Puppy Love



“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!” Daeil’s scream echoed on the whole house. What the fu- One second later, she was on the couch kicking her foot on the air and giggling by herself. Is she crazy or something?

I walked towards her trying to figure out what was happening. I’ve never seen anyone like this. Not even our fans. “OPPA SARANGHAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” she giggled and buried her face on a pillow. How pathetic. I bet she’s fangirling over Minho hyung.

“He remembered me. I can’t believe iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!” she said almost out of breath. Of course he remembered Daeil. If I meet someone as worse as her, I really won’t forget her. Daeil sat properly and stared at me.

“Glutton, should I ask him out?” she asked me. Stupid. Are girls so desperate these days? Don’t they have any pride at all? I shook my head. “No?” she asked again. “Oh yeah. I should play hard to get.” I heard her mumble. What’s there to play hard to get for? Minho hyung wouldn’t go after her.

She giggled again. I’ll say she’s pretty cute doing that but it turns creepy as time goes by. Wouldn’t you freak out if you see someone talking and laughing by herself?

“Haruaedo subaek beonsshik neol ddeo-ollida ddeolchyeonaeda (I think of you then push it aside several times a day)” she rapped or should I say ‘narrated’. That was Minho hyung’s part in Sherlock. She’s obviously madly in love with him.

And there goes ‘love’ that I prefer calling as ‘stupidity’. I know love is too complex. I just don’t understand it to be honest. But I do know that people act so stupid when they’re in love. I don’t even know why. Maybe that’s some kind of illness or something. Just observing how Daeil acts made me have a decision to not fall in love. I can’t go crazy and stupid just like her.

Her phone rang. She picked it up and read a text. Her face changed so sudden. Poker to a jolly one. And she once again started skipping around the room. Pathetic. “HE’S ASKING ME OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!” she shouted.

He? HE? HE?!!!! Minho hyung?  Taemin are you alright? That’s totally impossible. “MINHO OPPA ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!” she shrieked. . Hyung must have been sick. He must have missed me so much. His brain might have been affected of too much depression after not seeing me. Aigoo~ my poor Minho hyung.

“What should I wear? What kind of date would he prepare? OMGG. I might faint in front of him from too much spazzing!!!” she said. Love is stupid. Maybe Daeil is just dreaming. I don’t believe Minho hyung would choose someone like Daeil. I curled on the floor and started dozing off.


Lights were flashing on every direction. I am blinded by them. But what’s funny is that the spot light wasn’t on me. I was just part of the audience. Why am I even here? And I’m back on my own body. Am I back to normal?

“I love her.” Someone said. I turned around finding where the voice came from. And once again, the lights flashed. I heard chatters everywhere. Now, people are clustering around me but they’re all looking at one direction. I copied them and found Minho hyung on a stage in front of a table.

“I love her and I hope everyone would understand.” He said. Her? “I love Daeil” he said. My heart started aching for an unknown reason. I hold on to my chest. “She’s my life.” I heard Minho hyung said and the pain on my chest hurt even more. What is happening? I don’t understand. Why am I getting hurt?

I saw Daeil walk towards Minho hyung. My hands and feet started to move on their own dragging me towards them. “No.” I told them. What was that ‘no’ for? They both ignored me and right in front of me, they kissed. No. Not just a sweet peck on the lips but a long and passionate one.

Tears formed in my eyes and my knees started to weaken. Why am I feeling this way? I can’t comprehend what is happening? “Glutton.” Someone said. Yes. I am Glutton. I looked around but the lights went off. Everything was gone. Even Minho hyung and Daeil disappeared. All was left was the pain on my chest.

“Glutton~” I heard again.


“YAH! YOU LAZY DOG!!!” Daeil shouted as she slapped my . I jumped out of shock. I looked at my surroundings. Everything’s still big too me. I guess I’m still a dog. But what was that dream? It’s so creepy. It seems to be so real. And the pain on my chest…

“Are you hungry?” Daeil asked me and put a pizza in front of me. “Eat up while in a good mood.” She chuckled.



I watched Glutton eat his pizza share. I can’t help but to smile at the fortune that just fell on me from the high heavens. This is a fudging dream come true! He asked me out. He asked me if I’m free tomorrow and I told him yes. And he said he’d love to hang out. This is the reality that I ever wanted in my entire life. I thought fairytales only happen in Disneyland. I guess that’s not true.

Since he’s an idol, we can’t go on a date like the normal couples do. He’ll probably reserve a restaurant or something like that. Ogad. I should prettify myself. I can’t look like a rag beside my prince. I giggled at the thought. A black dress would definitely do the magic. I chuckled.


A/N: I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! OHOHOHOHO. Just kidding. Still on hiatus. Hahaha. I need to prioritize school right now. So how's it? If it's not quite clear, the scene between the "~" and "~" is just a dream of Taemin after dozing off on the floor. It's some kind of of a foreshadowing. ohohoho. i learned something from my literature class. I will try my best!! Aja for me and for you. Hope you won't lose interest, my beautiful subscribers. And I promise to make the next chap kind of fun. STUPIDITY IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS!!!! lolwatamisaying. ok. that's it. ENJOY YOUR DAY! :D hihi i love you~

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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!