chapter 1

Start of a new life


Lhina’s POV

“Oh my gosh! We’re finally here!” I squealed when I jumped out of our van.

“Unnie! Wait for us!” Monica shouted at my back.

“Unnie, I have the key!” Robyne laughed when she passed me.

“Hey, me first! I’m the oldest!” I pouted

“Act like on then Lhina-shi. I didn’t make Robyne-shi the leader for nothing” manager-umma said resting her hand on my head.

“Fine! Three against one. That is so unfair!” I said before dragging umma behind me.

“Umma you’re so slow” I giggled.

I heard the elevator open when we rounded the corner. ‘Ohh those two are so gonna get it!’

“Finally you’re here” Robyne shouted in the elevator. Her hand was holding the door.

“Aww, I thought you were gonna leave me” I said, touched that they waited for me.

“Of course not- we have to see it together, the four of us.” Monica said

“Come on. I’m not getting any younger here” umma said then pulled me into the elevator.




We held our breaths as umma turned the door knob. She pushed the door open and I didn’t care that I screamed. The dorm was perfect. It wasn’t too girly or boy-ish. It wasn’t too high-tech that it could cause my nose to bleed. It has a homey feeling in it but the color is too…ordinary.

“Umma, can we color the walls?” I asked

“You mean paint, unnie” Robyne laughed when she flopped on the sofa.

“Uhh…sure. This will be you’re home so why not?” umma said.

“We have to buy those kitchen thingies for Monica. The kitchen only has a stove, a refrigerator, a rice cooker, an oven and empty cabinets” Robyne said ticking every item on her finger.

“A sound system and video games wouldn’t hurt. Maybe a wii or something” I added

“And bed spreads and some curtains too. I don’t like the ones in here” Monica said coming out of our new bedroom.

“Seems like you’ll need a lot. You should go now. I’ll drop you off at the mall. Be back by 7pm okay” umma said.


“I’ll be back by 6:30 okay. Be good, you have my number so call me when you finish early” the driver told us, then drove off to somewhere.

“Okay we’ll meet here by 6:30 got it” Robyne ordered us.


And this is when I hate that I’m not good in Korean. (their manager can speak English so Lhina speaks in English unlike the other two)

I can’t even ask the guards where I can buy videogames. I walked around until I saw a small store that says: ‘The Gamemaker’. I went in and it not only sells video games but speakers and mp3’s also.

“This is great!” I said while mentally clapping my hands.

I looked at the mp3’s and bought one as a temporary for the house-I mean dorm. I also bought speakers and a playstation. I’ll buy the Wii set next time.

I looked further at the upper shelves. There were more videogames that I used to play and love. I saw a cute racing game at the corner and tried to reach it. ‘And this when my height fails me’

I saw a tall man that I think can reach the top shelves. “Obviously, any person taller than me can reach it” I grumbled

I tugged on his coat to get his attention and he face me, well more like looked down to find me. His face was covered by his huge sunglasses and a mask but he has creamy white skin underneath it.

“Help” I hope he understood that word. I pointed to the video game and he seemed to understand.  He grabbed the video game and handed it to me. His hands were big and stubby

“Aww cute hands” I blurted out. Good thing he didn’t hear it and thanks to his glasses that couldn’t see my blush.

“Kamsahabnida (thank you)” I thanked him and went to play. I may not speak Korean well but I’m not stupid.

“Cheonman won” the cashier boy said

“huh” I could feel my Well it wasn’t my fault I focused on reading hanggul.

“ahh” he wrote the price down and I, of course, understood.

I payed him 12 000 won, got my bags and turned to leave. But that would be too simple so God made me stumble on something big and white. It moved under me and when I moved my arm I heard a crack.

“Oh no”

I quickly stood up and saw the man earlier. His hat fell off and I broke his sunglasses.

“Oh. My. God! You’re-“


Robyne’s POV

“Okay, so the things will be shipped later?” I asked the clerk again

“Yes ma’am” he assured me with a grin

“You better” I watched as his grin slowly fade away. ‘Unnie was right. I am a war freak’

I took my cell and texted Monica that I was done when I spotted a shoe store.

“Shoes!” I squealed and ran towards the store. ‘Good thing I brought my credit card’

“Anyeong” the clerks greeted me. I just smiled at them. ‘There’s so many shoes’ I giggled and think I saw a lady look at me.

“May I help you?” a boy asked me with his engrish. I tried not to giggle at his accent and just shook my head. If Lhina unnie heard him she would either glare at the boy or drag me out of the store. She actually did both at one time.  For such a care-free person she has some strong issues with English.

“Can I have that in size 7?” I pointed at a pair of yellow sneakers.

“Of course” hmmm…that one wasn’t broken at all. Ohh…they also sell shoes for men here. I could buy a pair for appa.

“Anyeong” a man wearing a hat and a large hoodie walked in. his face was covered by those big glasses. But I could see he has an awesome jaw line.

I tossed my hair and continued looking around. I picked up a cool looking pair of high tops that will look good on Monica. Unfortunately the man also has his eyes on this pair. So the next few minutes consisted of us having a tug-of-war in the store.

“Yah! I was first!” I yelled at him.

“So? I saw it first” he tugged the shoes

“No you weren’t”

Yes I was”

“No. You. Were. Not.”

“Yes. I. was.”

“We have another pair-“

“Stay out of this” we shouted at the same time.

“Give it to me!” the man yelled.

“Oh come on. Give them” I suddenly pushed the shoes towards him at the same time he pulled. He fell on the floor together with his hat and glasses.

“Oh my god. You’re-“


Monica’s POV

“Where’s a guard when you need one?” I mumbled

For God’s sakes, where do you buy decent curtains here? They have things like water beds to candle lamps but they don’t have curtains that doesn’t have holes on it. Better find a new store.

Sighing loudly I left the stores and looked around.

“I’ll buy chocolates later” I reminded myself/

‘Curtains, where are you?’ Great I sound like Lhina unnie.

“Umph… I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking-“

“Are you alright?” he’s-oh shoot! He's-


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Love it ~ Update soon :))
bainshi #2 cute.
I like it so far.<br />
Update soon ;) AMD
hopelessromantic #4
bainshi #5
Hehe i see something...
bainshi #6
You want to know why robyne can't eat chocolate <br />
it's like this <br />
when she eat chocolate her tonsils will close and she won't b able to breathe and late on she could DIE bohuhuhu<br />
bainshi #7
*coz hehe 여뻐 아린 ;)
bainshi #8
Yieee~~~ robyne is such a great name guys it can be pronouced as robAin or robin hehe... Credit mostly to hello_taemin caz i just shared some wonderful???? :l ideas,but not literally write or put them on paper saranghaeyo hello_taemin<br />
<br />
yeobo!!!!! Miss me?? Hehe