Baby Don't Cry

Rise of EXO

Lu Han, still out cold, was stuck in an endless loop of what had just happened. Over and over again... the gun shot... the scream... the words he said... each time it repeated, the pain he felt got worse and worse.

"Lu Han, it's time to wake up," Se Hun said to him, surprising him. He opened his mouth to say something back, but the words couldn't for in his head.

"Wake up, Lu Han, wake up!"

His eyes flickered open, and his vision was fuzzy because of the bright light. He could barely see his hand in front of his face when he went to rub his eyes.

"Ah, you're finally awake!"

His vision focused, and he looked around: he was laying on the couch in Chen's apartment. Lay was the one who spoke, and he was the only other one there, as far as Lu Han could tell. Lay was in the kitchen, two steaming hot mugs in front of him. He was smiling an uneasy smile, doing his best to hide his feelings.

He brought the hot drinks over and set them on the coffee table and took a seat in the chair next to the couch.

Lu Han looked him straight in the eyes and asked, "Where is Se Hun? Is he okay?"

"Don't worry about him, Lu Han. The sweet girls of SNSD are taking care of him. You can see him later, I promise," Lay answered, passing a mug to Lu Han. He sat up, blew on it, and took a sip. It was white tea.

Lu Han teared up again, flashing back to the happy morning when he told Se Hun they would be going camping. He had made white tea that morning, his favorite tea.

"I should never have gotten us into this," Lu Han said, barely louder than a whisper.

"What do you mean?" Lay asked.

"I should have listened to him when he told me how scared he was, how much he didn't want to be here... and now he's been hurt, and I'll never be able to forgive myself!" He put down his mug and covered his face with his hands.

"Lu Han, don't cry," Lay attempted to comfort him, moving over to sit next to him. "Se Hun said that he was happy to be here with you, and with you, he could forget about his fear."

Lu Han let that sink in for a moment before he asked, "What happened when I out?"

"Well, you were in pretty bad condition. You were in so much pain after what had happened, you may as well have been the one that got shot! But a few minutes later, Super Junior and SNSD showed up, and we quickly overwhelmed them. Kris and I went to pull you away from Se Hun, but you started thrashing so violently, it took a few other's help to hold you, until you out. SNSD took Se Hun, and Kris and I brought you back here. Right now, the others are meeting with Super Junior and SNSD to discuss our next plan of attack."

"And what about B.A.P.?"

"They've been weakened, but not defeated. We only did what we could to get out of there. But later today, we're going to take them down, once and for all!"

Lu Han paused for a moment, then continued with, "After this is over, nothing will be the same with all this EXO business..."

Lay nodded in agreement. He, too, was surprised at suddenly finding out he was being hunted down to be killed because he was once part of a group he didn't even know existed.

"And the whole 'special powers' thing, I wonder what that's all about?"

"If only we could read those papers..." Lay trailed off when the apartment door opened. It was Kris. Lu Han made eye contact with him and smiled.

"Ah! It's good to see you awake!" Kris greeted him. "I have good news: Se Hun is ready to see you!"

"Really? Let's go!" Lu Han shot up off the couch.

"Okay, but you have to try to not excite him too much. His shoulder is unstable, and if he moves too much, something could happen to make it worse." Kris warned him.

"Right, sorry..." Lu Han settled a little. Kris waved for the two of them to follow, and they left the apartment.

"I was really surprised to learn that SNSD's leader, Taeyeon, lives on the floor above us!" Kris laughed, smiling for a few seconds before becoming straight-faced again.

A ten second elevator ride and short walk later, Kris stopped at a door and knocked. The door opened, and they were greeted by a girl who was much shorter than Kris.

"Welcome back, Kris, Lay... and you must be Lu Han! My name is Taeyeon," she said, holding out her hand. Lu Han shook it.

"It's nice to meet you," Lu Han said back.

"Come in, Se Hun has been asking for you."

They entered the apartment. Lu Han was immediately aware of how bright it was - not because of light, but because there was so much white and pink. This was DEFINITELY a girl's apartment!

"He's right this way," Taeyeon lead them through the apartment to a back room, similar to what Chen had.

This room was also white and pink, but not as sweet as the rest of the apartment. There was an assortment of medical equipment scattered about, empty gun racks on the back wall, and shelves filled with books and papers. In the middle of the room was a table, upon which Se Hun was laying, shirtless, with a large white bandage on his left shoulder, and two girls on either side of him, facing their guests.

"These fine young women are Tiffany and Seohyun. Fany, Seororo, this is Lu Han, the one that Se Hun has been talking about."

"We'll leave you four alone, then," the one called SeoHyun said with a bow before ushering Tiffany and Taeyeon out of the room. (A/N: TaeTiSeo FTW!!)

Lu Han instantly rushed up to the edge of the table, standing over Se Hun's face. He looked to be asleep, so Lu Han grabbed his right hand and whispered, "Se Hun, I'm here! I an finally see you now!"

Slowly, Se Hun opened his eyes. He had the biggest smile on his face when he saw Lu Han.

"It's so good to see you, it feels like it's been forever!" he rasped - his throat was a little dry. "I wish I could sit up, but the girls are making me stay still. But it's fine, because then, I'll heal properly!"

All of the emotions that Lu Han was feeling earlier left him. He admired how Se Hun was handling this situation.

"So, how have you been feeling?" Lu Han asked, lightly his bandaged shoulder.

"My shoulder's been a little sore, but that will tend to happen when you've been shot! But it's not as bad as I thought it would be. SNSD has been treating me well since they brought me here."

"How long have you been awake?"

"A few hours, maybe, that's about it. So at least it doesn't feel like I've been here for that long. Plus, I've had the girls to talk to."

"Se Hun, I need to be serious for a moment... I'm really proud of the strength that you've shown over the past few days, and I..." he paused to sniffle, holding back tears. "I... am really proud of how much you've grown. As a person, I mean, ever since I met you..." A single tear rolled slowly down his cheek. Se Hun reached up with his right hand and brushed it away with his thumb.

"Don't cry, Lu Han. Everything is going to get so much better, I can feel it! I mean, we've made a bunch of great new friends! Plus, being a part of something bigger is just..." Se Hun ended with a smile. "I just wish I could join you guys... but I know you'll all be able to do it!" Se Hun almost shouted his encouragement.

"Just rest up, be good for the girls, and soon, we'll be back together again!" Lu Han said.

"Together again... the twelve of us... " Se Hun sighed, closing his eyes to imagine it.

"Lu Han, I hate to break this up, but we have to get back to the meeting with Super Junior and SNSD. We should be finalizing our plans soon," Kris broke his silence.

"I'll see you later, Se Hun," Lu Han sighed, reluctant to go. On their way out, the three of them rubbed Se Hun's shoulder like he was a good-luck charm.

"Take good care of him," Lu Han nodded to Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun when they left the apartment.

"Alright, now we need to get back to Super Junior's building," Kris stated. He lead them out of the building and down the street to the left. Even after the attack, the streets were still silent. Kris brought them to a building two blocks away. He brought them to a door labeled 'Do Not Enter'.

"This is where Super Junior operates," Kris said simply for Lu Han. On the other side of the door, a dark staircase lead down to a dimly lit tunnel. Lay closed the door behind them before they made their way down. The long corridor had doors on either side, but Kris headed straight for the door at the end of the hall. Through that door was a large meeting room, with several guys and a few girls - the rest of EXO, the remaining six members of SNSD, and the nine member Super Junior.

"Welcome Kris, Lay, and... Lu Han, is it? Welcome!" said the Super Junior member at the opposite end of the table.

"That's Leeteuk, leader of Super Junior," Lay whispered in Lu Han's ear. The three of them took the empty seats along with the other EXO members.

"I do believe some introductions are in order! Kris, if you will," Leeteuk continued.

"Thank you, Leeteuk-sshi. This is our new friend, Lu Han, who came to Su Ho, D.O., and Chan Yeol with Se Hun."

"Thank you, Kris. Now, for Super Junior. I am Leeteuk, their leader. Our members are as follows..." he introduced them, one after the other, around the table: "Yesung - Shindong - Sungmin - Eunhyuk - Siwon - Donghae - Ryeowook - and our youngest, Kyuhyun. Jessica, will you introduce the members of your team that are here?"

"Thank you, I will," one of the girls said. There was one empty chair between her and Leeteuk, where Lu Han assumed Taeyeon was supposed to sit. Now watching Jessica, Lu Han was in awe at how pretty SNSD was, for a gang.

"I'm Jessica. I'm sure you've met Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun, since they're watching over your friend. Here next to me is Sunny, then Fany's chair, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun's chair."

Lu Han looked around at all of them, trying to name them all in his head. It was then that he noticed both groups were wearing what looked like some sort of uniform.

"Now, to recap for the three of you," Leeteuk went on, "We're gonig to deliver our attack straight at the front of the building, penetrate their defences head-on. They won't know what hit them! SNSD will lead the attack, closely followed by us, Super Junior. Then, EXO will make their way up to the top of the tower to take out their machines that they built to destroy you. We already have Taeyeon's agreement, and Su Ho agreed as your representative while you were gone."

"It sounds like a good plan, and I agree with it," Kris answered.

"Then it's settled!" Leeteuk said. "In three hour's time, we will attack B.A.P. and bring them down once and for all!"

I absolutely love Girls' Generation's MR.TAXI photoshoot... I wish I had the group poster! XD

As a treat, I have a little teaser for the next chapter! You get to see how Lu Han met Se Hun, and they ended up living together! It's a really sad story... like something straight out of a movie.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! ^^

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Neverland1900 #1
Yehey! You updated! Such a good chapter! Thanks for updating by the way!! ^^
Neverland1900 #2
Interesting story! Please update soon! ^^
Azzine #3
This is really nervewracking...
kaiwei20 #4
So many HunHan moments in this chapter...Stay alive, Sehun!
weeeheee~ update soon
apatheticusername #6

i hope they get their powers soon. :D
kaiwei20 #7
Woah, so intense...:)
This story is really interesting.
Update soon :D
apatheticusername #9
Hey the story's not bad.Ill give it a shot :D
kaiwei20 #10
Very nice storyline! Can't wait to read the next chapters..thanks for this wonderful piece of work!