Chapter 7: Training

My Best Friends are VAMPIRES!!!!!

Eun Jung wakes bright up and early with the sun shining in her face. She grumbles awake like why does the sun have to be so bright? But she had to get because tonight at midnight, SHINee is going to fight the Vampire King and his minions. First things first, she hopes out of bed, grabs a pair of skinny jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a sky blue jacket to go with it and went to go take a shower. 15-20 minutes later, she comes out of the shower and starts to get dressed. After Eun Jung was dressed, she began to dry her hair. As she was drying her hair, she noticed a purplish-blue mark on her neck. Eun Jung knew who it was from...Taemin. Then she suddenly remembered something, her and Taemin didn't use a , now she's panicking hoping she isnt gonna get pregnant. She decided not to think about that right now. Right now she's focused on helping the boys with their training today. So, as she finished brushing her hair, she went downstairs to start making breakfast. She opened a cupboard to the Frosted Flakes out but she found a note taped on the box.


All 5 of us made you breakfast. It's in the fridge. Minho made you bacon and eggs. Jonghyun squeezed fresh orange juice. Onew cut up some fruit. Key made some pancakes. And I made you heart-shaped waffles for you. We hope you enjoy everything. Sometime after our training, we want to give you a gift. Just you wait.              Love Taemin <3

EunJung smiled at the note and got the breakfast out of the fridge. She went to the table with her loving breakfast and began eating. While she was eating she SHINee practicing outside in the front yard. She decides to eat her breakfast from the window while watching them train. She never saw them train before. They were all sweaty and out of breath. 'I can tell that they're training hard and that the fact that they want to save humans and vampires.' she thought. After she finished her breakfast, she went outside to meet with the guys. She goes outside and she sees everyone fighting. 

Jonghyun was on the ground panting very hard. Minho was squatting sweaty horribly. Onew had his shirt off and dripping with sweat. Key was drinking a whole bottle of water nonstop and Taemin...Taemin has no shirt on!! She cannot help but stare at his chocolate abs. "You like what you see?" She jumped in the air, surprised. She didn't know that Taemin was talking to her. "EunJung, what's that mark on your neck?" asked Key suspiciously. Oh no! You and Taemin are caught! "'s nothing. I wasn't looking were I was going last night and I bump into a pole in my room. It's nothing. Onew, Key, Minho, and Jonghyun were eyeing her like they knew she was lying. "Oh we'll be careful next time." Key smiled. 'That was too close.' said you and Taemin at the same time, in your own minds. "Eun Jung, can you help us with our training?" asked Minho. EunJung thought it would be a good idea. "Sure. I'd love to." Eun Jung said with a smile. SHINee smiled back because they to see you smile. "Ok. I think we should start with Onew vs Jonghyun." Eun Jung suggested. They nodded in agreement. Onew and Jonghyun got into battle positions. "GO!" yelled Jonghyun. First, Onew jumped away and with the snap of his fingers, he flashed a very bright light that blinded Jonghyun. Jonghyun stumbled back and blinked multiple times to get his vision back. Once he got his vision back, he threw a huge fireball at Onew. Onew dodged the attack but he tripped and Jonghyun ran to him and pinned him down by the shoulders. Key ran up to the both of them and shouted, "1, 2, 3 out!" Onew lost.

Now it's Jonghyun and Key's turn. They got into battle and positions. "GO!" yelled Minho. Key started by creating a tornado and moved it towards Jonghyun. Jonghyun then made a fire ring attack and made it collide with the tornado. "It's not gonna work! What happens when fire and air combine together?! yelled Key. Jonghyun then looked at their attacks an he noticed he made a mistake. His fire ring collided with the tornado and the fire went spread across the field, hitting Jonghyun. "Jonghyun is unable to move, so that means Key wins the round!" shouted Onew from the far. Now, its Key vs Minho. They gotten into battle positions. "Start!" shouted Taemin. Key started with a very strong gust wind. Minho stood his ground. Minho then put his hands on the ground and made the roots in the ground captured Key's feet to the ground. Key struggled to get free but he couldn't move. Minho ran up to him very fast and punched Key in the stomach, making Key go to the ground. "Minho wins!" yelled EunJung. 

Final battle, Minho vs Taemin. 'Good luck Taemin.' said EunJung in her mind. Minho and Taemin went into battle positions. "This is it. The last battle." said Jonghyun. "Alright. Ready...GO!" yelled Onew. Minho went first by earth-bending a huge boulder and he threw it at Taemin. Taemin did a cartwheel to the rock. Taemin being able to control water, ice, and blood, he made a giant ice shard and he threw it at Minho. Before Minho could do anything, Taemin made ice on Minho's feet so Minho could not move. "!" said Minho. The ice shard broke into pieces and some of the pieces hit Minho in the face. Minho lost and Taemin won. That's it training is over. Minho then got up off the ground like the last attack was nothing. 

"You guys did great! I think you guys are ready to fight the Vampire King and his minions." said EunJung with a smile. "Kamsahanmida EunJung!" SHINee said at the same time. It was getting late and it was time for dinner. EunJung decided to make dinner for everyone. She thought that since they're vampires she made them rice and chicken with a sauce of her own...blood. She gave them their food and they are it well. After a few minutes, all of their scratches and bruises are gone, thanks to EunJung. Her blood helped the heal faster. It's a good thing because they will be healthy and healed up before their fight with the King. 

Later that night, everyone started to get ready for bed. EunJung went to her room and got her pjs on. Then she went to the hallway bathroom and she brushed her teeth and washed her face. She thought that before going to bed she would go treat them with some of her blood. So, she went to Onew's room first and knocked on the door. "Come in!" Onew yelled from his room. "Oh, hi EunJung! You need something? He asked with a smile. "I was wondering if you guys wanted a bedtime snack before going to bed." "Sure." he said sitting on his bed. You sat down on the bed next to him and you hugged him. He hugged you back. You felt him your neck and then suddenly he bit into your neck. You moaned because of the pleasure he's giving you. Then a couple seconds later, he lets go of you. "Thanks EunJung." Onew said. "Your welcome and good luck tomorrow." you said with a smile. 

You left Onew's room and went straight to Jonghyun's room. You knocked on his door. And he opens the door wearing no shirt! (A/N: have you guys seen Jonghyun shirtless?! Hes sooooo y! ^^) "Hi, EunJung. Come on in." he said with manners. "Sorry I'm not wearing a shirt, if it makes you uncomfortable." "Its okay. I don't mind." you said. "Jonghyun? Would you like a snack before going to bed?" "I would love to have a snack." he said back seductively. He walked towards you and walked away from him till your back hits a wall. Jonghyun puts his hands on either side of your head and he bent down towards your neck. He your jugular vein and then you felt his fangs penetrate your skin. You can feel him your blood out of you. After a minute of feeding, he lets go of your neck and the wounds so they can heal. "Thanks EunJung. I really appreciate it." "Your welcome and good luck tomorrow." you said with a smile. You left Jonghyun's room and headed to Key's room across the hall.

You knocked on Key's door and you hear, "Come in." You opened the door and find Key standing in the middle of his room. "Hi EunJung. Do you need something?" he asked. "No, I was just gonna ask if you want-" "I know what your gonna say. Your asking all of us if you want a snack and yes I do." "Impatient are you?" you said with a smirk. Key grabbed your hand and led you to his bed. Both of you sat down and Key gave you a look of lust. His eyes glowed red and you closed your eyes waiting for the moment of his fangs piercing your skin. You felt Key your neck and he bit down gently. You put your arms around him and he did the same. You blushed a little bit and you moaned. In a few seconds, Key lets go of your neck. He says, "Im sorry EunJung if I made you uncomfortable." "It's alright Key. I'm fine." You gave him a smile and stood up to leave. "Thanks EunJung for your blood and being there for us." He showed his pearly white fangs. "Your welcome and be careful tomorrow, okay? Don't be nagging them a lot okay?" "Okay." he giggled. You left to go to Minho's room. 

You were about to open the door but Minho opened the door, grabbed your wrist, and pulled you in his room. "I know what your gonna ask EunJung and yes I would love to a bedtime snack." "I hate it when you guys share the same thoughts." you said with a pout. He chuckled at your aegyo. He grabbed both of your wrists and pinned you to his bed. You were shocked at his sudden attack. You blushed a deep red just of the way he's looking at you with his charisma vampire eyes. He bent down towards your neck and he your neck. He bit you down a little too hard and you moaned. You feel him your neck. He puts his hand under your shirt and lifts up your shirt. You moaned under him. He finally let's go of your neck and your wounds so they can heal. "I'm sorry EunJung for going a little to far. I couldn't control myself." he says sadly. "It's alright Minho. I'm okay with it." you said with a smile. You were about to leave for Taemin's room and Minho says, "Thanks so much Eun Jung for everything." "Your welcome and be careful tomorrow and also control that temper of yours." you said with a smile and a wink. You left his room.

Your at Taemin's room. You knocked but he didn't answer. So you open his door and went inside. You see Taemin standing by his window looking outside. "Hi Taemin." He looks at you and with his super speed, he grabbed and pinned you to the wall. He immediately went to your neck and it. He bit down and you smiled at his sudden action. You moaned. Taemin started to take your jacket off but you stopped him. He lets go of your neck and he looks back at you surprised. "Sorry Taemin I'm just not in the mood tonight." he nodded in agreement. "Thanks EunJung for being there for me and the others. You are the most important person to me and no one can replace you, ever!" you smiled at him and he smiled back at you. Both of you looked into each others eyes and Taemin kissed you on the lips. You kissed back. He stopped. "Well, I better get to bed." you said. You were about to leave but stopped you and he hugged you from the back. "Goodnight, EunJung. I love you." "I love you too, Taemin" you said with a blush on your face. You left his room and went to your room. You went to bed that night. 'Tomorrow is going to be interesting.' she thought. The battle between SHINee and the Vampire King is just the beginning!


Author: I hoped everyone enjoyed this long chapter. ^^ thank you subscribers! I love you guys! <3

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Chapter 9: Beautiful story !!!
Chapter 9: Love the story
Chapter 9: great story
Chapter 3: OMG second fanfic I read where shinee. And it's just WOW
aboura #6
Chapter 3: I love your story :D
Chapter 9: yeayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TaeminniesBananaMilk #8
Chapter 9: I SERIOUSLY LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucy97 #9
Lucy97 #10
Chapter 7: pwease update!!! :3