyun thought. She knows that voice. “Not him…” she thought again. Although they didn’t know each other much but she surely knows that voice, she recognized that voice.

“Here is Lee-” before Madam Nam could finished her words, Woohyun cut her off.


[A/N] Yes, I finally finished this chapter!! I know, I update it pretty late, like really late but I have some issue to be deal with so, I didn’t even have mood to write plus I just went to uni and I have no internet for weeks which making me hard to update. I’m really sorry.  So, this chapter is where both of the main characters meet. It’s taking me a lot of time. So, if it’s boring… I’m really sorry then. *bows*

To the people that subscribe my story, THANK YOU so much for reading this. I love you guys!! Please do SUBCRIBE, COMMENT, SUBCRIBE, COMMENT.


and here is my other story, a new one;

"Tears of the rain."

Book One; a Foolish Love


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Chapter 7: woohyun and sooyunnnnnnn ;-)
Chapter 1: A new reader here! That was such a long first chapter and I'm already loving it! Sungjong <3 It's so hard to find Sungjong in fics like this... Keep it up!
Miszfiqa #3
heuheu, i just read this chingu..
busy life can't get any busier..
anyway, i'll check your other story when i have time later..
Sooo cute! XD update update :3
Update soon :D
I want to know what happens next...
They are not going to fight right ?? :/
Miszfiqa #6
i'm waiting for the on it slowly chingu..hwaiting and don't worry..this is great..^^