Chapter 5

Start of a new life


Lhina POV

I could hear the door shut. Monica is already up and cooking food. That means…in just a few minutes our alarm clocks will go on. .

I closed my eyes and rolled over. I want to sleep.

*Haa~ dreamland~ chocolates and sweets…broken calculators…high grades in history…brown eyes…warm smile…pink lips…sunbae…warm smile…Taemin sunbae…what?!?*

I sat up quickly. I could feel my cheeks burning. My heart is beating so fast! Why do I feel this way? Sunbae! Get out of my dreams! T-T

I heard Robyne shift in her bed. . I woke her up.

*Oh Lord please don’t wake her up! I don’t want to see a pissed off maknae T-T I’m too young to die*

She stopped stirring and I let out a sigh.

“Thank you Lord” I whispered.

I got up and stretched my arms. I was reaching down when our alarm clocks went off. again.

Monica’s alarm clock was singing Insomnia by Craig David. Mine was playing A-yo by SHINee while Robyne’s was playing Manmanhani. I quickly shut off the three alarm clocks but I always wonder how Robyne’s mind works. She would wake up if one of us stirs loudly in our beds, but she doesn’t wake up when Manmanhani plays. Why did she even pick that song if she won’t even get awakened by it? Weird~

The door opened and Monica’s head popped in.

“Unnie please wake up Robyne” she said with an innocent smile.

“I don’t want to. You wake her up” I whined

“You’re the oldest”

“Since when?”

“Since the day you were born” she shut the door behind her. I stuck out my tongue even though she can’t see it.

I grabbed my pillow and cautiously walked over to Robyne. She was sprawled all over her bed. Her hand and right foot was dangling at the edge of her bed.

*Lord please watch over me*

“Robyne~” I sang…nothing.

“Robyne~ Wake up~” I nudged her shoulder…still nothing.

“Yah! Wake up already!” I shouted.

“Yah…unnie…30 more minutes” she groaned and buried her face into her pink pillow.

“GET UP!” I yelled in her ear.

“Leave me alone you freakin’ girl!” she pulled up her blanket over her head. Its always this hard and dangerous to wake her up.


After Robyne woke up and ate their breakfast they got ready for school. All of them went to different schools.

~~~Robyne’s POV

The driver dropped me off to my school. My vision was still blurry. I’m still sleepy okay! I was walking down the corridor and I was really sleepy that I didn’t see the stair case ahead of me. Luckily someone caught me.

“Pabo! You’re still asleep aren’t you?” Cheondoong oppa, my best friend scolded me.

“Super oppa!” I call him that…well basically he’s like superman to me.

We headed to our class. Lame! Our first period was Chemistry.  -3-

After Chem was Math then…

“Lunch break!” I literally screamed. My other classmates looked at me weirdly. Then the girls started gossiping again.

“Yah! What are you looking at?” I asked that group of girls. They cringed away from me and I rolled my eyes at them. Yeah be scared es…ever since my first day here, all I could hear were some bad stuff about me, Lhina, and Monica. It wasn’t my fault that I yelled at them, even though we promised not to loose our cool.

I got up with my green lunch box and was about to go out when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at the girl. She was always the one who said the most absurd-I’ve got to stop reading Monica’s books-things about us. I think her name was…I forgot so I’ll name her in my head.

 “Umm…Robyne shii, I’m sorry” she said to me but her crew snickered behind her. Yeah right~ Sorry my beautiful .

“For what? For trying to ruin my group or for being stupid?” I asked sarcastically.

Her eyebrows twitched but she put on a sly smile. I think it was supposed to intimidate me but she looked constipated.

“Are you alright? You look constipated” I smirked. If unnie and umma knew about me sassing my classmate they’ll kill me.

She ignored my comment and went on “You know…for being stuck in this school where no likes you”

*Is that all you’ve got. Pssh Lhina unnie could do better than you without even trying.*

“Yeah you’re right but what can I do. Since your father begged us to study here, Monica and Lhina were smart enough to decline the offer; I was the only one who agreed. He was so thankful that even offered to give me your clubhouse-you know, where you and your crew hang out- to be my private classroom. Besides a lot of people out there like me otherwise no one would have even created fan clubs for me right” I winked at her. I remembered her name! She became silent.

“Well I hate to break this wonderful conversation but I have to eat” I opened the door and I saw my super oppa.

“Super oppa! Wait for me!” I yelled. I looked back at the -I mean Kim Ga Yoon. I could see that she was holding back her tears and that some members of her crew left her already.

“Unnie don’t cry. You were the one who started. I just defended myself unnie” I said while giving her an innocent smile.

“” she scowled

Yeah I know” I smirked. You have no idea how evil I can be, I thought.

She was about to slap me but I caught her hand and I threw it back at her but it was a bit too hard that she fell on the floor.

“Call me anything you want but don’t you dare try to hurt me. You don’t know the things that I could do.” I said while glaring at her. I then ran to my super oppa to stop myself from hitting her.

“Super oppa!” I said to him while slightly hitting his shoulders.

“What was that for? She almost hit you” he said to me worriedly.

“Ahh that was nothing oppa, really, she was the one who started it.” I said innocently

“But you pro-“ he started but I cut him off.

“Let’s eat already”

~~~~~skip to soccer practice~~

 After our classes we had our clubs to attend to. I was in the soccer team and they made me the captain. I started playing soccer since I was 6 years old and I still play one in a while with Lhina unnie. She’s fast and has stamina but when she kicks the ball, the ball goes to the other direction.

I changed into my uniform. ( The school’s team was divided into two. There was the girl’s team and the boy’s team. I’m the captain of the girl’s team obviously.

“!” I shouted out of shock when someone poked me on my side. I turned around and I saw Ki Kwang oppa.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” What a stupid question, duh!! He’s studying here.

“I think you already know the answer.” He teased.

Then I heard a girl shout ‘oh!! Oppa-Seopie oppa!’, wait-did I just hear his name…no no…I’m hallucinating!! Then I turned around and saw him. Him…my no. 1 crush, also known as Lee Ki Seop. I totally forgot Ki Kwang oppa. He was walking towards us.

“Anyeong hyung, Robyne shii” he nodded to me with his smile. *melt~ spazz!*

~~~skip try-outs

After the try-outs, I was too tired so I just slipped on my hoodie. A string got caught on my watch and no matter how hard I pulled, it wouldn’t come off. So I got a cutter and try to cut it. Then someone shouted at me.

“Yah! Are you out of your mind?!? Are you committing suicide?!?” Ki seop oppa yelled at me.

“A-ani I’m not-I was just cutting of this strand” I stuttered.

“Yeah right~ Suicidal maknae!” he said before leaving with the cutter in his hand.

“Aish-that guy!” I grumbled while I walked towards our van.


sorry for a very very late update (^.^)v I had a fight with my best friend T.T...right bainshi~ :))

anyway thanks to Bainshi again hehehe -3-

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Love it ~ Update soon :))
bainshi #2 cute.
I like it so far.<br />
Update soon ;) AMD
hopelessromantic #4
bainshi #5
Hehe i see something...
bainshi #6
You want to know why robyne can't eat chocolate <br />
it's like this <br />
when she eat chocolate her tonsils will close and she won't b able to breathe and late on she could DIE bohuhuhu<br />
bainshi #7
*coz hehe 여뻐 아린 ;)
bainshi #8
Yieee~~~ robyne is such a great name guys it can be pronouced as robAin or robin hehe... Credit mostly to hello_taemin caz i just shared some wonderful???? :l ideas,but not literally write or put them on paper saranghaeyo hello_taemin<br />
<br />
yeobo!!!!! Miss me?? Hehe