Pig and Glutton

Puppy Love



It’s been weeks since I last saw Daeil in the Press Conference. I could say there really is something different in her. It’s like I’ve known her for a long time. What I mean is that it’s not really hard to open up to her. She seemed so nice and so pretty. Any guy could fall for her.

“Minho, are you alright? You’ve been staring blankly at my room’s door for a minute already. Don’t tell me you’re falling in love with me.” Jonghyun hyung said. I glared at him and threw a pillow at him. “I’d rather go out with a cat than with you, hyung.” I told him.

I stood up and grabbed a hat and glasses. “Yah! Where are you going?” Onew hyung warned me. “Just gonna take a midnight stroll. I’ll be back soon.” I told them. I put on my hat and glasses hoping that no one will notice me.

My stomach lurched and I saw a café nearby. I hurried and went inside only to find a girl I know. She seemed to be in a daze. Probably thinking of personal problems and stuffs. “Do you have someone with you?” I asked her. She turned around, looked at me in surprise and shook her head.

I sat in front of her and smiled. I watched as she took a sip from her coffee and smiled back at me. “Daeil, have we met before?” I asked her. Her eyes widened as if she didn’t expect me to say something like that. Did I even say something wrong?



Minho oppa sat in front of me. Nobody knows how freaking nervous I am right now. Why is he here all by himself? Why isn’t he with the other members? Why is he fudging looking at me as if I’m the only girl living in this entire planet? Ogad. Stop being attractive!!!

I took a sip of coffee to calm myself. “Daeil, have we met before?” he asked. I looked at him in shock. What did he just asked? I choked on the drink and coughed like there’s no tomorrow. “Are you alright?” he asked and held my hand. My coughing soon stopped and all I was able to do was to look back at him.

“I was just curious cause you looked so familiar.” He told me. Should I tell him? Should I tell him right now? I looked at the ring on my finger. This is probably the right moment. I looked back at him and nodded.

“Jinja? Where did we first meet?” he asked. “We were neighbors back then.” I told him shortly. He looked away trying to reminisce the past. “Your mom gave us ginseng and we started getting close, went to the same school but then you needed to transfer.” I narrated.

He looked back with a smile on his face. “Pig?” he asked. I chuckled. That’s the nickname he gave to me when we were kids. I nodded. “Glutton.” I . Oh wait. I realized that my puppy’s name is Glutton too. Hahaha. No regrets on naming him that.

“I didn’t know I’ll meet you after all the years far from each other.” He said. “Same here but I tried my best to see you and I’m glad I succeeded.” I answered. I looked at him and saw a puzzled look as if I said something he didn’t expected at all. “A-ah. Hahaha. I mean… errr… of course, I want to see an old friend so I was very glad when I worked with you.” I told him. That wasn’t the main reason. I know. You’re not just an old friend, oppa.

“Sorry for causing a bit of trouble on your part. We can’t use your songs now that Taemin’s still not yet around.” He said sincerely. I smiled. I understand him. I nodded and took a sip of coffee. “It’s not your fault, oppa.” I assured him. I don’t know who to blame any more.

Then a long discussion about how our lives went. Of course, I pretended to know nothing about him. I would look so desperate if I tell him how much I love him. Oh well. I am desperate, right? Hahaha. But I am so glad he remembered me.

He walked me home. It’s been a long time since this happened. It was such a great decision to not give up on him. “So, we’re here.” I said awkwardly. “I’ll go after you get inside.” He said. I smiled and gave a short nod.

“Good night.” I told him. “Good night.” He replied and I went inside. I watched him from the window as he walks away. I hope he’ll go home safely. This is totally one of my best nights. I smiled at myself.



Finally, she’s home. No. I’m not worried. It’s just that a girl strolling outside the house at this hour isn’t nice. Besides, no one will feed me if she’s away and I need to spy on her bad deeds. I hurried to greet her home but I found her smiling by the window. What the fudge is wrong with her?


A/N: ogad. my updates are getting shorter. and sorry for the long wait. forgive me. i'll do better. i hope so. :D

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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!