Chapter 4

My Best Friends are VAMPIRES!!!!!

When I woke up, I found myself lying in the middle of the forest. I tried to stand up but I was too weak to move. Then a memory flashed in my mind. I remember being attacked by wolves and Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin were fighting against them. I was just laying there on the cold ground badly injured. I also remembered SHINee biting the wolves with their fangs. 'Wait, fangs?! Could it be that they're-, no way! Theres no such thing as vampires.' "There is." I nearly bounced of the ground to see SHINee right in front of me! Jonghyun said, "There are vampires out there." "Just like us." Minho said as his eyes glowed blood red. I suddenly realized that my neck started to hurt. "I'm sorry." Taemin says sadly. "What are you sorry for?" I asked. " I'm really sorry that bit you. You were really hurt and we didn't want you to die from those wolves." Taemin says as he starts to cry. The others looked sad too. I finally got my strength back to stand up. I walked towards Taemin and gave him a big hug. Taemin was surprised by the sudden action. Taemin then hugged me back. I felt something wet on my shoulder and it was Taemin crying on my shoulder. Key felt sorry for Taemin. Minho felt bad for the both of us. And Onew, Jonghyun felt sad for Taemin and me. I then realized that all of them have wounds and bruises on their bodies. They looked like it didn't hurt them at all. "You guys are vampires, right?" I asked. "Yes, we are." Key responded. I was right. It explains that I have to puncture wounds on my right side of my neck. "Bite me." They all looked at me shocked, even Taemin stopped crying and he started at me like I was crazy. Onew was silent the whole time. I can see lust in everyone's eyes. Taemin and I then let go of each other. 


Suddenly, all of their eyes glowed crimson red. They started walking towards me. I backed away, until my back touched a tree behind me. To be honest, I was a little scared. But I'm letting them drink my blood because I care about them. Then Jonghyun pinned me to the tree. SHINee looked at me with lust in their eyes. I can tell that their hungry. Jonghyun leaned in and bit me on the neck. I can feel my blood leaving my body. I can feel my face heat up because Jonghyun was putting some pleasure to my body. Minho then pushed Jonghyun out of the way and our eyes met. He puts his mouth on the same spot where Jonghyun had bitten me. Then I felt someone bite my arm. That someone was Key and Onew. I started to feel dizzy and weak. Onew saw me almost falling asleep, so he tells Key and Minho to stop. I told them that I feel fine. It was Taemin's turn. I looked at Taemin and I gave him a him a big hug. I whispered in his ear, "I'm okay, honest. Please drink my blood Taemin-ah." I felt him moving my shirt removing it off my shoulder. He then my neck and bit down. I closed my eyes because it felt good. A few seconds later, Taemin let go of my neck and he my wounds so they can heal. "Kamsahamnida!" SHINee said. I gaved them a smile. "I think you should tell your mother and the rest of your family that your leaving because the Vampire King is after you." Minho suggested. "Why? And who's the Vampire King?" I asked. Key answered, "The Vampire King is powerful king that controls all vampires. Long time ago, five warriors defeated him and sealed him away with a sword called the Chaos Blade. However, the warriors were also vampires but they stopped him before he killed every human on earth! Now that he's awakened, the warriors are the only ones who have the power to stop the King and bring peace to humans and vampires." I understand everything. I decided to tell my mom everything. So, the six of us went to my house and I was greeted by my mom from the living room. 


"Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?" I let SHINee wait in the kitchen. I told my mom what's gonna happen, the Vampire King, and he's after me. She understood and she met SHINee. "I have only one condition." she told SHINee. "Just keep her safe." They nodded in agreement. I went up to my room, grabbed a duffle bag filled with clothes and hair products. I zipped it up and headed downstairs. SHINee and my family gave me hugs and kisses with tearin their eyes. My sisters cried while hugging me. My mother was the one who hugged me the longest. She finally let me go. I went outside with SHINee and I said my final goodbyes and left. SHINee hugged me very tight because I was crying. I hugged them back. I was gonna miss my friends, family, and my home town, Daegu. 


Authors Note: I'm soooooo sorry I didn't get to update in a very long time!!! I tried to make this chapter longer! In a couple days I'm going camping, so I'll update this Friday or during the weekend. Again I'm sorry! Yeah SHINee bit Eun Jung!!

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Chapter 9: Beautiful story !!!
Chapter 9: Love the story
Chapter 9: great story
Chapter 3: OMG second fanfic I read where shinee. And it's just WOW
aboura #6
Chapter 3: I love your story :D
Chapter 9: yeayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TaeminniesBananaMilk #8
Chapter 9: I SERIOUSLY LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucy97 #9
Lucy97 #10
Chapter 7: pwease update!!! :3