Let Out The Beast

Rise of EXO

Lu Han looked around with a sudden feeling of fear - the streets were dirty, buildings were dull and lifeless, and it was silent - there wasn't a sign of human life anywhere.

When they were all through the wall, Su Ho took the lead once again. As he promised, their apartment wasn't far from there, it was only a few blocks away. They lived on the sixth floor of the building, room K-012.

The apartment was in good condition, considering the fact that the city was being held hostage by criminals. Lu Han and Se Hun took the seats that Su Ho offered them, while the others sat on various other pieces of furniture.

"So, this criminal group... what exactly are they doing here? What do they want from all of you?" Lu Han asked.

"Well, nobody knows what B.A.P. - that stands for something, I forget what - is doing here. They just showed up out of nowhere! We never found out what they did to our government officials, but I'm sure it's safe to assume they're al..." D.O.'s voice cracked as it trailed off, and he couldn't finish his sentence. But they knew what he was trying to say: dead.

"The worst part of this is that they patrol the streets at night with their cars. We planned a rebellion about a week ago, but they shut us down before it could get off the ground. They imprisoned some of us - the rest of us were lucky to get away."

"Some large police force hasn't come in to stop them?" Se Hun asked.

"They need to hear about it before they can stop it. B.A.P. cut off all communication with the outside world," Chan Yeol sighed.

"But you three have a way to get out. Have you not tried to do something?"

"The last person that tried that never came back," Su Ho answered, silencing the room.

The rest of the afternoon went along in that depressing way, with Su Ho, Chan Yeol, and D.O. telling stories about what had been going on since B.A.P. came. D.O. made food - they didn't have much, so he made a spicy kimchi - with Lu Han's help, because he insisted on helping. He said it was the least he could do for being able to stay for the night.

When the kimchi was ready, Lu Han called the others. Chan Yeol came from another room and announced, "We're running low on batteries."

"Damn... we might not be able to get more for another week!" Su Ho hissed.

"We have some batteries in the RV, if you'd like us to go and get them," Lu Han offered.

"You'd be willing to help complete strangers like that?"

"After hearing everything I've heard, I want to do whatever I can do to help. I'll even get them right now!"

"And I'll come with you, hyung!" Se Hun said, jumping out of his seat.

"That's really nice of you, but now might not be the best time, since it's getting dark," D.O. cautioned.

"We'll be careful!" Lu Han said as he turned to leave, Se Hun on his heels.

"Don't get caught!" Chan Yeol called after them as the door clicked shut.

The two of them moved quickly and silently back towards the hole in the wall. Off in the distance, they could hear the screeching of car tires and people shouting.

On the other side of the wall, though, the sound was cut off, and they were bathed in the silence of the trees. To their relief, the RV was still where they left it. Lu Han went in to retrieve the batteries, then came back out. As silently as they had left, they went back into the city. Lu Han had to push the box through the hole before he could go through, followed by Se Hun.

Back in the city, they were once again greeted by the sounds of cars and shouting, plus something new - gunfire. It was sparse and short, but it was there. The two of them made their way back towards the apartment, rounding corner after corner...

Suddenly, as they reached one corner, someone turned the corner in front of them and ran straight into Lu Han at running speed. Both of them fell to the ground. Another figure came around the corner and helped his friend up.

"Sorry!" he called back as the two of them dashed into an alley. Se Hun saw the pavement getting lighter, signalling that there was a car approaching. He pulled Lu Han to his feet, dragging him into the same alley.

They crouched in the shadows, watching as two black cars slowly rolled by. There was silence for a moment before any of them moved. Lu Han hugged Se Hun, mumbing a 'thank you' that was muffled by his shoulder. The other two people came out from behind a dumpster and crouched with them.

"That was close," said the one that ran into Lu Han. "I really am sorry about running into you. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks, just a little sore... Se Hun, where are the batteries?" Lu Han panicked, his throat dry.

"Don't worry, I saved them," he answered, sliding the box out of the darkness.

"You two don't live here, do you?" the other stranger asked.

"How do you know that?"

"If you did, then I'm sure we would have seen you around before," he explained, holding out his hand. Lu Han went to shake it, but instead, the stranger helped him to his feet. "My name is Kai, and this is Xiu Min." He helped Se Hun up next.

"I'm Lu Han, and this is Se Hun. Are those black cars really that scary?"

"They take away the people they catch, and they're never seen or heard from again."

"They got one of our friends just last night," Xiu Min added. "He slipped and fell on a newspaper. We looked back, and he was... gone."

"I'm so sorry for you," Se Hun whispered.

"I'm sure he's okay. Tao is a strong person. He knows, like, five different types of martial arts, or something like that," Kai reassured them.

"Anyway, sorry for causing you two so much trouble," Xiu Min started, "but we should be getting back to our apartment."

"How far away is it?" Se Hun aksed.

"All the way on the other side of the city," Kai sighed, stress and tiredness dripping from his words.

Se Hun turned to Lu Han and said, "I wonder if Su Ho would be okay with them coming back with us?"

"Su Ho? We know Su Ho!" Xiu Min said. "Only from gatherings, though. He lives aroud here?"

"Yeah, about a block away from here."

"We get along well; we'll follow you back to his aparment."

"Alright, follow us!" Lu Han smiled, setting off down the sidewalk once again.

A couple minutes later, they were outside of Su Ho's apartment, knocking on the door. D.O. was the one who answered it.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you made it ba- Kai? Xiu Min?"

"D.O.? You live with Su Ho?" Xiu Min gasped in surprise, and the two newcomers rushed forward to hug him. They next went to greet Su Ho, who remembered them, as well.

Se Hun and Lu Han went to join Chan Yeol (HunHanChan?) on the other side of the room while the friends got reacquainted.

"Out of curiosity, did you bring back the stones from the shack?" Lu Han asked Chan Yeol.

"I did, they're in my bag in the other room," Chan Yeol answered. "Why?"

"No reason, I was just-"

"What!? You've got to be kidding me!" Su Ho's outburst interrupted them. "How did it happen? What could they possibly want with Tao?" But before Kai or Xiu Min could answer, he continued, "Nevermind. We have to go see Chen tomorrow. He'll have an idea of what to do."

"Who's Chen?" Lu Han asked.

"He's one of the oganizers of the failed rebellion. He knows just about everyone in the city because of it. "

"I'll call him and at least leave him a message," D.O. said, standing and pulling his phone out of his pocket. He went into the next room so he wouldn't disturb the others.

"What happened to the organizers of your rebellion?" Se Hun asked. "What did B.A.P. do to them?"

"All but one actually got away. I don't remember that one, though... I don't een know his name!" Su Ho explained. "But there were four altogether, and it's a good thing they haven't found Chen's apartment, because they're all living there right now!"

Lu Han and Se Hun nodded, showing that they understood.

"It's settled!" D.O. said, returning from the other room, "We're going to see Chen tomorrow morning!"

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Neverland1900 #1
Yehey! You updated! Such a good chapter! Thanks for updating by the way!! ^^
Neverland1900 #2
Interesting story! Please update soon! ^^
Azzine #3
This is really nervewracking...
kaiwei20 #4
So many HunHan moments in this chapter...Stay alive, Sehun!
weeeheee~ update soon
apatheticusername #6

i hope they get their powers soon. :D
kaiwei20 #7
Woah, so intense...:)
This story is really interesting.
Update soon :D
apatheticusername #9
Hey the story's not bad.Ill give it a shot :D
kaiwei20 #10
Very nice storyline! Can't wait to read the next chapters..thanks for this wonderful piece of work!