
Club Ranada


A groan from the older male on the bed woke the younger, whose eyes automatically flew open to see the older male shifting around a bit, not noticing that the older was up.

“Are you ok?” asked L.Joe, his voice from hoarse.

Chunji nodded shyly, “I was trying to get up without waking you up…I’m sorry.”

L.Joe chuckled and smiled, “Don’t worry about it, how are you feeling?”

Chunji looked at the boy slightly shock, “I’m feeling okay…I’m just a little light headed and I’m still sore…”

L.Joe looked at him, “I’m sorry…”

The older male waved it off, “Don’t worry about it…it’s not that big of a deal.”

L.Joe looked at the older male to see that he was trembling a bit, L.Joe went to touch the older boy only to see that the boy flinched away from him. The younger male closed his hand, balling it into a fist, letting it drop to his side as he moved to the edge of the bed and climbed out of it, Chunji looked at him with frightened eyes watched the younger’s back as he took a few steps forward, Chunji dove for the younger, grabbing his wrist and pulling on it.

The younger glanced at the older male, the memories of his past servants who were innocent and didn’t deserve to die flashed through his mind. He looked at the older male, guilt filling him up inside. He’s done so many things to the older male that the poor male didn’t deserve. He sighed and sat back down on the bed, his back facing the older who still gripped tightly onto his wrist.

“Don’t leave…” whispered Chunji, “We need to talk…”

L.Joe nodded, “We do…don’t we?”

The younger male could feel Chunji nodded, Chunji had his head resting against the younger’s head, the younger perked up when he heard a groan of pain.

“Are you okay?”

The older nodded, “I’m just a little light headed…”

“Then lay down again,” Said L.Joe, his back still towards Chunji.

Chunji sighed, “If I lay down will you lay with me? Will you face me?”

L.Joe nodded, “I’ll do whatever please just lay and rest…”

Chunji nodded, groaning again as he tried to move his still sore body to its laying position. L.Joe looked at the boy, seeing that he was having problems. The younger decided to help the older out, adjusting the older male so that he lay under the covers on his side, facing L.Joe. L.Joe laid and faced the boy, however, he didn’t meet the older male’s eyes, and he looked at the wall just behind the boy, too ashamed to look at the other male.

“I’m sorry…” whispered Chunji, L.Joe looked at Chunji.

“Why are you apologizing?” asked L.Joe, “You have no reason to apologize, I’m the only one who has a reason to apologize….”

Chunji looked at L.Joe, seeing that the younger was finally facing him and looking at him.

“I’m sorry for the pain I’ve put you through…” said L.Joe, seeing that the older wasn’t going to speak anymore, “I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done…I was being stupid and I’ve hurt you countless times when you didn’t deserve and you still don’t deserve to get hurt…I hear from Niel that you’re afraid of me…”

Chunji nodded shyly and looked away.

“I’m sorry for making you that was as well…On top of that I’m sorry towards all my past servants…starting today I’m going to change…” whispered L.Joe.

Chunji looked at him in confusion.

“I’m changing the guilt into taking revenge on the person who started this all…” whispered L.Joe.

“Who is it,” asked Chunji?

“It’s a girl named Seoji, she went to jail years ago for drugs, but she was bailed out early…” said L.Joe, “The had drugged me and she had convinced my intoxicated self to r the servants and…she…she shot them. Before she left the scene of the crime, she’d stick the gun in my hand and it’d convince me that I had killed them, sometime after the second servant’s death I thought that it’d be okay if I killed them whenever I got tired of them or whenever they betrayed me…”

Chunji looked at him in shock.

“It’s going to change today…” whispered L.Joe, looking at Chunji, determination shinning in his eyes, “She’s coming after you Chunji-ah…but I won’t fall victim to her…I’m not allowing her to touch a hair on your head…ok?”

Chunji nodded and looked at L.Joe, really wondering if that was the only reason the younger male had changed so much.

“Chunji…I’m sorry for all I’ve done and I’m hope you’ll be able to forgive me…I hope that those who’ve died by hand will forgive me, where ever they’re at…” whispered L.Joe.

The guilt and sadness shone in his eyes and Chunji knew that L.Joe was being serious…that he was being honest to both himself and those around him…that the younger male had changed for the better.  Now, it was his turn…he had to change. Chunji looked at L.Joe, despite how inside he was going insane from fear, the older male moved closer to the younger, his thin bony arms wrapping around the younger’s neck, pulling the younger male close enough that the younger could hear his faint whisper.

“I forgive you…” whispered Chunji, his eyes closed tightly, hiding his fear from the younger, not wanting to hurt the younger more. L.Joe wrapped one arm around the older male’s waist and for the first time since his mother passed Chunji felt safe…he felt like he was secure and had no reason to be afraid anymore. The caress of the younger’s hand against the skin on his back calmed him down immensely.

“Look at me…” whispered L.Joe in return, “Open your eyes…”

The older did as the younger said and instead of seeing hurt, he saw the guilt but at the same time, love shining brightly in the younger’s eyes. The older had only opened his eyes only to close them as their lips met, not in a lust filled, urgent one, but a sweet, short, and simple kiss while which spread warmth through their body, making both boys smile widely as they pulled away.

L.Joe pulled the older male close again, having the older male rest his head on his chest, the older happily laid there listening to the younger’s constant heartbeat as the younger caressed his back with one hand and messaged the older’s aching head with the other, lulling the older boy to a subconscious state, the boy wasn’t exactly asleep, but he wasn’t exactly awake. However, soon the boy fell asleep completely, his even warm breaths blowing against the younger’s chest, heating up the thin dress shirt a little.

L.Joe looked at the older male, pressing a kiss to crown of the older’s head, whispering, “Chunji-ah…I’ve fallen for you…I promise you that she won’t come close to you. I won’t allow her too…I won’t allow her to touch you…I won’t allow her to scar your body more than it already is…I won’t allow her to hurt you anymore, you’ve been through a lot of pain in your lifetime and I won’t allow a psychotic like her to cause any more pain for you…If she wants to kill you, she’ll have to kill me first…”







“Get him while the two are at school…do it during a break, because surely enough there will be a lot of people in the halls for you lose him in. Once you have the , bring him to me at the warehouse, where I can have a few words with the before he vanishes from this world forever…” 



And so the beginning of the end has begun only a few chapters remain, how many exactly? Two chapters...(One Chapter + the epilogue)

Sorry if this chapter is a little crappy...

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Awwwwwwwe I finished reading!! And I ING LOVE IT!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the phsychosic died yaaaaaaay!!!!! God I was gonna murder her with my own hands if L.Joe or Chunji got hurt by her!! But afjkdskfjhsjskfdhsjdkdjjfhfhajskdjfj!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just ducking love it!!!!!
dark_heart #2
Aww I love this. I'm glad Chunji and L.Joe are happily together with their son (and one on the way?)
Anyways this was cute, I'm glad I read it :)
That was so cute ;A; Especially the end where L.Joe talked about supporting his little family >.< I just love how much he changed thanks to Chunji :3
ND2011hakuren #4
AHHHH Its over. But I would have been happy if it was longer and BTW WHAT ABOUT THE NAP COUPLES?????? or THE CHANRICK COUPLE????? You finished it only mentoning Chunjoe, but whatever the ending and the whole story was awesome
NOOOOOO THIS FIC HAS ENDED:(:(:( thank you author, for this wonderful fanfiction and i wi definitely miss it... probably rereading it soon teehee!!! AHHHHHHHH CHUNJOE UNITE AND OH GOSH YUNHO IS SUCH A SWEET FATHER TO L.JOE^~^ AND. YES. CHAN. HEE. IS. DEFINITELY. PREGNANT. MUAHAHAH!!!!;) FIGHTING!!! i await for more awesome fics author:D
NOOOOOO THIS FIC HAS ENDED:(:(:( thank you author, for this wonderful fanfiction and i wi definitely miss it... probably rereading it soon teehee!!! AHHHHHHHH CHUNJOE UNITE AND OH GOSH YUNHO IS SUCH A SWEET FATHER TO L.JOE^~^ AND. YES. CHAN. HEE. IS. DEFINITELY. PREGNANT. MUAHAHAH!!!!;) FIGHTING!!! i await for more awesome fics author:D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Awwwww~~~~~ That's seriously one of my favorite epilogues ever~~~~~~ How sweet and beautiful~~~~~ I'm glad that both survived and then Yunnie, always an awesome dad, gave them their new life at Jeju~~~~~~ Awwww~~~~~ And the five years later scene is just awwww~~~~ I always love the kids~~~~~~ Like seriously, they are just so cute and innocent, like their umma~~~~ And then muscular Hunnie~~~ LOL but just anyway, awww~~~~ He is so sweet of a husband~~~~~~~ Oh and I guess little Channie is pregnant with their second kid, since Hunnie rubbed his stomach~~~ Such a cute and beautiful family~~~~~~~~~~~~
Love the epilogue like always~~~~ Ahhhh~~~ I'll miss looking forward to Club Ranada~~~~ But then I'll just start looking forward to Those Watchful Eyes!~~ Fighting!
Awhhh~~ So sweet~ xD
sherasazaly #9
yaaaay...happy ending...
cute and sweet...