The Battle Part 2: New Power Unleashed

My Best Friends are VAMPIRES!!!!!


The Vampire King was holding onto EunJung's arm tight. Tight enough to make it bleed. "Help!" screamed EunJung. Now what is SHINee gonna do?!


SHINee didn't know what to do now! The Vampire King has taken Eun Jung hostage. "You weaklings do anything, the girl dies! You don't want that to happen to her don't you?" the King yelled. SHINee is now super angry. Just then, the King's minions is shooting red streams of hot fire! Jonghyun being the one who bends fire, puts a hot force field around them. But, the enemies attack was too strong and their attack broke their defense. SHINee fell back all burned up. From the far, all Eun Jung can do was watching her friends and lover getting hurt. She knew they needed blood and fast or the King will kill them and the world will be in great danger! Eun Jung sees SHINee trying to get up but they were struggling. Meanwhile, Onew is planning a strategy and decided that they should hide in the tall bushes and protect themselves from their attacks. But they have to get Eun Jung away from the King.

"Guys, how are we gonna get Eun Jung away from that bastard?" asked Onew in his mind.

"I'm not sure." said Key. "But we have to think of something quick before Eun Jung gets hurt!"

Then suddenly Minho thought of a way to get Eun Jung away from him.

"I'm thinking we should fall back into those tall bushes behind us and get Eun Jung. That we both can be safe." suggested Onew.

"I have an idea." said Minho. Everyone looked at Minho with curious eyes. "You guys all attack at once that way I can get close enough to attack the King and Eun Jung will run away. While Eun Jung is running away, I want you Taemin get her and carry to those bushes Onew mentioned." explained Minho.

Everyone nodded to Minho's plan. Onew first started with a very bright light to blind the minions and the King. Jonghyun and Key ran to the minions and attacked them all at once, killing them all at once. And Taemin froze the Vampire King's feet to the ground so he won't get away. While Minho saw the chance to attack, he started running with vampiric speed. "Ha! There no chance that will work on me. You can just for-" Minho came close enough to the King and he took his sword and sliced off the arm that was holding Eun Jung. Eun Jung was free! "Run now Eun Jung!" screamed Minho. Eun Jung ran as fast as she could. On que, Taemin came and carried Eun Jung to the bushes. The others immediately followed. "No! Keep attacking those bushes till all of them are dead!" yelled the King in pain. The minions obeyed and started attacking the bushes but it seem to work. There appeared to be a energy force field around them. Who made that shield? "Does anyone know who made that shield?" asked Jonghyun. No one knew who made that shield. Whatever it was it was keeping them safe.

Meanwhile, behind the bushes:

"Are you guys okay?" asked Eun Jung with worried eyes.

They nodded. Even though they were panting very hard and the fact they have scratches all over their bodies, they're okay. Eun Jung is thinking of a way to help them.....Then she finally remembered the night with Taemin and he told her that night.

"There is a way. If we drink your blood at the same time, a new power will be unleashed. The element is called Darkness, which is the most powerful element in the Vampire World. It can only be unlocked by the Five Warriors in legend. Which is us."

Eun Jung finally had the courage to say something. "I know what we have to do!" yelled Eun Jung. SHINee looked her surprised. "You guys can unlock the power of Darkness by drinking my blood at the same time!" said Eun Jung. Taemin smiled at her because he remembered saying that to her before their good night together. SHINee stood up and looked at her like they don't want to hurt her.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Because we when drink your blood and the power of Darkness is unlocked, you might die or transform into a vampire yourself?" explained Key. Eun Jung didn't care what happens to her. All she wants is SHINee to defeated the Vampire King and save the world. "I'm sure. All I want is everyone to be safe. I don't care if I die. And if I do die, I just want to say that you guys are my best friends that I ever had and that will never change. Also, if I become a vampire, I will be with you guys forever." said Eun Jung. SHINee gave her their famous killer smiles and they hugged Eun Jung. She hugged back. SHINee was crying that Eun Jung cares about them.

"Now drink my blood." said Eun Jung confident. Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin bit down into her body at the same time and starte to drink her blood. Eun Jung leaned back her head so they can have more space to drink from her. Eun Jung started to cry and single tear fell from her face and landed on Taemin's hand. She whispered, "I love Taemin." Before she closed her eyes.

SHINee finally let go of her neck and caught EunJung before she can fall to the ground. Minho layed Eun Jung layed her down on the soft ground and checked her pulse. Eun Jung was breathing but barely. SHINee turned around and they are now facing the King and his minions! SHINee closed their eyes and focused on unleashing their powers and unlock the ultimate element...Darkness!

SHINee opened their eyes and each of them had different colored eyes!

Onew:                                                                                     Jonghyun:


Key:                                                            Minho:




"You think that your eyes can change colors means I'll become scared?" asked the King. "You soon will be!" yelled Taemin. "Well come and get me!" the King said childish. SHINee eyes glowed and they started running towards the minions. While running, Onew made his eyes glow very very bright to blind the beings and he cut their heads off. Jonghyun did a high kick, punched, and stabbed his enemies. Key blew them away with very strong winds and twisters and the minions landed on their heads and bled everywhere. Minho earth-bended blouders, rocks, and made quicksand to kill the evil beings. And Taemin blood-bended them to kill themselves, waterbended them so that they're all wet. Taemin yelled, "Jonghyun! I need your lightning!" Jonghyun saw Taemin struggling alittle bit and he raised his hand and storm clouds came. Jonghyun striked Taemin's enemies and they fell to the ground burned! SHINee has finally killed the evil beings and now its the Vampire King vs SHINee!!!!!

"Your no match against us Vampire King! Its five against one!" yelled Key with his eyes glowing green. The Vampire King drew out his twin swords and prepared for battle. SHINee got into their battle positions and drew out their weapons. The King ran towards them yelling and he tried to attack them but the five of them dodged his attacks. The Vampire King then just disappeared! SHINee was shocked. They looked around them and he is no where to be found! Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin then heard screaming. The screaming sounded like it came from Onew. Everyone turned to Onew and the four of the gasped. The Vampire King stabbed Onew from the back! "NO!" screamed Jonghyun. Jonghyun then made a HUGE fireball and threw it at the King and it hit him perfectly. Minho threw a boulder at him and the King dodged it! Key made six tornados and he blew the King away only a few feet away. Taemin then water bend and made a giant ice shard and the Vampire King's body pierced through his body! His blood was everywhere! Minho and Jonghyun ran towards Onew and it seems his wound is already healing. They both sighed in relief that he's okay. Key and Taemin then appeared next to Onew and they smiled that he's okay. Onew then stood up. Suddenly they heard the King's evil laugh! "Oh no!" said Taemin in his mind.

The Vampire King suddenly came back to life and he looked stronger and more powerful! Onew then shined a very warm bright sun rays. Jonghyun made a sword made out of lava and he threw it at the King. Key made cyclones, tornados, and very fast winds towards him. Minho threw tons and tons of boulders at him. And Taemin made thousands of ice shards and threw them at his vital spots. From all those attacks, the King just did an evil laugh and their attacks didn't make a single scratch or bruise anywhere on his body. The Vampire King then made a HUGE lightning storm and the lightning struck SHINee really close but missed them. "Guys, this is our last chance to save the world. We have to unlock the Darkness element and it might be our only hope!" said Onew in their minds. SHINee nodded in agreement. SHINee focused all of their power at once and their bodies glowed and then light surrounded them. Yellow, Red, Green, Brown, and Blue auras form a sword. A very powerful sword known as the Chaos Blade! "Vampire King, do you remember what happens next? Do you remember this sword from our battle a long time ago?! said Onew. The Vampire King had a worried expression on his face.

"Vampire King! This is the end!"

"This is for Eun Jung! The woman we love!"

"And for the whole world!"

"Say goodbye to this world forever!"

"Your a very heartless, cold, cruel man to this world!"

"BE GONE VAMPIRE KING!!!!!" SHINee yelled.

SHINee threw the sword at the King and it ed through his heart. The King scream loudly and disappeared in ash and blew away. He was heard from again.

"We finally defeated him." said Key relieved and smiling. SHINee did a threw a fist in the air in victory. SHINee won the war!!!!!

"I'm so proud of you guys." said a voice. SHINee was surprised to that person was. Its Eun Jung! She's alive! But wait...could it be she's a...? "Eun Jung, are you a vampire?" asked Minho. Eun Jung has paler whiter skin and her eyes were a bright purple.


"Yes, I think I am!" she said.

"Your very beautiful as a vampire." said Taemin with a charming smile.

"Thank you Taemin." Eun Jung smiled and winked at him.

"Well should we head back to the cottage." asked Jonghyun. Everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone started walking except for Taemin. Eun Jung noticed him not following everyone. "I'll meet you guys there." she said to the others. They nodded and went off. Eun Jung approached Taemin and said, "What's wrong Taemin?" Taemin turned towards Eun Jung.

"Eun Jung, now that your a vampire do think your a monster?" he asked.

"No. Now that I am I can live forever and I can be with you forever." she says with a smile. Taemin smiled and gave Eun Jung a hug.

"I Love You EunJung."

"I Love You too Taemin. My y vampire." she hugs back. Taemin and EunJung look into each others eyes and they shared a long passionate kiss. From the far, Onew, Jonghyun, Key, and Minho saw everything and they smiled at them when they kissed. SHINee and EunJung now lives together and now is having a great life together as a family.

~The End~


Thanks so much for those one commented and subscribed to my story! I love you guys! I'm thinking about writing a sequel! What do you guys think? Let me know! :) Thanks again! Bye Bye! :D SHINee FIGHTING!!!!!


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Chapter 9: Beautiful story !!!
Chapter 9: Love the story
Chapter 9: great story
Chapter 3: OMG second fanfic I read where shinee. And it's just WOW
aboura #6
Chapter 3: I love your story :D
Chapter 9: yeayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TaeminniesBananaMilk #8
Chapter 9: I SERIOUSLY LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chapter 7: pwease update!!! :3