
Rise of EXO

A plan of attack was quickly made - they would find a way into the B.A.P. headquarters building and do what they could to save whoever they could, with Tao and Kris as their main aim. As a precaution, Chen distributed some small handguns from a collection he had, just in case they needed them.

Kai and Xiu Min were set to lead the group out a short while before sunset. The black cars wouldn't be out yet, so they would be able to slip into the hiding place they found at the base of the building. Kai described the hiding spot, and it sounded safe enough: on the opposite side of the building that the cars come out of, there was a little field with dumpsters in it that they could hide in. Kai had to assure them that the dumpsters were empty and clean, and it didn't look like they had ever been used.

With planning finished, they got ready to go. Lu Han had to repeatedly reassure Se Hun that they would be okay, and nothing bad would happen. Now he could only hope he was right.

The sky started turning pink, and the ten of them left Chen's apartment. They hoped to be hiding in a dumpster before the last bit of light left the sky.

As usual, the streets were dead silent. There wasn't even the slightest hint of a breeze, so it was even eerier. Without knowing what the B.A.P. building looked like, Lu Han and Se Hun could already see it - it was completely black, even the windows, and it had the stereotypical "villain's hideout" storm clouds over it. While it didn't phase the rest of the group, Lu Han and Se Hun were now both a little scared.

D.O, like he did earlier, hung around at the back of the group with Lu Han and Se Hun. He, too, was nervous about what they were doing, as he said earlier.

"I know Chen knows what he's doing," D.O. said, "And I know we'll be able to get Tao and Kris out of there."

"But if these people are as bad as you say they are, are you sure that's possible?" Se Hun asked.

"No one's ever gone into that building and come out alive, as far as I know... " D.O. admitted, "But that's not the point! I know what I said earlier, but I have confidence. We're a good sized group, so that has to count for something!"

Lu Han said nothing. He Se Hun's arm, hoping that would at least comfort him.

As they got closer to the building, Xiu Min spoke up so they could all hear him: "The dumpsters are just around this corner." When they rounded the corner, the whole building was in theirs sights. And on the left side, there was a little area of grass with several big blue dumpsters, just like Kai and Xiu Min had described.

"There they are," Xiu Min continued. "We should be able to just jump in one of them and hide."

They sprinted across the street and to the nearest dumpster. They opened the top, then Xiu Min started helping them all climb over the side and in, before he hauled himself over. They closed the top behind them. Now their only light source was a flashlight.

"So, how do we get in from here?" Baek Hyun asked.

"There's a large metal door that leads into the building," Kai explained. "There's no clear way to open it, but I'm thinking there must be a keypad or something. That's why, when it's dark, I was thinking I could go out with someone to look it over and see if we can find something. I've hacked into this building's computer systems once before, and I'm sure I could do it again!"

"I'll go with you," Lay volunteered.

"Great, thanks! I was hoping someone would be willing to do it. So, when we get out there, I'll show you the door, then we need to find our way in, while also looking out for any B.A.P. lackeys that might see us."

"And once we get inside, how are we supposed to get to the top floor if we have no clue where to go?" Baek Hyun asked.

"I can; the last time I hacked into their computers, I downloaded complete maps of the entire building to my phone," Kai answered, taking out his smartphone. He opened a map of the grounds around the building, and pointed out the dumpster they were in. "I also have an idea of where we could go to free the people that are being held captive. But I found something really weird on the top floor..." he trailed off, changing the map. "The top floor is a simple square room, with a round room in the middle. There are twelve round holding cells around the outside of the room, and there's a table in the middle. It looks like there's someone in one of the cells - at least at the time I got these maps - plus, there are some round things, evenly spaced, around the table, that each line up with one of the cells. But there are two gaps... I can't make heads or tails of this room!"

"I think I know," Se Hun cut in. "I think it has to do with the stones, and that writing. You said there's two open spots, right? Well, Chan Yeol has two stones. Twelve cells, and one occupied? What if they're meant for us? There's the ten of us, your friend Kris, and your friend Tao, who wouldn't show up on there because you got these maps before he was kidnapped. I have a strong feeling that more than mere coincidence brought us together."

They all stared at him in the dull light, thinking that all over. In embarassment, Se Hun got closer to Lu Han.

"Are you really sure that's possible?" Chen looked at him, still a little in disbelief.

"It all makes sense! Just think about it!"

Chen simply blinked at him. Lu Han smiled at Se Hun, telling him that he believed every word he said.

"So... try not to get caught!" Su Ho tried to brighten the situation.

"If all of that is true, then we need to focus on rescuing Tao and Kris. The less of us they have, the better," D.O. recommended. "If we can free anyone else, then that's great. As long as we don't draw attention to ourselves or get caught, we should be fine."

Lifting the lid of the dumpster a little, Su Ho looked out and saw the sun had completely set.

"It's dark out, and I can faintly hear the cars leaving. We should be safe soon. "

Kai and Lay readied themselves. They both had their weapons with them, in case anything should happen. Flashlights out, they jumper out of the dumpster into the night.

Kai led Lay to the door and, baffled, they both stared at it. They looked around for some way to open it, like a keypad, or a handle, or something like that, but couldn't find anything.

"I guess there's no keypad, no nothing!" Kai shrugged.

"I have an idea," Lay said, ignoring Kai. He had his sights on a bunch of fuel containers to the side of the door.

Following Lay's line of sight, Kai started shaking his head. "No... you can't expect to get away with blowing up the door!"

"It doesn't look like we have any other choice!"

Kai thought for a moment, and eventually gave up and nodded. They moved all of the canisters in front of the door.

"I'll go tell the others," Kai said, running back to the dumpster. Lay backed away from the door until he felt that he was a safe distance away. He watched Kai to make sure he was safely in the dumpster before he loaded his gun and pointed it at the fuel canisters. He pulled the trigger; a split second later, flames erupted from the exploding fuel canisters. Quickly, Lay ran back to the dumpster and crouched behind it, hoping he couldn't be seen by anyone who may have come to investigate. After a moment he looked out - there was a big hole in the door, lit up by a ring of fire.

Slowly, the lid of the dumpster opened, and a few of them looked out, shocked by what had just happened.

"Lay! Where are you?" Chen whisper-called.

"Down here!" he answered, popping his head out from around the side. Chen sighed in relief.

"So... I guess we go in now?" Baek Hyun said hesitantly.

"That's what we're here for," Su Ho answered, his tone showing that it was just hitting him what they were getting themselves into.

They slowly, carefully, and quietly climbed out of the dumpster. They made their way to the rin of fire, gazing in awe at the hole Lay created. They were careful not to cathc fire as they stepped through the hole and into the building.

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Neverland1900 #1
Yehey! You updated! Such a good chapter! Thanks for updating by the way!! ^^
Neverland1900 #2
Interesting story! Please update soon! ^^
Azzine #3
This is really nervewracking...
kaiwei20 #4
So many HunHan moments in this chapter...Stay alive, Sehun!
weeeheee~ update soon
apatheticusername #6

i hope they get their powers soon. :D
kaiwei20 #7
Woah, so intense...:)
This story is really interesting.
Update soon :D
apatheticusername #9
Hey the story's not bad.Ill give it a shot :D
kaiwei20 #10
Very nice storyline! Can't wait to read the next chapters..thanks for this wonderful piece of work!