
Rise of EXO

Early the next morning, when the sun was just barely poking over the horizon, the eight friends left Su Ho's apartment. Kai had advised them to leave as early as possible in the day, so there would be the least chance of being seen. They moved quickly, twisting and turning through the endless streets of the city. Chan Yeol had his bag with the stones and papers. Lu Han also brought the extra batteries, as D.O. suggested, because they might be needed. Again, like the day before, the city was silent during the day. If there really were cars patrolling the area, they couldn't hear them.

Se Hun was clinging to Lu Han's arm at the back of the group. "Are you sure about this? I mean, we were looking to have a vacation, but look at where we are now, hyung!"

"Don't worry,  Se Hunnie, I'm sure we'll be alright, as long as we're careful," Lu Han reassured him, the hands that were wrapped so tightly around his arm. "Something about these people tells me that we can trust them. And something deep down inside me is telling me that this is the right thing to do."

"I know we're doing a good thing," Se Hun agreed, "but I'm just afraid that something might happen to us."

"We'll be okay, I'm sure. I can just feel it." Lu Han swallowed, suppressing his own worried thoughts.

"Is everything okay back here?" D.O. asked, falling back to walk with them.

"We're fine," Lu Han smiled, "Se Hun is just a little tired."

"I'm sure Chen will let you take a nap when we get to his place. He's a great guy, you'll love him!" D.O. smiled back.

"We're almost there! He lives just around this corner," Su Ho announced.

The building was the second one around the corner. It was a pale yellowe color. Su Ho said Chen lived on the top floor, and because the electricity had been cut, they could have to climb the stairs. All of them.

Twelve floors of stairs and two long hallways later, they arrived at Chen's door. Su Ho explained that, because the apartment was on the corner of the floor, it was larger than the others, and that he could only afford it because he pooled his money with his three other friends, Lay, Baek Hyun, and the one whose name he couldn't remember.

Su Ho knocked on the door, and it opened immediately. The one who opened it had the biggest smile on his face. "It's so good to see you all!"

"Everyone, this is Chen!" Su Ho introduced him like a radio host.

"Come in, come in!" Chen bowed and moved away from the door. The group entered slowly so Su Ho could introduce everyone. Once they were all in, Chen introduced his friends: Lay was over in the kitchen making coffee (that smelled amazing), and Baek Hyun was sitting by the window, in the sun, with a big, fluffy, white dog.

"It's nice to see some new, friendly faces around here!" Lay greeted, directing his eyes at Lu Han and Se Hun. Going back to preparing the coffee, he continued, "I'm making for all of us, I hope you all enjoy it."

"Thank you very much, Lay, your coffee is always delicious," D.O. praised.

"Well, I did learn from the best!" Lay sang, smiling at him.

"Awww... I'm not the best! I just taught you what I knew, and you perfected it!"

Chen rolled his eyes and turned to the others. "So, what can we do for you? D.O. told me you brought something."

"Ummm... just one quick thing first..." Se Hun mumbled, blushing, "Do you mind if I lay down for a bit? I didn't sleep well last night."

"Oh, umm... sure! Right over here," Chen gestured to a plush, soft-looking sofa. Se Hun thanked him and laid down. Lu Han moved a chair closer to Se Hun's head so he could sit by him.

"Anyway, here's what I wanted you to see," Chan Yeol said, handing his bag over to Chen. "While we were outside of the city, we found a run-down shack on the other side of the forest, in a wide open field. There, I found two stones with pictures etched in them, and some papers that I'm having a hard time undertaning."

Chen opened the bag and was greeted by the intense glow of the stone with the water drop on it. He pulled it out, his eyes widening in awe. Looking back in the bag, he gasped, "They both glow!?"

"Chan Yeol's face went blank. "What? They're both glowing?" He snatched his bag bag and took the horse stone out of it. Sure enough, this one was glowing with a bright, yellow light. "This one wasn't glowing before!"

Shoving the stone at Su Ho beside him, he dropped his now empty bag on the floor. he opened the papers to the page with the horse on it. But to his dismay, the text was too faded to read.

"How the hell does the text fade, but not the picture!?" he growled, continuing to stare at the page, doing his best to try and make out something.

"What are you talking about? I can read it just fine!"

Chan Yeol turned to face Lay, who was holding a tray of coffee mugs. The little group watched him as he walked away, walking towards the table in the middle of a ring of furniture, where he put the tray down. D.O. followed him with the pot of coffee. Chan Yeol shook off what just happened, deciding to ignore it for the moment.

They all gathered and sat down around the table. While Lay poured coffee and passed it around, D.O. brought out cream and sugar.

Chan Yeol didn't waste any time in asking, "So, what does it say?"

"It says 'healing'," Lay answered . "Why?"

"This picture matches this stone, the stone is glowing, and it appears like you're the only one that can read the word," Chan Yeol answered in one breath. He held the stone up for Lay to see the glow and matching picture.

"What are those things?" Lay asked, and Chan Yeo lexplained where they came from. Lay reached out to grab the stone, but when he touched it, there was a big spark between it and his fingers, and he flew back into his seat, holding his hand in pain.

"What are those things?" Baek Hyun echoed Lay, but not with the same meaning.

"We don't know. We were hoping you guys could help us figure them out. Maybe if we put our heads together, we could figure something out.," Chan Yeol answered.

"I hope we can figure out why it shocked me, but not you!" Lay hissed, still staring at the stone.

"Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you could read that word, but the rest of us can't?" Se Hun suggested from the couch. For a moment, they were all quiet as they considered what he just said.

"Well, then, we should test that," Chan Yeol agreed, flipping to the page with the picture of the water drop on it. He held it up and asked, "Who can read this?"

They all looked at it silently, until Su Ho hesitently raised his hand and said, "I can. It says 'water'."

"Would you be willing to touch the stone to test what Se Hun said?" Chan Yeol asked, holding out the other stone. Su Ho slowly stuck his hand out, and as he got closer, he could feel the huge amount of energy pouring from it. When his finger grazed the surface of the stone, another big spark lit up, and he pulled his hand away quickly.

"That's so bizarre," Su Ho gasped, his finger stinging.

Chan Yeol put the stones back in his bag. Looking at the papers, he sighed, "So.... what a coincidence it would be if we could each read one of these supposedly faded words in this book?"

"And it was fate that brought us all together?" Chen joked.

"There's twelve different pictures," Chan Yeol counted, "but there's only ten of us."

Just then, a light went off in Se Hun's Head. "What about your two friends that were kidnapped by B.A.P.?"

"Tao and Kris? Well..." Chen trailed off in thought.

"If that's the case, then we need to break them out of there somehow!" Su Ho said, shooting out of his seat, making Kai next to him jump.

"Do you really think we should?"

"Do you really think we could?" D.O. cut in. "Not to be a downer, but this is B.A.P. we're talking about. I want to save them almost as much as you, but I just don't think it's possible, and diffinitely not safe!"

"Then I guess we have to plan!" Chen said. "If we're going to plan, then we should head to the back room..." Chen said, tapping his fingers together. Everyone stood to follow, but Su Ho stopped Lu Han and Se Hun to talk to them.

"You don't have to do this with us if you don't want to, because you don't know any of these people."

Lu Han looked at Se Hun, who nodded.

"We'll come with you," Lu Han decided.

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Neverland1900 #1
Yehey! You updated! Such a good chapter! Thanks for updating by the way!! ^^
Neverland1900 #2
Interesting story! Please update soon! ^^
Azzine #3
This is really nervewracking...
kaiwei20 #4
So many HunHan moments in this chapter...Stay alive, Sehun!
weeeheee~ update soon
apatheticusername #6

i hope they get their powers soon. :D
kaiwei20 #7
Woah, so intense...:)
This story is really interesting.
Update soon :D
apatheticusername #9
Hey the story's not bad.Ill give it a shot :D
kaiwei20 #10
Very nice storyline! Can't wait to read the next chapters..thanks for this wonderful piece of work!