Truth Told

Club Ranada


Sungmo jumped as the door to the bedroom flew open and the three boys he expected right about that time, burst in. L.Joe automatically ran to the boy who was whimpering out a name that could be barely recognized as his own, wrapping his arms tightly around the boy’s thin build, pulling the unconscious boy to his chest, muttering sweet nothings in to the younger’s ears along with countless apologies that only the unconscious boy would be able to hear.

“How is he doing?” asked Niel, looking at Sungmo.

“His fever is slowly going down, but it’s still there…” said Sungmo, looking at the pale boy that now lay in L.Joe’s embrace, he looked at the blonde boy who was holding the unconscious boy and saw the sadness in the younger of the two’s eyes. He sighed, looking at Niel before whispering, “He really loves him doesn’t he?”

CAP nodded, “Chunji seems to have changed him a bit in the short time the two have known each other…however, that’s not of much important right now…”

“What is?” asked Sungmo, looking at the younger male, who sighed, watching L.Joe lay on the bed with Chunji, because the older male was latched onto L.Joe.

“Seoji’s back…” said CAP, Sungmo’s eyes widened and he choked on his own spit.

“Seoji? As in psychotic Seoji, the girl who was thrown into jail for drugs?” asked Sungmo, eyes wide and body trembling a bit.

CAP nodded, looking at Chunji’s unconscious, “She’s going after him…I know it…”

“What are we going to do?” muttered Sungmo, “L.Joe isn’t the only one who has grown attached to Chunji, we all have…”

CAP shrugged, “What can we do?”

Sungmo sighed for the umpteenth time that day, “Should we tell Jaejoong?”

“Isn’t that a little too severe?” asked CAP, “Jaejoong would kill her without second thought and we all know that Jaejoong usually isn’t that type of person…even if she’s a psychotic , don’t you think that he’ll regret it?”

Sungmo sighed, “Knowing Jaejoong, he will.”

“So should we tell him about this?” asked CAP.

“No…” said Sungmo, suddenly he smirked and looked at the other two, “What if we told Master Yunho, the one who got her into jail originally?”

“That sounds like a better plan,” Said CAP, “Can you handle that?”

Sungmo nodded, standing up, “Stay here with them, I’m going to go tell the others…”

“About you going to tell Yunho?” said Niel.

Sungmo shook his head, “No, I’m going to go tell them that Psycho Seoji is back and to keep their eyes open for her.”

The two nodded, and watched as the oldest male in the room left to warn the others. L.Joe then pulled away from Chunji and sat up, looking at the two, “What did you want to tell me about Seoji?”

“Seoji is after Chunji…” said CAP.

“I know she is, that’s nothing new,” Said L.Joe.

CAP paused for a minute before saying what he originally planned to blurt out, “You didn’t kill your first to servants you didn’t them like you thought you did, and you honestly never did touch them like how you think you did.”

“What do you mean CAP, my was on them…” said L.Joe.

“Okay…so maybe you did them, but L.Joe, you weren’t in the right state of mind.” Said CAP, “But that’s beside the point, do you remember anything?”

L.Joe shook his head.

“Do you know why?”

The younger shook his head again, “Do you know why my memories for those nights aren’t there?”

CAP nodded, “L.Joe, it’s because you were drugged…”

“Who could’ve possibly drugged me, I wasn’t around anyone except for,” Said L.Joe, his sentence suddenly ending, “That drugged me didn’t she?”

CAP nodded, “From what I know, she drugged you and had you them before she had one of her men shoot your servants…”

“Then why was the gun in my hand when I woke up?” asked L.Joe, kind of scared of the truth.

“It’s because when they finished using the gun, they set it in your hand and left…” said CAP, “They wanted you to think that you killed them and you did…”

“Which lead to me killing all the ones that followed…” said L.Joe, horrified as he remembered the things he had done.

CAP nodded, “Which was what she wanted, because she didn’t want anyone else to get in her way…”

L.Joe buried his face in his hands, “I’m so stupid, how did I not realize this before?”

CAP shrugged, “I really didn’t notice it until I put a lot of thought into it…L.Joe do you know why your father threw her in jail?”

L.Joe shook his head.

“It’s because he knew that she drugged you, he had found out somehow and threw her in there with the help of the ties he had in the police department,” Said CAP, “L.Joe, do you know much about your father?”

L.Joe looked at him in confusion, “To be honest I really don’t he was rarely there when I grew up and I still rarely see him and I rarely hear from him, the only way I hear about him now-a-days is from my umma and Yunhak-hyung, since he’s the one that visits him the most often because he’s the heir to the gang…why?”

CAP shrugged again, “He’s just mysterious you know? I mean he has connections in the police, he has connections all across the globe and no one tries to put a stop to business, not even other gangs…on top of that he has eyes and ears all over the place...Plus, he knew something far earlier than we did and it was happening to us…heck, he knew about the things Seoji was doing while you weren’t even suspecting her for anything...”

“So what are you trying to say?” asked L.Joe.

“I have an odd sense that he’s trying to protect you from the life he has right now…” said CAP, “I think that is why he brought Chunji here…He probably knew that if he brought someone in here that has suffered many different types of abuse it would help you get your old self back, not the addict and gun carrier L.Joe, but the boy he knew before Seoji…”

“So you think that he’s trying to protect me by not having me involved with the gang, and not getting close to me?” said L.Joe.

CAP nodded, “I think that he cares more about and your brothers than you all realize and I think he’s doing a lot of things behind the scenes, so you all are oblivious to things that go on and oblivious to some of the dangers that were once surrounding you…”

“So, you think you know Seoji’s back?” asked L.Joe.

CAP nodded, “I’m positive the old man knows and I’m positive that he knows that she’s sending someone after Chunji.”

“How do you know that?” asked L.Joe looking at CAP.

“I know because it’s just the typical thing psychotic es like she is do.” Said CAP, smirking, L.Joe laughed a bit before turning around and looking at the boy who was laying under the covers beside him on the bed, the boy had let out a groan, which had worried him a bit.

“Hyung, we should leave the room…I think Chunji might be waking up soon, and I’m pretty sure he just wants to see L.Joe when he wakes up…” said Niel, CAP looked at him and sighed.

“Alright, you’re probably right… L.Joe, we’ll be going now, if you need anything or suspecting that Seoji is planning to do something, tell us, ok?”

L.Joe nodded, and watched as the two left, closing the door to the room behind them, he then turned around and faced the boy beside him, lying down again, the older male beside him wrapped his arms around the younger male’s neck, and snuggling closer to the boy he had been longing for. L.Joe looked at the beauty’s face, caressing the boy’s cheek smiling, as the boy nuzzled against him subconsciously, smiling in his sleep. L.Joe watched the boy sleeping for nearly a half an hour before his own eye lids began to get heavy and slowly, oh-so slowly began to close. Soon the boy drifted off to sleep, while embracing the older, thinner male.


In an warehouse in Seoul, a female’s phone rang and a girl picked it up, “Hello, Seunghyun, have you done your job yet?”

“No, he hasn’t done his job yet, and he won’t be going anywhere near Chunji…”

“What did you do to Seunghyun?”

“Let’s just say that he’s a bit tied up right now…Also, let me make this clear, don’t go near my son or any of his servants from now on…if you get too close to them, I won’t be able to guarantee your safety.”

With that the other side clicked, revealing that the caller had ended the call with his threat. The girl closed the phone holding it tightly in her hand as she whispered, “Do all you want, but you won’t be protecting anyone this time around…Even if you kill me, I won’t be going alone and I swear that I won’t be weither I take your son with me or his servant it all depends on you and your moves…”


Also, this story has finally hit 50 subscribers! YAY! Thank you all, I really wish to see some more comments, however, I'll update as often as I'm able to, no matter how many comments I get with each chapter...

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Awwwwwwwe I finished reading!! And I ING LOVE IT!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the phsychosic died yaaaaaaay!!!!! God I was gonna murder her with my own hands if L.Joe or Chunji got hurt by her!! But afjkdskfjhsjskfdhsjdkdjjfhfhajskdjfj!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just ducking love it!!!!!
dark_heart #2
Aww I love this. I'm glad Chunji and L.Joe are happily together with their son (and one on the way?)
Anyways this was cute, I'm glad I read it :)
That was so cute ;A; Especially the end where L.Joe talked about supporting his little family >.< I just love how much he changed thanks to Chunji :3
ND2011hakuren #4
AHHHH Its over. But I would have been happy if it was longer and BTW WHAT ABOUT THE NAP COUPLES?????? or THE CHANRICK COUPLE????? You finished it only mentoning Chunjoe, but whatever the ending and the whole story was awesome
NOOOOOO THIS FIC HAS ENDED:(:(:( thank you author, for this wonderful fanfiction and i wi definitely miss it... probably rereading it soon teehee!!! AHHHHHHHH CHUNJOE UNITE AND OH GOSH YUNHO IS SUCH A SWEET FATHER TO L.JOE^~^ AND. YES. CHAN. HEE. IS. DEFINITELY. PREGNANT. MUAHAHAH!!!!;) FIGHTING!!! i await for more awesome fics author:D
NOOOOOO THIS FIC HAS ENDED:(:(:( thank you author, for this wonderful fanfiction and i wi definitely miss it... probably rereading it soon teehee!!! AHHHHHHHH CHUNJOE UNITE AND OH GOSH YUNHO IS SUCH A SWEET FATHER TO L.JOE^~^ AND. YES. CHAN. HEE. IS. DEFINITELY. PREGNANT. MUAHAHAH!!!!;) FIGHTING!!! i await for more awesome fics author:D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Awwwww~~~~~ That's seriously one of my favorite epilogues ever~~~~~~ How sweet and beautiful~~~~~ I'm glad that both survived and then Yunnie, always an awesome dad, gave them their new life at Jeju~~~~~~ Awwww~~~~~ And the five years later scene is just awwww~~~~ I always love the kids~~~~~~ Like seriously, they are just so cute and innocent, like their umma~~~~ And then muscular Hunnie~~~ LOL but just anyway, awww~~~~ He is so sweet of a husband~~~~~~~ Oh and I guess little Channie is pregnant with their second kid, since Hunnie rubbed his stomach~~~ Such a cute and beautiful family~~~~~~~~~~~~
Love the epilogue like always~~~~ Ahhhh~~~ I'll miss looking forward to Club Ranada~~~~ But then I'll just start looking forward to Those Watchful Eyes!~~ Fighting!
Awhhh~~ So sweet~ xD
sherasazaly #9
yaaaay...happy ending...
cute and sweet...