Rise of EXO

EXO met in the back room of Chen's apartment. All twelve stones were scattered around on the table, and they all stared blankly at them while Chen flipped through the yellowed pages. He could only interperate the images because all of the accompanying words were in some sort of heiroglyphics.

"It looks like they need to be arranged in a circle, and we need to stand in front of our own symbol," Chen explained. "And... it looks like there's a moon in the sky..."

"Then what's that?" Lay asked, next to him, in the opposite corner of the crescent moon. "The sun, maybe?"

"The sun? What does that mean?"

"Maybe we have to be outside?" Chan Yeol thought.

"That's a great idea! But where?" Chen exclaimed, his eyes never leaving the picture.

"What about the desk in the field?" Se Hun suggested. They all looked at him, and he blushed away.

"That would make sense, since it showed up out of nowhere, right before we all got together," Su Ho reasoned.

"Other than that, I don't think there's anything else we can get out of this picture," Chen said, closing the booklet.

"Alright, then I guess we're going to this desk you keep mentioning!" Kris clapped his hands together.

Chan Yeol, with Baek Hyun's help, once again loaded the stones back into his bag. They both had to clumsily carry the bag down all the stairs to the ground floor.

They left the building and headed in the direction of the wall with the hole.

"EXO! EXO!" shouted a voice behind them. They all turned to see Tayeon running down the block towards them. When she reached them, she huffed, out of breath, "The people of the city want to hold a party later to thank us, and I wanted to tell you as soon as possible..."

"Thanks, but right now, we have some important business to take care of," Su Ho said. "When we come back, we will truly be EXO!"

Taeyeon nodded. "Just be back by seven o'clock, okay?" Su Ho smiled back, and EXO continued on their way to the wall.

The forest was a welcome sight to Lu Han and Se Hun - and, right where they left it, was the RV.

"Ah! I don't have my keys!" Lu Han panicked, patting his pockets, while Se Hun casually reached into his back pocket and pulled out a key and gave it to Lu Han.

"Why do you have this?" Lu Han asked.

"I had a feeling we might need it," Se Hun answered.

"Thanks. It might be a little cramped, but I'm sure we can all fit," Lu Han said, unsure, as he unlocked the RV. Slowly, one by one, they followed him on. Chan Yeol and Kris had to tilt their heads to the side because they were so tall. Chan Yeol sat with Baek Hyun on the bed, Kris and Tao sat at the little table, Xiu Min and Chen ended up in the bathroom, Lu Han and Se Hun took the driver and passenger seats, while Su Ho, Kai, D.O., and Lay had to stand and hold on to something.

Lu Han had to drive slowly and carefully through the forest because of how bumpy it was. They all got tossed around a bit, and it was a huge relief when they made it to the field.

An eerie fog had settled on the field, making the shack look really spooky. As they passed it, Su Ho described it for those who didn't know about it. They reached the desk a few moments later. Lu Han parked the RV, and they all stumbled out, blessing the ground beneath their feet.

Chan Yeol and Baek Hyun brought the bag of stones to the desk. Baek Hyun pulled out the papers and opened to the picture.

"Do you suppose they have to be arranged like this?" Baek Hyun pointed.

"That's a good question... we should do that just in case!" Chan Yeol agreed. They arranged the stones just like in the picture, in the same order, in a circle.

"Does everybody remember their symbol?" Chan Yeol smiled. A couple minutes of looking at them, and they found their places. Starting with Kris, to his left was Chan Yeol, then Se Hun, D.O., Lay, Lu Han, Kai, Su Ho, Xiu Min, Chen, Baek Hyun, then Tao.

They stood awkwardly, in silence, looking around at each other.

"So, I wonder what's supposed to happen?" Su Ho asked.

"If we could read these papers, then I'm sure we could know!" Chen sighed. He offered the papers to Su Ho, who took them and looked them over.

"What are you talking about, I can read them just fine!"

"I'm really starting to hate that stupid thing!" Chen growled. "Only certain people can read this, only certain people can read that..."

"What does it say?" Xiu Min prodded.

"When the twelve forces are gathered beneath a clear sky, they shall be reunited as one, and their powers fully restored to them. Number one: Arrange the stones as pictured above. Number two: let their energy flow through your body."

"You mean we have to touch these damn things again?" Lay freaked, now that this would be his third time touching it.

"That would make sense," Lu Han said, his eyes glued to his own stone.

"Whatever we have to do, let's do it quick! This fog is getting cold!" Tao whined, hopping up and down. "Kris-gege! You owe me Gucci for letting me stand in this!"

"Why do we need some ceremony to know we're a group? I think it's pretty obvious to us now," Se Hun spoke up. "We are one! We are EXO!"

When he said that, the wind began to stir, and the fog thickened.

"Se Hun, I think you did it!" Lu Han shouted over the wind, which was getting louder and louder.

"Everybody! Touch your stone!" Su Ho shouted, barely audible. Lu Han grabbed his stone with both hands, but instead of being shocked, he was enveloped by the fog, and the ground left his feet. The table disappeared, leaving him holding his stone amid a swirling vortex. He squeezed his eyes shut when a bright light appeared in front of him, brighter than anything he had ever seen before.

Then, it was quiet.

Lu Han opened his eyes as the fog lifted. He was standing on a gray, square-shaped platform, surrounded by several shiny silver orbs. All around him was pitch black.

"Lu Han. Telepathy. EXO-M"

The booming voice startled him. It echoed in the darkness. Confused, he looked around at the silver orbs. What scared him was that they looked like they were moving. What scared him even more was when he realized he was right. They lifted off the ground, forming a ring around him.

With a high-pitched whizing sound, a clump of them flew straight at his face. He threw up his arms to protect himself, but... they didn't hit him. Peeking over his arm, he saw the orbs floating mere inches away from him.

He put his arms down, and the orbs stayed in place. Unconciously, he put up his hand and pushed it toward them, and they reacted, moving away from him. He swiped his hand to the side, and a bunch of them reacted, moving where his hand directed them.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Kai appeared on an island, made entirely of sand, in the middle of the ocean.

"Kai. Teleportation. EXO-K"

He looked around. There were other little islands, scattered about randomly. Before he could register where he was, his little island started sinking. Panicked, he looked around at the other islands, wondering how he could get to them without getting wet.

And suddenly, he was on one of them.

Still panicking, he cotinued looking around. The island he was standing on was rigid and unmoving.

He tried again, looking out at another island, willing himself to it. And then, he appeared on that island. He smiled with self accomplishment.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

D.O. found himself in the middle of a field of tiny gravel.There was nothing as far as he could see - nothing but gravel.

"D.O. Earth. EXO-K"

He knelt down and picked up a stone, turning it over with his fingers and looking at it . As he thought, it was, in fact, an ordinary rock. He tossed it over his shoulder, and it landed back among the millions upon millions of other little rocks.

Annoyed, he kicked at the rocks in front of him. That sent op an enormous wave of rocks in front of him, travelling away from him at an astonishing speed. He was sent flying backwards, landing on his back. Scrambling to his feet he watched, wide-eyed, as the wave grew the further it travelled away from him.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Baek Hyun was next to wake up, in a room filled with an assortment of mirrors: A few standing mirrors, hand mirrors scattered about on the floor, a little table with a few small standing mirrors, and one larged framed mirror on the wall. They each glowed with a strange inner light.

"Baek Hyun. Light. EXO-K."

He stood in front of the hanging mirror, admiring himself. The reflective surface began glowing brighter, radiating an intense light. It was blinding, and he covered his eyes with his hands, but the light only got brighter.

The only thing that made it stop was turning away and looking at another mirror, but it glowed brighter, too. He turned to another, then another, until eventually, they were all glowing at once.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Su Ho was in a round room bordered by a river of water, leaving him a round floor several feet wide.

"Su Ho. Water. EXO-K, leader."

"Water...?" he repeated to himself. Curious, he crouched by the water's edge and stuck his hands in. It was cool, and it was flowing clockwise around the circle.

He pulled his hand out and shook little droplets of water from it. But the water didn't all back into the river - it stayed suspended around his hand.

He made motions with his other hand to shape the water into a ball, which he held in the air between both of his hands. With a tossing motion, he tossed the ball of water back into the river.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Kris stood atop a tall building, which stood much taller than the buildings surrounding it.

"Kris. Flight. EXO-M, leader."

He thought over that word, leader. What exactly am I leading? he thought.

He looked over the edge of the building, down to the streets below. He could see cars and people, but he was so far up, he couldn't hear them.

A powerful gust of wind hit his back, an he couldn't keep his balance. He tripped forward, off the edge of the building.

Flailing a little, he tried his best to stay composed, just like he always is. The worst thing to do now is panic.

He closed his eyes, ready for what was about to happen... but it didn't. He slowed to a stop. He opened his eyes and looked around - he was just hanging in the air, still far above the streets.

He was surprised at how easy it was for him to roll over onto his back. Like a super hero, he his fist forward, expecting nothing to happen - but to his surprise, he flew back up towards the top of the building. He landed, satisfied, back on the roof.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Lay was sitting in a chair in a room, with a small vase of white flowers in the middle of a table, in the middle of the room.

"Lay. Healing. EXO-M."

The room was all a dull white - the furniture was partially made of wood, stained a dark brown, including the table, the chair, and the moulding.

Behind him was a painting which, when he saw it, made his jaw drop. It was the same painting of a unicorn that was in the B.A.P. headquarters. The unicorn looked like it was greeting him.

He turned his attention to the flower, which he noticed was wilting. The leaves were a dark green, and the petals were brown. He slid the vase closwer to himself, examining the plant. With one finger, he teased the petals. Slowly, the brown faded away, and they became white again, and the stem returned to a bright green.

"So it does only take a touch..." he mumbled to himself.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Xiu Min stood in a room similar to Lay's, but it was a mirror image, with no unicorn painting, but instead, a painting of a steamed bun. Why a steamed bun, he had no idea.

"Xiu Min. Frost. EXO-M."

He glanced warily around, and noticed some papers on the table. He also noticed the dropping temperature, and he could see his breath.

He sat down in the chair and picked up the papers. It was covered in heiroglyphics, like the ones in the booklet, that Su Ho could read for some reason.

It took him a second to notice it, but the paper was slowly turning to ice, as was the chair. He jumped up and backed into the wall, watching hte ice spread. Little crackling sounds behind him alerted him to the fact that the wall was turning to ice, too.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Chan Yeol was in a parking lot at night, with a full sky of stars above him.

"Chan Yeol. Flame. EXO-K."

A strange smell filled the air, and he couldn't tell what it was. It wasn't a good smell, either. Like something was... burning?

He looked around, but everything was dark, except for the few street lights beyond the fence that was around the parking lot.

As the smell grew stronger, it became increasingly obvious what was burning. How could he not tell that his own two feet were on fire?

He picked up his leg to blow on his foot, but that only made the flames grow - a lot.

Spastically, he kicked his shoes off, falling to the ground in the process. The flames grew together and erupted skyward, taking the shape of a phoenix.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Tao was in the apartment that he shared with Xiu Min and Kai. He wondered what he could possibly be doing here, without the others. It was oddly silent, minus an obvious ticking noise.

"Tao. Time Control. EXO-M."

Tao was still confused - what was he doing here? He reached into his pocket to grab his phone, but it wasn't there. Giving up, he sat down roughly on a stool. He leaned back against a table, making it shake a little. An empty wine glass, perched precariously on the edge, fell over.

He reached to grab it, just barely missing it. But the weirdest thing happened: the glass stopped falling in mid-air!

He grabbed the glass and put it back on the table, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Chen was on a beach, but it was dark and dreary, because storm clouds covered the sky.

"Chen. Lightning. EXO-M."

Far off in the distance, lightning bolts split the sky. They were far enough away that they just barely rumbled.

He strolled lazily over to a dead tree. He watched a black scorpion run around on one of the roots. He leaned against the tree, resting his hand on it.

Right then, the tree exploded into light and fire. Chen jumped away in fear, amazed that the explosion did nothing to him.

Next to the flaming stump, he saw that the scorpion also survived the explosion.

Did a lightning bolt just strike the tree?

He looked down at the hand that touched the tree. There was static discharked, lighting up his fingers here and there, which really disturbed him.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Se Hun was the last to wake up. He was standing in the field that he and Lu Han had come to camp in.

"Se Hun. Wind. EXO-K."

How ironic... there is no wind! Se Hun thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by a butterfly flying past his face. He watched as it flitted about in front of him.

He held his hand up for it to land, and it did. It then jumped from his hand to his nose, which startled him. Its feet tickled his nose which made him sneeze out a puff of air that, slowly, built itself up into a swirling tornado before blowing over him and disappearing.

"Your powers have been restored," said the booming voice, and everything faded to black.

Se Hun reawoke a few seconds later, sitting cross-legged on a flat rock. He couldn't move, only look around and breath. The others were there, too, also sitting completely still on rocks. They were sitting in a line that curved around the base of the biggest tree he'd ever seen - but there was something unnatural about it. The trunk was a golden brown, and the leaves were vibrantly green. Dangling from the branches were little pink and blue fruits.

Beyond the tree, he looked at the sky. It wasn't blue - it was a rich gold. There was no sun, but instead, two moons next to each other.

Looking back at his friends, he realized they were all staring at him.

"Welcome, EXO!" said the booming voice, and their eyes were drawn up to the tree. "My name if Tree of Life. Now that we are all here, you may rest."

Whatever invisible bindings that were holding them in place went away. Se Hun immediately bounced over to Lu Han and hugged him. The rest of the group amassed around them, curious about what the tree would say.

"You have all been apart for far too long, but now, you are all back together. You are all one. Your powers have been fully restored, and your connection to the Two Moons has been reestablished. It is now up to all of you to help keep the world a safe place. I have a feeling you may be needed soon. But for now, that's all I shall say to you. The rest is for you to discover on your own; you have many new friends at your side. I now return you to your own world with this knowledge."

Like earlier, they were all swept up in a thick white fog before everything turned to black.

This is the last chapter before the end! I hope you've all enjoyed my fic so far, and I hope you enjoy how I'm going to end it! Thank you all so much for reading it! ^.^

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Neverland1900 #1
Yehey! You updated! Such a good chapter! Thanks for updating by the way!! ^^
Neverland1900 #2
Interesting story! Please update soon! ^^
Azzine #3
This is really nervewracking...
kaiwei20 #4
So many HunHan moments in this chapter...Stay alive, Sehun!
weeeheee~ update soon
apatheticusername #6

i hope they get their powers soon. :D
kaiwei20 #7
Woah, so intense...:)
This story is really interesting.
Update soon :D
apatheticusername #9
Hey the story's not bad.Ill give it a shot :D
kaiwei20 #10
Very nice storyline! Can't wait to read the next chapters..thanks for this wonderful piece of work!