Outside noraebang

Puppy Love



I arrived at SME’s practice room at exactly 8 am. “Good morning!” I greeted a middle aged man inside the room. He’s probably the one helping me out for today’s recording. Moments later, the door opened and Minho oppa entered first.

“Good morning!” he greeted me sweetly. Ah. Oppa don’t smile at me like that. I smiled back at him as the other members entered. “Have you practiced the song?” I asked them. “Ne.” Onew answered. “ But there’s this one kid who wouldn’t do his job properly.” Jonghyun continued and eyed on Taemin.

“Hehehe. It’s alright. I just hope he’ll be able to do it today.” I said. Aish. Jinja. Taemin is such a brat. I looked at him but he just rolled his eyes on me. I honestly want to tell him he’s ruining the group. Bish.

They entered the recording booth one by one. Jonghyun oppa was first next was Onew oppa then Key oppa. The recording went on smoothly not until the maknae was on. “One.. two.. three.” I cued and the song started.

Taemin’s voice echoed on the room. His voice is nice as always but there’s something lacking. “Stop.” I told him. “Please put some feelings to the song.” I said and cued him to continue again. I bit my lip as I listen. The way he sang it, it’s like the song is just full of empty words.

I asked him to stop and repeat again but he just won’t get it. I’m not doing this to piss him off, seriously. I just want the song to be sung with emotions. “Yah! What do you want? Are you really trying to piss me off?” he asked. “Aniyo. It’s just tha-“ I tried to say. “SHUT UP, BISH!” he shouted. But before I can even reply, he already stormed out of the room.

I suddenly felt a hand pat my back. “It’s alright. It’s not the first time this happened.” A familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Minho. “I’ll go in.” he said. I nodded and watched him put on the headphones and listened to his rapping.

My heart skipped a bit as he started to open his mouth. After a few years, I finally get to watch you this close. This is really a dream come true!! Oh my God. I think my heart will burst with so much happiness. The way he smiled at me as he was recording makes me melt like ice. Ogad. What is this feeling?

“Ms. Young.” Someone poked my shoulder. I turned around and saw Onew, Jonghyun and Key looking at me as if I look so stupid. “N-ne?” I asked. “Minho’s finished already.” Key said. “A-ah. Ne. I know. Hahaha.” I lied. I was too busy fangirling that I didn’t notice that he’s done already. “Ne. Minho-ssi. Good job!” I said.

“Err… We’re just left with Taemin-ssi’s parts. Maybe he’s just tired. Please tell him to pass by here tomorrow. Same time. Thanks!” I told them. “Uhm.. Can we now your first name?” Minho asked. “Huh? A-ah.. Ne. Hehehe.” I said nervously. If I tell you, will you know me? “Y-young Daeil. You can call me Daeil.” I added.

I watched the expression in his face. I was waiting for it to change. I was waiting for his eyes to grow bigger in joy and hug me very tight… but it didn’t happen. “Arasso. Take care, Daeil-ssi. We’ll go now.” He said and headed off with the other members after giving me a short bow.

They left me there. Speechless. Did he already meet too many Young Daeil’s so he forgot about me already? I took out a ring from my pocket. He gave this to me before he left. If I show him this one, will he remember me?



Damn that bish. I thought as I kicked a can of soda on the ground. Aish. I hope she’ll have some bad karma. She loves annoying me. He’s doing it on purpose. I swear. Uggh. I pity her boyfriend, if she ever has one. One unlucky guy.

I was waiting for my other hyungs outside SME. What’s taking them so long? I looked back at the door but nobody was there. All of a sudden, an old woman approached me. “Would you help me cross the street, young man?” she said.

I looked at her from head to foot. Is she a beggar or something? “I don’t have money.” I told her. “I don’t need your money. I just need you to help me cross the street.” She said and reached out for my hand. “YAH!” I shouted and shrugged off her hand. “I’m not some kind of charity here.” I told her and went back inside the building leaving the old lady outside.

WTH. That’s scary. She looks scary. I peeked outside but she’s gone. Ok. That’s weird. Maybe someone helped her out. “BOO!” I heard Jonghyun’s voice and gave me a shock. “What are you peeking at?” Onew asked. “Hmm? None of your business.” I said.

“You need to go back here tomorrow, Taem. Or else, Shawols will kill us.” Minho told me. I nodded. “Will you all join me tomorrow?” I asked. “I got Salamander Guru.” Minho said. I looked at Key. “I’m on a variety show with Onew.” He replied. “Not me.” Jonghyun said. His eyes were glaring are me.

Hopeless Taemin. Fine. I’ll go alone tomorrow. I pouted and headed back to our van. “We don’t have any other schedule for today. Wanna go somewhere?” Manager hyung asked. “Can we go to a noraebang? I missed going there.” Onew said.

“Ne.” Manager said. “You missed singing in noraebang? Or you missed drinking alcohol?” Jonghyun hyung laughed. I bet he missed drinking. Onew hyung drinks a lot. “Both.” Onew replied and chuckled. “Guys, don’t get totally drunk. Call me if you’re going back to the dorm, ok? Don’t get in trouble.”Manager said and dropped us off on a noraebang.

“It’s lunch time already. Can’t we eat first?” I complained. There was a restaurant nearby so we had some delicious lunch and went back to the noraebang afterwards. “I’m so full.” Key hyung said and immediately sat on the couch.

“Who first?” Minho hyung asked. “ME!!” Onew said. He sang SNSD’s The Boys. WTH. He isn’t even drunk yet. “Let’s order some beer.” Jonghyun hyung said. I looked at him not knowing what to reply. I haven’t tasted beer yet since I just turned legal last year.

“Taemin’s legal anway.” Minho told him. YES! I’ll be able to drink, finally. And the battle began. We sang various KPOP songs. Key hyung would always sing girl group songs. Is he even gay? LOL I doubt that he is. In the end, Onew hyung got the highest score. He always wins.

He passed on a bottle of beer to me. I smelled it. Bleh. Just the smell makes me want to puke. I took a gulp and coughed immediately. They all laughed at me. “You’ll get used to it, Minnie.” Jonghyun hyung said.

I took another gulp. And as time passed by, the more I get used to it. “It doesn’t taste bad any longer.” I told them. “Taemin, don’t drink too much.” Somebody said. I looked at my hyungs but I can’t figure out who’s who. Their faces are blurry already.

“I’ll… go out.” I mumbled. Maybe I just need some fresh air to wake me up. I went out of the noraebang. I’m feeling dizzy. I think I’m gonna faint soon. “Would you help me cross the street, young man?” an old lady tapped my shoulder.

I tried to look at her but I can’t see her clearly. “I can’t help you. Can’t you see I’m drunk?! Stupid!!” I said, pushed her away from me and then everything went dark.



It was already late at night and Taemin was outside the noraebang. His body was lying on the floor and beside it was an old woman. The old woman looked around her and as if everything went as she planned, she smiled.

She knelt down beside the body and whispered some chants on Taemin. A blinding light enveloped the place and when the light died out, Taemin’s body was nowhere to be found. What were left were the old woman and a sleeping little beagle. She picked up the puppy.

“Taemin, you’ll be learning your lesson from now on. You’ll only come back to being human when you’ve learned to be nice to people around you.” She said and walked along the streets. “I’ll bring you to your new home. I know she’ll be able to take care of you.” She continued.


A/N: I think this chapter is a bit boring? I think I've lost my writing abilities. ;__; lol do i even have writing abilities? hahaha i'll work harder. i promise!!! ^__^ so there you go. Taemin turns to a beagle. XD

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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!