Chapter 5

My Best Friends are VAMPIRES!!!!!

SHINee told me that the Vampire King lives in northern eastern of Seoul. (A/N I'm gonna make the trip a day or two. I know Daegu and Seoul are close to each other.) I just thought of something. When they told me the five warriors defeated the Vampire Kingand sealed him away. Are those warriors SHINee? "Can I ask you guys something?" They all nodded. "When you guys told me the five warriors sealed the Vampire King away and they must return to defeat him again, are you guys the five warriors?" Onew said, "Yes." I was surprised. "Yes, we are the warriors who must defeat the King before the sun sets in couple days. That's why we have to hurry!" Minho yelled. We continued on walking. We finally reached halfway and SHINee continued on walking. And I was exhausted. Taemin noticed me walking slowly and he told the other members. Jonghyun said, "Onew, should we camp here tonight? Eun Jung looks exhausted." Onew, being the leader of SHINee agreed. We are camping by a river, so I was a little cold. Key gathered some firewood and put it in a pile. Key gave Jonghyun a look like you-know-what-to-do look. Jonghyun nodded and threw a small fireball from his hand! I've noticed that. 'Did Jonghyun just threw fire from his hand?!' "Yes." Minho said. "Yah! Stop reading my mind!" I yelled. Minho apologized. Taemin then said, "We have different kinds of elements as our powers." "I can bend Light. Which means I can make it hot, control the living, and blind my enemies." "I can bend fire and lightning." Jonghyun says. "I can control wind/air. Which means I can make twisters, blow very strong winds, and blow things away." said Key. "I can control the earth beneath your feet. Which is means that I can make rocks move, earthquakes, and I also can control metal and sand." Minho explains. "Just don't get Minho angry because he once slammed his fist on the ground and the earth just trembled in pieces." Onew joked. I started to laugh but stopped when I saw Minho grab a rock. And he broke it in tiny pieces! "I'm so sorry!" I bowed apologizing. Minho says, "Its okay." He kissed my cheek. I blushed. The others looked at Minho in jealously. "Anyway, I can control water. Also, I can blood bend." "Bloodbending?" I asked with a disgusted look on my face. "Watch." Taemin said with a smirk. He stood up and moved his hands in some motion. He was controlling Minho! He made him dance silly which made me laugh so hard.


SHINee was laughing too! Except Minho because he looks pissed off towards Taemin. I stopped laughing and Minho got up and walked towards Taemin. Minho looked liked he wanted to hurt Taemin. I stood up, ran between them to stop the fight. Minho stopped and he calmed himself down. Minho grabbed a small rock and threw it at Taemin. The rock hit Taemin's face, leaving a scratch. "Don't ever make me dance like that again!" he yelled. I walked up to Minho and slapped him across te face. The others were chocked and scared by my sudden anger. "Minho! Why would you do that?! That was truly uncalled for! Now apologize to Taemin right now!" "I'm so s-sorry Taemin! I don't know what came over me!" He his thumb and cleaned his scratch and the blood. "It's oka, hyung." he smiled. (2Min moment! Lol! ^^) Then we all finally went to bed. I was shivering cause of the cold wind, so Taemin grabbed me and put me to his chest. I blushed madly. I felt sowarm. I can hear his heartbeat. Eventually, I fell asleep in Taemin's arms. 


(8 hours later) 

We all woke up and I went behind some trees and bushes to change my clothes. SHINee waited for me. I heard them talking about something. It's about Taemin cuddled with me last night. 

"Stop trying to make us jealous Taemin!" yelled Key. "You know we like her too! At least let us have a chance to be with her!" shouted Jonghyun. "You know we love her! Your not the only one who wants her blood!" yelled Onew with an angry look in his eyes. "Dont make us use our powers on each other! If we fight nothing will be saved, even the world." Minho said with a calm tone in his voice. Key ran towards Taemin and pushed him! Taemin pushed him back. Then it turned into a slap fight. Taemin tripped over a branch and fell between the trees and the bushes were I was changing. I got startled when I saw Taemin rubbing his side and me half ! I had skinny jeans on and a spaghetti strap shirt on. I was about to put on a jacket when I saw him staring at me. The others, without thinking, ran to where Taemin was but stopped in their tracks when they saw me. I was blushing while they stared at me. SHINee just stood there with their mouths open. "We are so sorry!" They bowed in apology. Then they left to let me finish changing. My heart was pounding hard and very fast. 'Am I falling for any of them? Is it Taemin? The way he looks at me, it's like he loves me?' I finally finished brushing my hair and my changing. SHINee and me started to walk to Seoul. Onew told me, "We are heading for a cottage in Seoul so all of us can rest and train because the five of us is going to go up against the King and his warriors tomorrow at sunset. "I understood. "Good thing we're very close to the cottage." stated Key. 


A few hours later, we arrived at the cottage. It's only 4:30pm and SHINee has 24 hours to go against the King and his beings. "We should start training early in the morning tomorrow." Jonghyun said. "That way we'll be prepared to fight the King at sunset." Minho stated. We all nodded in agreement. I realized something. "What am I suppose to do while you guys are training and fighting the King tomorrow?" I asked SHINee. "I guess you can just stand by for now. We think it's better if you stay here so you can be safe. Because you know how the King is after your blood." Onew suggested. "But I want to help you guys in any way. I-I-I'll let you guys drink my blood when you feel weak during the fight." I shuddered. They all looked at each other. "We think it's best if you stay here."Minho said. I felt disappointed and sad. 


Later that night, I went to bed thinking about if they were gonna be alright without me. I heard a knock at my door and it was Taemin. "Hi. Can't go to sleep?" "Yeah. I was wondering if you guys are gonna be alright without me there by your side." "There is a way. If we drink your blood at the same time, a new power will be unleashed. The element is called Darkness, which is the most powerful element in the Vampire World. It can only be unlocked by the Five Warriors in legend. Which is us."Taemin told me. "I will do it." I said with confidence. Taemin sat next to me on my bed. "I just dont want to lose you guys." I started to cry. Taemin out his hand on my cheek. "And we dont want to lose you." Taemin said with gentle in his voice. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. "You have the most beautiful eyes." Taemin said and smiled. "You have pretty crimson red eyes." I said with a smile. Taemin's eyes glowed blood red. Taemin then leaned in. 'Oh my gosh. He's gonna kiss me!" I closed my eyes and I felt his lips on mine.


Yay! Another update! A surprise for you guys.... next chapter!!!!! Be warned that it's my first chapter so no negative comments. I'm sorry if it ! I'll update on Friday or during the weekend because Wednesday-Friday morning I'll be camping with my school! So bye! Until next time! :D

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Chapter 9: Beautiful story !!!
Chapter 9: Love the story
Chapter 9: great story
Chapter 3: OMG second fanfic I read where shinee. And it's just WOW
aboura #6
Chapter 3: I love your story :D
Chapter 9: yeayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TaeminniesBananaMilk #8
Chapter 9: I SERIOUSLY LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucy97 #9
Lucy97 #10
Chapter 7: pwease update!!! :3