Don't you know who I am

Puppy Love


And once again, I’m back inside SME’s building. But this time is a lot different because today, I’m a dog. “Excuse me, do you happen to see SHINee’s Manager?” I heard Daeil ask one of the staffs in the lobby. “Do you have a meeting with him?” the staff asked. “Ne. I’m Young Daeil, one of the composers for SHINee’s comeback.” Daeil answered. 
“Please go to room 230. Ah. By the way, Ms. Young, pets aren’t allowed inside the building.” The staff said. I saw the disappointment in Daeil’s eyes. AND NO. I NEED TO SEE MY HYUNGS!! “Jinja? Can I leave him here for a while?” Daeil said. I barked at her. You can’t leave me here!!! I want to see SHINee. AH. PABO.
“Sure. Does he bite?” the staff asked as Daeil put me on a chair. “Hahaha. Ne. Don’t worry. He got anti-rabies shot already.” Daeil chuckled and went away. The staff looked at me with a terrified look. Aish. I went here with her to see SHINee hyungs and not to just sit here and wait until the meeting’s done.
It’s so boring here. I can’t live like this. I went down the chair without the staff knowing. A stroll around the building won’t hurt a puppy like me, right?
I went inside the said room and found SHINee and their Manager. “Still no news?” I asked. “No news.” Minho answered. I want to cheer you up right now. I wish I can. 
“The press conference will start after two hours.” The Manager said. “Arasso. Just tell them what they need to know.” I told them. “I already miss our maknae.” Key suddenly blurted out. They lived together for a long time; Taemin must be really special for them. “Let’s go now.” Manager said.
“Do I need to come too?” I asked. Minho smiled at me. “That’ll make us more comfortable.” Onew said. I nodded and followed them out of the room. “Do you have other appointments? Perhaps a date?” Minho asked me as we walked along the corridors.
“Eh? A-ani.” I told him. A date? Omo. Why did you even thought of me having a date? “O-oppa.” I called him. He turned around. His face turned red. “Oppa?” he chuckled. “Can I call you oppa?” I asked him. “Hahaha. If you want to.” He said.
Room 230, right? Was it 230 or 320? I forgot. Oh well. I’ll just go check both. “YAH!!!! You dog! Come back here!!!” I heard someone shout across the lobby. Trusting my instincts, I ran out of the building and hid behind a garbage bin. Luckily, she didn’t find me. I guess I’ll just wait for Daeil here outside.
“Hello, Mr. Lee Taemin.” I heard a familiar voice. I looked around and found an old lady looking right back at me. How did she know I’m Taemin? I stared at her trying to remember where I saw her. She picked me up gently and held me in her arms. “I made you like this so you’ll learn your lesson. Learn to be kind. Learn to love. Your heart is full of anger and hatred. You’ll go back to your normal self when you’ve learned well.”
I think I remember her. That lady outside SME and the lady outside the noraebang. It’s her! “YAH! Bring me back to my body! This puppy’s body is too weak and I can’t move properly.” I shouted at her hoping she’ll understand. “It’s for your own good. Many people are complaining about you already.” She answered me as if she understood what I said.
Is she a witch or something? “Where’s my puppy?!!” I heard Daeil shout. The old lady held me tight and went to SME. "ANI! Don't give me to her!!! I need you to change me back." I said but she just ignored me. "Are you looking for this?" the lady asked. I turned around to find Daeil with my SHINee hyungs.
"HYUNG!!!" HYUNG!" i tried to say. "Is that yours?" Minho hyung asked Daeil. "I found him outside my house. I can't find his owners yet." Daeil explained. "Thanks a lot, ahjumma." she told the old lady. ANI. That old lady will help me. I barked at Daeil but she just won't understand.
"What's your problem?" She asked rather irritated. Uggh. I sighed and gave up when the old woman disappear from my sight. We entered inside SHINee's van. It really feels so good to be back here. I immediately went to my permanent seat and sat. "Oh. He went to Taemin's seat." Onew hyung said. es, I'm Taemin. 
"Want something to drink?" Key asked. I want banana milk. I went to his lap and stared at him. "Oh. What do you want?" he asked. I looked around thinking on how to tell him then i found an empty bottle of banana milk on the floor. I jumped out of him and bit the bottle. 
"He likes banana milk?" Jonghyun hyung asked. I nodded. "This is creepy. Did he just nod?" Key freaked out. "He's pretty weird, to be honest." Daeil told them. That bish. Key took out a banana milk from his bag and I jumped on him like an excited kid. "I bring banana milk around just in case I run into Taem." he said to everyone. Well, you just did it, umma.
Before we even knew it, the van already stopped. Daeil has gone asleep and her head was resting on Minho hyung's shoulder. Eww. "Daeil, we're here now." Minho said to her softly as he held his hand. What is this cheesiness that I'm seeing? So disgusting!
"Daeil, we're here now." a sweet voice woke me up as I felt gentle hands hold me. I opened my eyes to find Minho looking right at me with those beautiful eyes of his and my head was resting on his shoulder.
"Omo." I sat properly immediately. "M-mianhe." I said. "Ehem. It's not the time to be lovey dovey, guys." Onew oppa said while they go down the van. I followed them inside the building. Fans everywhere and I was clinging to puppy.
Ogad. I slept on Minho's shoulder. I FREAKING SLEPT ON HIS SHOULDER. I can't keep calm. If these fans just knew what happened, I would propably dead by now. 
Soon enough, the press conference started and I just stayed on the crowd. "Taemin is missing and we need everyone's help to be able to find him." Onew oppa said. Everyone gasped. I even saw a fangirl fainting from her seat. The faces around me where unexplainable. Mixed emotions I should say.
I heard sobbing and crying but what can I do to help? These fans must have loved Taemin so much. Wherever that stupid person is right now, I hope he's safe and will be back soon. I patted puppy's head. He seemed so behave right now as if he understands the situation. But hoenestly, he is really getting smelly. Maybe I should give him a bath when we get home.
A/N: Sorry for this short and late update. Please don't kill me. I'm losing my touch on my fics. Ottoke? So yeah. A bath scene on the next chap. Hmm... Who knows what'll happen.
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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!