Shampoo, Ramen and Ring

Puppy Love





We arrived at Daeil’s house. I still can’t believe that the hyung’s were asking everyone’s help just to find me. I may sound so stupid but I really miss them already. I never thought they loved me that much. I should find a way to find the old lady so I can come back to my real body soon. But for now, I guess staying here won’t be a bad idea. I know I’ll be safe in Daeil’s place. As long as she won’t know who I really am.

“Puppy!!!” Someone shouted and I clearly know it’s that witch. I walked towards Daeil. She was holding a bottle of dog shampoo and towel. So why is she holding those things? I haven’t seen any dogs here.

WHAT THE. HELL NOOOOO!!! I’M A FREAKING DOG. “Bath time!” she said. No No No. Can you even understand what you’re saying, young lady?

I hid behind the couch but she saw me. I ran away from her but she won’t give up. What can this small body do? I am no match to a human. She carried me with her two hands and headed to the bathroom. “Come here~ You are smelly already.” She said. I DON’T CARE IF I’M SMELLY OR WHAT. YOU CAN’T GIVE ME A BATH!!!!

She put me inside the tub. I tried to escape but she caught me immediately. Soon, the tub was full of water and I’m already wet. Damn it. Ok. This is enough. Water is enough. I jumped off the tub. “Yah! I’ll still put shampoo on you.” Daeil shouted and picked me up.

No. You can’t touch my beautiful body. Oh. Wait this is not my body. But still. She’s gonna touch me everywhere. And when I say everywhere, that means EVERY SINGLE PART OF MY PRECIOUS PURE BODY. But then, I’m just a dog so what else can I do?

She rubbed shampoo on my back. OMG NO. It’s ticklish. I was trying not to laugh. Daeil rubbing my back feels good. And that just sounds so wrong. OMG. Not there. Uggh. Oh my. This is like ual harassment!!!



I cleaned puppy. I don’t know why but he’s like the worst puppy I’ve seen when it comes to getting a bath. In commercials, you would usually see dogs enjoying the water and everything but this thing is giving me death glares. And it’s really creepy for a dog to do that.

I wrapped him on a clean towel and smelled him. “You smell so nice now.” I told him and suddenly his face lit up. Weird dog. Can he even understand me? I sometimes think he might be a human. He acts like one.

“One week passed and no one’s claiming you. That means, you’re mine now!” I announced dramatically to the puppy. “But before anything else…” I said and placed him on the couch. “I shall give you a name.” I told him.

I looked at him. “Mooshy?” I said. “Mooshy sounds cute, isn’t it? Hahahaha~” I laughed at my own cute idea. Oh wait. I’m hungry. Maybe eating will help me think of a name. I made some ramen. “MinLi sounds nice too.” I said. It’s like an OTP name of Minho oppa and I. Hihihihi.



“Mooshy?” she said. NO WAY. THAT’S TOO CUTE. I’m a man. I’m a manly man. And the name mooshy won’t fit me. I smelled the ramen that she was making. Hmm~ smells good. I went and slurped on the noodles while she’s busy thinking of names. “MinLi sounds nice too.” She said again. MinLi? Isn’t that a girl’s name? WTF. I’m a man!!!

“YAAAAAAAAAAH!” I felt a hand hit my . Ah. Jinja. There’s no need to touch my ! I turned around to see an angry Daeil. “Why do you enjoy eating my food?!” she whined. I ignored her and continued eating the tasty ramen. “YOU’RE SUCH A GLUTTON!!!” I heard her ranted.

“Ne. I’ll call you glutton from now on.” She said as she made another cup of ramen. Glutton seems nice. As I watched her munched her food, I noticed a ring on her ring finger. Daeil got a boyfriend?! Oh well, she’s too young to be married. And I didn’t know she’s in a relationship. Stupid guy to ask her out.

I went near her and reached out for the ring trying to ask for an explanation. “What now?” she asked irritably. I poked it even more. “Don’t touch that. It’s from Minho oppa.” She said. M-MINHO HYUNG? Minho hyung gave her that ring?


A/N: Seems like Taemin will soon be Sherlock trying to find out about the ring on Daeil finger. Hehehe~ Hope you didn't got bored. ^_^ Hello to the neew subscribers!!!! And thanks for the comments. I hope I didn't disappoint you. ;__;


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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!